This woman in her thirties, named Wang Xiu, is the wife of Shen Yue's uncle, that is, Shen Yue's aunt.

Wang Xiu looked at Liu Yingmei with a sullen face, and said, "Sister-in-law, where are you eating?"

After seeing Wang Xiu, Liu Yingmei's face was not very good-looking, and she responded, "Well, I just ate it, did you eat it?"

"Haha." Wang Xiu said with a grudge in her tone: "Our family's Guodong has broken hands and feet because of your family's affairs, and is lying in the hospital. You are too embarrassed to eat at home, don't you go to the hospital to take care of them? Just take care of yourself to eat, what about our country house, he doesn't want to eat?"

Shen Yue's aunt Wang Xiu's tone was very rude, and she glared at Liu Yingmei. Liu Yingmei was having breakfast, which seemed to be too much in her eyes.

When Liu Yingmei heard Wang Xiu's words, she sighed slightly and said, "I was going to stay in the hospital to take care of them, isn't it because our family Xiaoyue came back last night, so I came back, I finished breakfast, Just go to the hospital to take care of them . . "

This Wang Xiu is usually a mean person. His husband Shen Guodong and Shen Mingdong are brothers, but the relationship between the two is just normal.

A few days ago, I went to the Public Security Bureau to ask for an explanation. Shen Guodong was also called by the crowd. Wang Xiu didn't want her husband to go. This is good. Shen Guodong was interrupted by someone, and Wang Xiu naturally hated Liu Yingmei.

If Liu Yingmei hadn't asked her husband to go, she wouldn't have ended up like this.

"If it were me." Wang Xiu put her hands on her chest, pouted her lips, and said, "I will get up early in the morning, and then immediately go to the hospital to take care of them, so I won't be dawdling, that's all. Still eating at home."

Liu Yingmei's face was very ugly. Facing the aggressive Wang Xiu, her response was not fierce.

Shen Yue, who was on the side, saw that her mother was being told that by her aunt, and she naturally couldn't bear it any longer.

Shen Yue said to Wang Xiu, "Auntie, what's wrong with my mother having breakfast? Uncles and uncles are in the hospital, aren't they being taken care of by nurses? Do you have to talk like this?"

When Wang Xiu heard Shen Yue's words, she immediately said: "Xiaoyue, what tone do you use to speak to me? Are there nurses in the hospital to take care of them? Can the nurses take care of them compared to their own? Can the nurses take care of them carefully? I tell you, I was hospitalized too, and the nurses weren't that good."

When Wang Xiu said this, he snorted coldly 3.4 times, and said, "Besides, if it weren't for this crap in your family, our Guodong wouldn't have been interrupted, sister-in-law, Xiaoyue, I'm here, One is to let you go to the hospital to take care of our country building, and the other is to pay compensation."

"The police couldn't find the people who did it. In addition to the medical expenses, we also have to pay all kinds of compensation for our country's country building. Your hands and feet have been interrupted. How long will it take to do things? , this compensation money is indispensable, you better have a number in your heart."

Shen Yue had a bad impression of this aunt in the past, but now that something happened at home, and the aunt said such a thing, she was suddenly in a hurry.

Shen Yue said: "Auntie, don't worry, we will not lose a cent of the money that should be paid to uncle."


PS: Brothers, I have returned to my hometown, and I will resume 3 more shifts as soon as possible. .


952 What company are you running 【Subscription】

After a slight pause, Shen Yue continued: "However, Auntie, don't speak so harshly, my mother doesn't owe you anything."

"You don't owe me?" Wang Xiu smiled disdainfully and said, "Xiaoyue, what's the point of you reading so many books, I don't even understand the reasoning, your uncle, because of your family's nasty things, Your hands and feet were interrupted, and your family still owes me? Do you have to wait for your uncle to owe me because you were beaten to death?"

"I know that the two of you and your sisters can't earn a lot of money by working part-time, but your uncle's compensation must be paid to me as soon as possible, not a penny less."

Shen Yue was slightly stunned when she heard what Auntie said. She and Shen Qiu were in Lin Chen's company, and the monthly salary was very high. The amount of the monthly salary was also discussed with her parents. I don't know the earning ability of myself and my sister.

However, Shen Yue was relieved immediately, her parents were low-key and honest people, they probably didn't show off to relatives and friends, so she was like this because of her aunt.

If this aunt knew that her sisters had an annual salary of several million and could reach tens of millions in the future, then she must have a different face now.

Shen Yue was about to say something to her mean aunt, but just as she was about to speak, she was pulled by Liu Yingmei.

Liu Yingmei is an honest and responsible woman, she said to Shen Yue: "Xiaoyue, forget it, don't say it, your uncle was really injured because of our family affairs, don't say a word."

When Liu Yingmei's voice fell, Lin Chen also finished breakfast and stood up from the stool.

Lin Chen could also see that Shen Yue's aunt was not a good person, but it was someone else's housework, or a woman was arguing here, so Lin Chen didn't bother to care about it.

After standing up, Lin Chen said to Liu Yingmei and Shen Yue, "Auntie, Shen Yue, let's go, go to the County Public Security Bureau."

When Lin Chen was sitting and eating, his back was to Shen Yue's aunt Wang Xiu. Now that Lin Chen stood up and walked over, Wang Xiu immediately saw Lin Chen's handsome face.

Wang Xiu's eyes lit up slightly, and when she saw Lin Chen, it was like seeing Bao, and a surprise and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

This woman, Wang Xiu, is bitter and mean. As someone else's wife, when her husband is not at home, her behavior is also inappropriate.

If she were a prudent woman, she wouldn't show that look after seeing Lin Chen's handsome face.

"Boss Lin, are you full? Do you want to eat more?" Liu Yingmei said to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "No need, I'm full, let's go, let's not waste time."

"Okay." Shen Yue also eagerly wanted to see her father, to see how he was, she said, "I'll go get my bag and come down immediately."

After Shen Yue finished speaking, she trotted upstairs.

Wang Xiu's eyes have been on Lin Chen's body. This young man is tall and handsome, and his face is even more beautiful than the stars on TV. Wang Xiu's heart is moved when he sees it.

Wang Xiu said to Liu Yingmei, "sister-in-law, who is this?"

Wang Xiu guessed in her heart that this Lin Chen might be Shen Yue's boyfriend. If it is true, it can only be said that the girl's film is really insightful, and she found such a handsome young man.

"Oh, he, he is our Xiaoyue's boss. He came back from Mohai City specially after knowing that my family had an accident. He is a big boss, and he came back from a long distance. I don't know how to thank him." Liu Yingmei said that although Wang Xiu treated her sister-in-law very rudely, Liu Yingmei did not ignore her because of this.

"Oh? Big boss?" Wang Xiu was slightly surprised. She smiled at Lin Chen and asked, "What company are you running? You came to our county town to help. Do you have any acquaintances here?"

Lin Chen glanced at Wang Xiu, didn't answer, just ignored Wang Xiu.

Wang Xiu, who was ignored by Lin Chen, had a very unsightly expression on his face, and the good impression he had for Lin Chen's appearance just now disappeared.

She pouted her lips secretly, thinking what the heck, and deliberately ignoring me?Is it great to be a boss?

"Hey, let me ask you, what company do you run?" Wang Xiu asked Lin Chen again, her attitude was not very polite.

"What company do I run and what does it have to do with you?" Lin Chen said impatiently.

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