"Of course, another possibility is not ruled out."

After hearing Lin Chen said that another possibility could not be ruled out, Shen Yue hurriedly asked, "What is the other possibility?"

Lin Chen said, "The murderer was among the people who attacked you at that time."

After hearing the possibility that Lin Chen said, Shen Yue and Liu Yingmei looked at each other, and some of them both showed a look of astonishment.

The people who attacked them, the real murderer might be inside?

· ·For flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Lin Chen's speculation still surprised the mother and daughter.

Shen Yue asked Liu Yingmei and said, "Mom, does anyone in that group have the heaviest attack? Since the murderer doesn't want us to overturn the case and seek justice for Dad, he must hate us very much, and he may also be the heaviest one."

After Liu Yingmei heard her daughter's words, she frowned, lowered her eyes, and thought.

After a few seconds, Liu Yingmei raised her head and said, "The scene at that time was very chaotic, I was also beaten with both hands holding my head, and I didn't dare to move on the ground, I don't know who hit the hardest, but in my impression , they are all very ruthless, it seems that there is no heavy or not heavy."

"Is that so..." Shen Yue was a little disappointed when she heard her mother's answer.


After being slightly disappointed, Shen Yue asked Lin Chen again: "Boss, you said just now that the identity of the murderer should not be simple, maybe he has some status, right?"

"That's right." Lin Chen said: "The people who started the attack are so experienced, you have no power to fight. They should be gangsters in society, or professional thugs. In short, the ability of this murderer is not enough. Simple."

"Could the murderer be a police officer, or an official?" Liu Yingmei asked immediately after hearing what Lin Chen said.

Her husband was wrongfully taken away, and she and her relatives were beaten. Liu Yingmei now has deep resentment towards the police and those who are officials.

Lin Chen heard the words and said, "Auntie, I will intervene in this case. Tomorrow I will go to the county public security bureau to find out about this case."

For this case, Lin Chen still went to the crime scene and the files of the Public Security Bureau to see, first to confirm that Shen Mingdong was framed, and then to make the next step.

Liu Yingmei was worried and said, "Boss Lin, if you go like this, the police from the county public security bureau will ignore you and will drive you out."

Before Lin Chen responded, Shen Yue reached out and patted Liu Yingmei's shoulder twice, and said, "Mom, you can rest assured, our boss is a very famous detective, and he knows a lot of people. The county public security bureau will take the boss's investigation of my dad's case seriously."

After Liu Yingmei heard her daughter's words, she felt relieved. .


951 Shen Yue's Aunt [2 more for subscription]

Lin Chen said a few more words to Liu Yingmei, and learned something from her.

Immediately, she said to Lin Chen and Shen Yue, "You two must be hungry. I'll give you two bowls of noodles."

When Lin Chen heard the words, he immediately waved his hand and said to Liu Yingmei, "Auntie, no need, I was full in the service area, and I'm not hungry now."

"Mom, I'm not hungry either." Shen Yue was worried about her father who was locked up in the Public Security Bureau, and had no appetite at all.

Seeing that Lin Chen and her daughter didn't eat, Liu Yingmei still gave up and didn't cook noodles.

This case, Lin Chen has already understood a general idea, Shen Yue said to Lin Chen: "Boss, come with me upstairs and see the room my mother prepared for you, if you think it's not suitable, you can go to the hotel in the county seat. Live in there."

Lin Chen didn't say anything, followed behind Shen Yue's "Six Five Seven" and walked towards the second floor.

This building of Shen Yue's house has been around for a long time from the outside, and the interior decoration is also very ordinary.

Walking on the slightly bumpy steps, Lin Chen and Shen Yue came to the second floor. The room directly opposite the stairs was the room that Liu Yingmei had prepared for Lin Chen.

Shen Yue pushed open the door of the room, and a room of more than ten square meters appeared in front of Lin Chen.

The room is not big and the furniture is average. The mats and blankets on the bed are brand new.

"Boss, is it okay?" Shen Yue asked.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Yes, this room is quite nice."

Lin Chen said before that he lived in Shen Yue's house, but Shen Yue felt a little embarrassed because of her poor environment.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't dislike it, Shen Yue smiled slightly and said, "Okay, boss, I'll go get you an electric fan."

Soon, Shen Yue took an electric fan into the room where Lin Chen lived. After saying good night to Lin Chen, Shen Yue helped Lin Chen close the door and walked to Liu Yingmei's room.

Lin Chen drove the car for a day today, and was quite tired. He was lying on the mat with the electric fan blowing. Today's temperature was not too hot, and Lin Chen soon fell asleep.

In another room, Shen Yue and Liu Yingmei were sitting together, and Shen Yue rubbed the wound on her mother's face with her fair little hands.

After Liu Yingmei changed into pajamas, Shen Yue saw that her mother had large bruises on her arms, waist and legs.

Seeing that her mother was hurt so badly, Shen Yuefen clenched her fists tightly and felt distressed for a while.

Liu Yingmei looked at Shen Yue and said, "Daughter, when your boss was here just now, I didn't know what to ask. I'm very surprised. Your boss is so rich, why is he a detective again? Are rich people still going to solve cases? ?"

Hearing her mother's doubts, Shen Yue explained it to her, saying that solving cases is Lin Chen's hobby. Lin Chen has solved many unsolved cases, and he knows many big people. There must be no problem with Lin Chen's involvement in the father's case. of.

The mother and daughter were whispering, and because of exhaustion, the two quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, Liu Yingmei got up early to make breakfast. After Lin Chen woke up, she changed her clothes, opened the door and walked out.

It happened that Shen Yue came upstairs with some things and saw Lin Chen walking out of the room.

"Boss, you're awake, just in time, my mother also made breakfast." Shen Yue said to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen nodded, went to the sink downstairs to brush his teeth and wash his face, then sat on the stool and started to eat breakfast.

While Lin Chen and Shen Yue were eating, a woman walked into the house. The woman was in her thirties, with light makeup on her face. After walking in, she glanced at Lin Chen and Shen Yue, and then her eyes fell on them. On Liu Yingmei's body.

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