"Then... Boss, what should we do now?" Shen Qiu stared at Lin Chen eagerly, hoping that Lin Chen could give her an idea.

Lin Chen pointed at the dining table and said, "Sit down first."

The two sisters looked at each other and sat back on their seats.

After seeing them sit down, Lin Chen said, "Let me sort out the murder case that your father was involved in. This is a tragic case where a family of three was killed. On the key in the door lock, the murder weapon, and some places in the house, All have your father's fingerprints."

"In the surveillance, I also saw the images of your father appearing and leaving. The police believe that your father is the murderer of the massacre, but your father's argument is that he was passing there, was knocked out, and when he woke up, he found himself At the crime scene, he panicked and panicked, then rushed out of the crime scene and ran away without calling the police."

"The police think your father is lying and want him to admit that he is the murderer, but your father insists on what he said. Your family believes that your father is innocent, so they will seek justice, but the police will not let your family and your father see each other. , They were also attacked on their way home, severely beaten, and the police did not find the group."

"Yes." Shen Qiu nodded vigorously.

Lin Chen continued: "Then this case, there are several doubts, the first doubt is that your father and the deceased's family of three did not know each other. There is a motive for murder."

"The second suspicious point is that the male host of the family of three killed. He is tall and strong, while your father is thin and thin. In terms of physical fitness, he is not his opponent at all, and it is impossible to kill that male host."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

"The third suspicious point, the police insisted that your dad admit it, that they wouldn't be allowed to see each other, and how they tortured your dad, I don't know. They went to the hospital when they went to make trouble."

"Yeah." Shen Qiu nodded heavily and said, "These are all suspicious points, but the police in our county town, why didn't they investigate carefully, they insisted that my dad was the murderer, and refused to let him go. "

Lin Chen touched his chin and said, "If your father is really innocent, there are three possibilities for the police to do this."

"The first possibility is that although they think this case is still suspicious and unreasonable, the impact of this massacre is very bad. Although there are still doubts, they still want your father to plead guilty so that the case can be settled as soon as possible. ."


"The second possibility is that the person who deliberately framed your father has a relatively good identity. In front of the murderer with a good identity, the police can only try their best to make your father plead guilty."

When Shen Qiu and Shen Yue heard the first two possibilities mentioned by Lin Chen, they nodded slightly, and after seeing Lin Chen mentioned the second possibility and stopped, Shen Yue asked, "Then boss, what about the third possibility?"

"The third possibility is the easiest." Lin Chen said lightly: "It's just that the police in your county are food buckets. I really think your father is the murderer, and then let the real murderer go free."

"No." Shen Qiu said with a serious face: "Boss, what kind of person our father is, we know very well that he is absolutely impossible to kill."

"Yeah, it's impossible for our dad to kill someone. He doesn't know the deceased. Why should he kill him?" Thinking of her father being wronged, Shen Yue was about to cry in a hurry.

Lin Chen was also thinking secretly in his heart, there are indeed some strange things in the case of Shen Qiu and Shen Yue's father.

First of all, there is no motive for the murder, then the physique is completely inferior to the deceased, and finally the attitude of the police, and after going to seek justice, he was attacked by several strangers, and the police could not find them.

This is likely to be an injustice.


PS: In the past few days, I have to pack my things and go home for the New Year. For the time being, there are two shifts a day. When I return to my hometown, I will resume the third shift as soon as possible. Thank you brothers for your support.

I don't know if there are any brothers out of town, when will you go back to your hometown for Chinese New Year? .


946 Go to investigate the case 【Subscription】

The police wanted Shen Mingdong to plead guilty, and the real murderer also hoped that Shen Mingdong would plead guilty, so that the case could be settled down, and the murderer would not have to suffer legal punishment.

Lin Chen looked at the two sisters who were anxious and overwhelmed, and naturally he had already decided to help them.

Since the two sisters entered their own company, they have worked very hard, and they have nothing to say to themselves and the company.

It is also thanks to them that I can feel at ease as this hands-off shopkeeper.

So, Lin Chen said to them, "You two go back together, it won't make much difference. So, Shen Qiu, you stay in the magic sea and handle the company's affairs, big and small. The company can't be without leaders."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he looked at Shen Yue again, and said to Shen Yue: "Shen Yue, I will go back to your hometown with you in a while. I will personally investigate the "May [-]" case that your father is involved in. Dad was really wronged and framed on purpose, and I will give him justice."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, the two girls showed extremely happy expressions on their faces.

What is the boss best at?Of course, it is to solve the case. Since this time, the boss has solved no less cases.

When Shen Qiu and Shen Yue learned that their father was involved in a massacre, the first thing that came to mind was Lin Chen.

It's just that Lin Chen is their boss after all, plus they were panicked and confused just now, they didn't dare to ask Lin Chen for help, and now that Lin Chen said they would help, they were naturally extremely happy.

"Really?" Shen Qiu grabbed Lin Chen's hand, her little hand was very soft, and she held Lin Chen's hand tightly, the joy in her eyes was self-evident.

"Well." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Do I have to lie to you?"

"It's great, boss, it's great that you are willing to help us investigate the case." Shen Yue was about to jump up with joy.

"Boss." Shen Yue said hurriedly: "Then let's go now. It will take more than ten hours to return to our hometown from the magic sea."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Of course you have to leave, but you have to eat, right? How can you have the strength to investigate the case if you don't eat?"

Shen Yue heard the words, with an embarrassed look on her face, Shen Qiu also said: "Yes, eat first, and then set off after eating."

With Lin Chen's willingness to help, these two sisters, who had no backbone, finally felt a lot more at ease.

Lin Chen called the waiter, quickly ordered some dishes, and began to wait for the dishes to be served.

Shen Qiu reiterated some of what her mother said on the phone just now. Her mother said that now their family is worried about entering and leaving the county and returning to the village, for fear that the mysterious group will run out again and do something to them.

Shen Qiu covered his forehead with one hand and sighed: "I read that news a few days ago, and I said that that kind of case is far away from us. I didn't expect it to happen right next to us."

On the night that Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan came back, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue sat beside Lin Chen watching TV. At that time, they were watching a massacre broadcast on the news channel.

In that case, the murderer's modus operandi was very cruel. At that time, Shen Qiu also sighed, fortunately, this kind of case was far away from them. I didn't expect that it would be so close after a few days, and it happened to their father. .

"Boss." Shen Yue looked at Lin Chen and said, "Those people attacked our family and sent them to the hospital. Are they preventing them from seeking justice for my father?"

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