Shen Dongming and Liu Yingmei also knew that their daughter was promising, and was reused by the boss in a very large company. Originally, in Liu Yingmei's heart, the daughter's boss must be a middle-aged man. After seeing Lin Chen's handsome and young appearance, Totally beyond her expectations.

Lin Chen looks about the same age as his daughter, but he is the boss of such a big company. This young man is really not easy.

Sighing at Lin Chen's youth, Liu Yingmei stepped forward, bowed slightly to Lin Chen, and said, "Boss Lin, I'm so sorry, because of our family affairs, you have come all the way to our county town. , you worked"

Liu Yingmei treats Lin Chen very politely. When she is middle-aged, she addresses Lin Chen as you.

Seeing that she was going to be polite, Lin Chen immediately waved his hand and said, "Auntie, Shen Qiu and Shen Yue are friends, you can just call me Lin Chen, you don't need to be so polite."

Liu Yingmei still expressed her gratitude to Lin Chen again and again, Shen Yue took Liu Yingmei's hand at this time, looked at the bruise on her face, and asked, "Mom, what's wrong with your face, did the mysterious group beat her? of you?"

"Hey..." Liu Yingmei nodded and said, "Yes... they fought."

"Bastards, their group of bastards." Shen Yue scolded: "Even women start, and they are so heavy..."

Liu Yingmei shook her head, with helplessness in her eyes, and said, "Xiaoyue, Mom's injury is relatively minor, your uncle, uncle, cousin, cousin, and the others... all had their hands and feet broken, and now the police can't catch them. Guys, we have to pay for the medical expenses ourselves, hey...the cost of treatment is really scary when hands and feet are interrupted..."

"Your uncle, uncle, and the others were interrupted because of our family's affairs. We will pay for their medical expenses."

"Well." Shen Yue nodded and said, "We should pay, Mom, did my sister and I send you enough money before? If it's not enough, I still have it here."

As Shen Yue said, she was about to go to her wallet to get her bank card.

Liu Yingmei hurriedly stopped her and said, "Don't take it, silly child, mother is rich, enough, enough."

Liu Yingmei turned her head and said to Lin Chen, "Boss Lin, stop talking at the door, please come in."

Under the leadership of Liu Yingmei, Lin Chen (bbdc) and Shen Yue came to the living room of this concrete building.

The decoration and furniture in the living room are very ordinary, and the lights hanging from the ceiling are also a bit dim.

After Lin Chen and Shen Yue sat down, Liu Yingmei was going to make tea for the two of them. Lin Chen said that drinking some boiled water was enough. Soon Liu Yingmei brought two cups of boiled water to the two of them.

When Liu Yingmei poured the water, Lin Chen and Shen Yue also observed it. Liu Yingmei's leg was also injured, she was limping when she walked, and the expression on her face was a little painful.

Shen Yue bit her lip, secretly distressed, while Lin Chen took a sip of boiled water, thinking about the case in her heart.

"Auntie." Lin Chen looked at Liu Yingmei and said, "I learned a little about Shen Yue's father's case from Shen Qiu before, but it wasn't particularly detailed. Tell me what you know now."

Liu Yingmei didn't know that Lin Chen was a detective and had solved many cases. Lin Chen came to help. In her heart, she felt that Lin Chen was a big boss and should know a lot of people.

After hearing the words, Liu Yingmei said to Lin Chen: "Boss Lin, our old Shen must have been wronged. Usually, he doesn't dare to kill chickens at home, but he wants me to kill with a kitchen knife. He has ten guts, and he doesn't dare to kill anyone."

"This incident happened a few days ago. A few nights ago, my old Shen got off work from the county seat and passed by a residential building. He said that when he was walking, he suddenly heard footsteps rushing from behind him. My old Shen wanted to turn his head to look, but before he could see what was happening behind him, he was knocked unconscious."

"When my old Shen woke up, he was lying on the scene of the crime. When he saw the body, he was very scared and rushed back without calling the police."

Liu Yingmei sighed and said, "What I said, Lao Shen told me personally. I have been with him for so many years. I can tell at a glance whether he lied to me or not. He told me this at the time. I could see that he was telling the truth, not lying."

"On the back of Lao Shen's head, there is also a scar from a stick. That scar can prove that Lao Shen was knocked unconscious, but after seeing the scar, the police said that it cannot be proved that what Lao Shen said was because of a single scar. Really, it's very likely that we smashed the wound ourselves."

"Those police officers didn't listen to our explanation at all. They rudely took Lao Shen away. After Lao Shen was taken away that day, our family never saw him again."

Liu Yingmei wiped away tears and said, "Our family went to the police station to ask the police for an explanation, but they didn't listen to us at all, they threw us out, and threatened us, saying that if we dared to go to the police station to make trouble again, arrest us."


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In the way the police handle cases, in some cases, the suspects are not allowed to meet with their relatives and friends, which is also within the scope of normal handling.

There is nothing to say about what the Xuanbei County police did.

"Continue." Lin Chen looked at Liu Yingmei and motioned her to continue.

Liu Yingmei sighed and continued: "We went to the public security bureau to ask for a few times, and asked them to find out the truth. Don't wrong my old Shen, but on the way back yesterday, our family encountered a group of people. attack."

"They drove two vans, blocked our way, and rushed out of the cars with a number of people wearing masks, and without a word, they picked up baseball bats and steel pipes and things like that and hit us."

"They are the most ruthless towards men, and a little less serious towards us women. When they are beating us, we also ask who they are and why they are beating us, but they don't say a word, they just wave their sticks desperately to beat us. ."

"After the fight, they got into the car with a stick and ran away. It was my injury that was relatively minor. Although my phone was smashed, but I could still make a call, I called the police. After the police came, they called the ambulance. The car took us all to the hospital."

Hearing this, Lin Chen asked, "Auntie, do the two vans have no license plate numbers, or are the license plates blocked?"

The reason why Lin Chen asked such a question is that the police have not caught anyone yet. Except for the fact that they are not doing their due diligence, it is very likely that there are two possibilities.

"That's right." Liu Yingmei nodded and said, "Those two cars don't have license plates, but even if they have license plates, with the attitude of the police, it is estimated that they cannot be found. We all think that they may be with the police. ."

"We went to seek justice, and after a few visits, we were beaten. It is very likely that the police thought we were annoying and wanted to convict Lao Shen, so they sent people to clean me up, so that we would not dare to go to the Public Security Bureau. already."

After Shen Yue heard this, she said, "It's very possible that the police should have a nest with the real murderer."

After Lin Chen heard the words, he said lightly: "Although I am speechless to the police in your county, but if the police really want to clean up you, they can directly characterize you as obstructing official business and detain you. It's totally unnecessary and almost impossible to have a bunch of people with masks come and beat you."

"Boss." Shen Yue looked at Lin Chen and asked, "What do you mean, the people who attacked my family were not ordered by the police."

"Well, it shouldn't be." Lin Chen said, "Suppose your father is really innocent and wronged by others. When he was arrested and the police asked him to confess his guilt and obey the law, he insisted that he did not kill the person himself, pleaded not guilty, and you Going to ask for an explanation, asking the police to strictly investigate the case, in this case, who is most anxious?"

Shen Yue heard this, her beautiful eyes lit up slightly, and she blurted out: "The murderer, the murderer is the most anxious."

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded slightly, his eyes swept across the faces of Shen Yue and Liu Yingmei, and said lightly: "Your father does not plead guilty, and you are going to ask for an explanation, saying that he was wronged. In this case Now, the murderer is the most anxious."

"Because as long as your father pleads guilty and submits it to the court for trial, there will be nothing to do with the murderer. Therefore, the group of people driving two vans will not be sent by the police, but by the murderer."

"The murderer will know about your father's denial, and he knows that you go to the public security bureau to make trouble. He must have acquaintances in the public security bureau."

"The murderer can let a group of people drive two vans to attack you, and the attack is so fast, and they deal with it neatly after the fight. This shows that those people are very experienced."

"The murderer can let these experienced guys attack you, then his status, or his network of connections, is still good, otherwise he can't direct those people to attack, and it's impossible to understand you so clearly."

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