When Shen Yue heard that her father was involved in the murder case, she was very flustered, her little hands were tightly clasped together, and her teeth were biting her red lips.

"It's a case of extermination, hey, I don't know. Dad said he was wronged. He didn't know the deceased at all, and he had no grudge against him. He wasn't the murderer, but..." Shen (bbch) Qiu said: " But the key inserted in the lock of the house where the crime happened has our father's fingerprints, and the murder weapon and the deceased's body have our father's fingerprints, so the police decided that we were the murderers..."

In Shen Qiu's next narration, Lin Chen and Shen Yue gained some understanding of this case.

Shen Qiu and Shen Yue's hometown was in Xuanbei County, a small county far from Mohai City.

This massacre involving Shen Qiu and Shen Yue's father happened just a few days ago.

A few days ago, the police center in Xuanbei County received a report from the masses, saying that at the door of a building, some blood flowed out from under the crack of the door, and no one made a sound when shouting into the room, suspecting that something had happened. .

After receiving the report, the police center immediately dispatched the task of dispatching the police to the police station in the area where the incident occurred.

The police station quickly dispatched the police, and more than ten minutes later, two police cars arrived at the place where the public reported the case.

After arriving at the door of the house where blood was bleeding from the crack, the police immediately squatted down to look at the seeping blood, and found that it was most likely human blood.

There was a key inserted into the keyhole of that door. The police turned the key and opened the door. The scene inside the room made the police who arrived at the scene take a deep breath.

They saw that the ground in the house was full of blood, and on the coffee table in the living room, a woman was lying on her stomach. The woman had been stabbed more than a dozen times, her clothes were chopped into tatters, and her hair fell all over the place. .

On the ground next to the coffee table, there was a man lying on the ground. The man was covered in blood. The bones on his body were broken in many places.

The man was lying on the ground, his body soaked in a pool of blood, looking extremely scary.

At the door of a room in the house, there was a little boy lying on his stomach. The little boy looked like he was only five or six years old. He was stained with blood and had no stab wounds, but he had stopped breathing.

The police stepped forward and found the little boy who was trampled to death by the murderer.

There was a murder weapon at the scene, a kitchen knife. The police found the fingerprints of the suspected murderer on the kitchen knife and the key on the door, as well as in many places in the house.

So the police began to investigate the surrounding surveillance, and a suspicious person appeared in the police's field of vision.

This person's name is Shen Mingdong, which is the father of Shen Qiu and Shen Yue.

In the surveillance, the police saw the figure of Shen Mingdong that appeared at the time of the crime, and the back of him hurriedly leaving after committing the crime. After finding Shen Mingdong and collecting his fingerprints, they found Shen Mingdong's fingerprints, and they could find the suspected murderer with the crime scene. fingerprints match.

Therefore, the police determined that the father of Shen Qiu and Shen Yue, Shen Mingdong, was the murderer of this massacre.

Shen Mingdong was very nervous when facing the police, but he insisted that he was not the murderer, and he explained the reasons why he had appeared in the surveillance.

Shen Mingdong said that he was just passing there that day, and then he was beaten with a sap. When he woke up, he found himself lying on the scene of the crime. There were three dead bodies in the house, and the floor was covered with blood. .

At that time, he was frightened, and his mind went blank. He turned around and left the crime scene. Because the incident happened suddenly, he didn't know how to deal with it, so he didn't call the police for a while.

The police did not believe Shen Mingdong's remarks. The fingerprints at the crime scene proved that he was the murderer.

Shen Mingdong's relatives avenged him, saying that he was usually a very honest person, and he never had any conflicts with his neighbors. He didn't know the family of three at all. Why did he kill them so cruelly? what.

Moreover, in the family of three that was killed, the male lead was very strong. At first glance, he looked like one who could beat three or four, and Shen Mingdong was thin, how could he possibly be able to deal with the male lead and beat him like that.

When Shen Mingdong pleaded not guilty, the police used many methods against him, causing Shen Mingdong to suffer.

Shen Mingdong's family went to seek justice for him, asking the police to investigate clearly and not to abuse lynching. Shen Mingdong had no motive for murder and could never be the murderer.

But the police ignored it at all, and were attacked by a few mysterious people on the way back from seeking justice.

These mysterious people are all wearing masks, and they can't see their faces in the dark night.

Shen Qiu and Shen Yue's uncle had two legs broken by them, his cousin had one leg and one hand broken by them, and others were also injured to varying degrees. .


945 Several Doubtful Points [2 more for subscription]

Those mysterious people who beat people didn't say a word during the beating. After they injured people, they turned their heads and ran away.

Afterwards, those who were not seriously injured called the police and the hospital.

After all the injured people went to the hospital, the police also came. Shen Qiu's uncle and cousin had his hands and feet broken. The injuries were very serious and constituted the crime of intentional injury.

After the police went to record the statement, they said that they would try their best to catch those who did it~, but there was no movement.

Shen Qiu and Shen Yue's parents only have their two twin daughters. Originally, Shen Qiu's mother didn't want to tell her daughter about this kind of thing, which would upset her. Both daughters are girls. what busy.

But with the development of this matter, now Shen Qiu's mother really had no choice, so she called Shen Qiu to tell her what happened at home these few days.

"Uncle and cousin's hands and feet were interrupted? Why are those people so cruel? Who are they?" Shen Yue asked hastily.

"I don't know." Shen Qiu's heart was numb, and her face was full of sadness, she said: "Mom said on the phone that Dad didn't know the deceased at all, and with his character, it is impossible to kill people, but now we have a county seat. Those police officers are going to force our dad to confess his guilt. Dad has been locked up for a few days, and mom said she couldn't even see him if she wanted to."

"As long as Dad is forced to confess his guilt, he is likely to be sentenced to death..."

Hearing the word "dead", Shen Yue's face was extremely ugly. She was still hungry in her stomach, but she suddenly lost her appetite.

"Death...death?" Shen Yue stammered.

"Yes... the death penalty, this is a massacre of the family, the murderer will definitely be sentenced to death." Shen Qiu, who handled company affairs with ease, was already panicking, she stood up from her seat and said, "No, no, we have to Hurry back to your hometown, we can't let our dad wrong them."

"Okay, sister, I'll buy a high-speed rail ticket right away, and we'll go back and help." Shen Yue also stood up.

Lin Chen, who was sitting in his seat, saw the excited two girls, and he said, "What's the use of you two going back? Can you help me?"

"Boss, it's impossible for my dad to kill people. I have to go back and reason with the police." Shen Yue said.

Lin Chen smiled bitterly and said, "Didn't your mother make it clear on the phone? The police refused to let them see your father, and they ignored your so-called seeking justice. Someone was beaten, do you think it would be useful for you to rush back like this?"

Lin Chen's words calmed the two girls' excited mood a little.

The boss was right, the male relatives in the family were interrupted by those who broke their hands, and those who interrupted their feet. The police were unreasonable, and they did not let them see Shen Mingdong. If they go back like this, it really doesn't help much.

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