After eating this piece, Ouyang Chuying said calmly, "It's okay, it's not as bad as you said, Lin Chen."

After she finished speaking, she said to her brother Ouyang Jie, "Hurry up and eat."

Ouyang Jie nodded, tears welling up in his eyes.

The meal was quickly finished. Except for Ouyang Jie, the rest of the people were not full. Even Xiaohui slipped upstairs to look for snacks under the bed after getting off the table.

After eating, Lin Chen went to the sofa and sat down to rest. Xia Miaoyan was going to clean up the dishes, but was stopped by Ouyang Chuying, she said to Xia Miaoyan, "Miaoyan, you don't need to wash it. , my brother can just wash."

After Ouyang Chuying finished speaking, she took Xia Miaoyan to watch TV over there, not letting her touch the dishes.

Ouyang Jie couldn't express how he felt in his stomach at the moment. He didn't dare to disobey his sister's order, so he had to pack up the dishes and take them to the kitchen to wash them.

Lin Chen sat on the sofa, watching TV with Erlang's legs crossed.

He glanced at Ouyang Jie, who was going to the kitchen with the dishes and chopsticks in his arms, and said to Ouyang Chuying, who was sitting next to him, "I want to ask, is this Ouyang Jie really your brother?"

When Xia Miaoyan heard this, she almost laughed, but she held back.

Ouyang Chuying rolled her eyes at Lin Chen and said, "Of course it's my younger brother, it's like a fake."

Lin Chen shook his head and sighed, "I always feel like your brother picked it up."

The three were watching TV while eating fruit. After Ouyang Jie washed all the dishes, he also ran over to chat with Lin Chen and the others.

The character of this Ouyang Jie is very different from that of Ouyang Chuying. When he talks, Rory is very wordy and very ink-stained. Hearing him speak, I want to find an acceleration button on him to make him speak faster. Some.

Ouyang Jie was very interested in the cases that Lin Chen solved, and chatting with Lin Chen, Lin Chen Ai responded to him without answering.

After chatting for about half an hour, even Ouyang Chuying felt that this younger brother was annoying.

She said to Ouyang Jie, "let's go, let's go home."

Hearing this, Ouyang Jie immediately stood up and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, then I'll go back with my sister first. Next time I have a chance, I'll talk to you again."

Ouyang Chuying turned around and left, and Ouyang Jie followed behind. He just got into trouble and asked Ouyang Chuying to help him plead in front of his father.

After the two left, Lin Chen said to Xia Miaoyan, "Miaoyan, give me a bowl of noodles."

Xia Miaoyan smiled sweetly: "Okay, I'm not full, and Xiaohui isn't full either. I'll make more."

After Xia Miaoyan finished speaking, she ran to the kitchen and started cooking noodles.

Ten minutes later, three bowls of noodles were placed on the coffee table in front of the sofa. The three bowls were of different sizes. The largest one was eaten by Lin Chen, the one in the middle of 587 was eaten by Xia Miaoyan, and the one in the middle of [-] was eaten by Xiaohui.

Xiaohui eats the noodles cooked by Xia Miaoyan, her face is happy: "It's still delicious that Sister Xia made."

The days passed in such a plain and simple way. During these two days, Lin Chen was relatively leisurely.

After getting up in the morning, there is a breakfast prepared by Xia Miaoyan carefully. After breakfast, either go for a walk or go shopping, and then drive to the company.

Go to the company's president's office to sit, hold a meeting, and listen to the work reports of Shen Qiu and Shen Yue.

The reward given by Lin Chen has been distributed to the employees who deserve it. Shen Qiu, Shen Yue, Qi Hongyuan and others are very happy to get the reward money.

Lin Chen rewarded the hacker genius Hao Liang a lot, and followed his previous promise to let him continue his studies, and he would help him with whatever his grandma needed to take care of.

Ouyang Chuying came back from this trip to Bixi Valley. After another two days of rest, her life was on the right track. She returned to the Municipal Public Security Bureau and started to work.

On the first day of work, Ouyang Chuying received a troublesome case. After seeing this case, the first thing that came to her mind was Lin Chen, but in the end she shook her head and was not going to contact Lin Chen. Go solve the case yourself. .


943 Received call [2 more for subscription]

This morning, after Lin Chen had breakfast, he came to the company.

Walking into the company and seeing Lin Chen's employees, no one came to greet him.

This is naturally what Lin Chen requested. The employees just do their own thing. There is no need to greet them with a nod and bow.

Coming to his president's office, Lin Chen poured himself a cup of tea, holding tea in one hand, standing by the pure tempered glass wall, looking at the scenery outside the window, silently fascinated.

After Lin Chen stood for a while, there was a knock on the door of the office.

"Come in." Lin Chen said to the door, then the door of the office was opened, and a graceful figure came.

Lin Chen turned his head to look, and saw Shen Qiu walking in.

Shen Qiu smiled at Lin Chen and said, "Boss, why don't you call me for tea, I'll make it for you."

"No." Lin Chen took a step and sat on the office chair, put the teacup in his hand on the desk, and said, "Is there anything to report?"

Shen Qiu put a document in his hand in front of Lin Chen, and said, "Boss, the recent data flow table of our video website has a good upward momentum. Look, do you want to put this website on the official website? Are we under the name of Tianchen Computer Co., Ltd.?"

Before, after Lin Chen hacked the Ling family's own servers, he asked Shen Qiu and the others to bring a video website they had been preparing to the public's sight, in order to compete for the big cake of online video.

In the days when the Ling family's video website could not be opened, the traffic of the video website under Lin Chen's hands was like riding a rocket.

With a good user experience, watching videos without an advertisement, and a large number of film sources and copyrights, Lin Chen's video site quickly captured the hearts of users and made them fall in love with this video site.

These days, the traffic of the website remains high, and more and more new IPs flow in, making the potential of this website even greater.

Although a lot of money was spent on the construction of the website and the copyrights of those film sources, the website has no advertisements, although the traffic is high, and there is no income at all, the business vision must be long-term. As long as these users are retained, they will be able to make money in the future. There are plenty of opportunities.

There is also a reason why Shen Qiulai asked Lin Chen if he wanted to put the video website under the company's name.

After hanging under the name, the company can justifiably promote vigorously, which can make the website develop faster and better.

On the contrary, the Ling family and others in the business world will also know that this website is really owned by Lin Chen.

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