As Zheng Yong approached step by step, his face became more and more gloomy. Zheng Yong said to the police officers surrounding Lin Chen: "What are you doing, what are you all doing? Do it in front of Mr. Lin. what?"

Everyone could hear the anger in Zheng Yong's tone. His words startled the police officers.

"If you haven't spread out yet, do you want me to say it a second time?" Zheng Yong said again when he saw that the police officers had not stepped aside.

These police officers didn't understand what was wrong with the Deputy Chief, but they hurriedly backed away from Lin Chen's face, daring not to make any further moves towards Lin Chen.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Zheng Yong treated those police officers with a straight face, but when he looked at Lin Chen, his face was full of smiles, his smile was very bright, and he extended his hand to Lin Chen, Shake hands with Lin Chen.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand and shook Zheng Yong casually.

Glancing at the stunned Zhuo Zishan, Lin Chen said, "Director Zheng, Captain Zhuo of your county's public security bureau is very temperamental. I just came to find out about the case, so I'll take it as an excuse to obstruct public affairs. I detained you, the police in Xuanbei County are all so temperamental and are all abusing their power like this?"

Lin Chen's remarks are not serious, but they are not too light.

After Zheng Yong heard Lin Chen's words, his face sank slightly, and he said, "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, it's because I have no way to discipline my subordinates. The police in Xuanbei County are the same as the police in the whole country. We will investigate carefully. The case shall be handled in accordance with the law, and the law shall be enforced impartially.”

After Zheng Yong said a dignified sentence, he turned his head to the dazed Zhuo Zishan and said, "Comrade Xiao Zhuo, although I don't know the content of the previous conversation between you and Mr. Lin, but when I went downstairs, I heard a few words from you. There are serious problems with your way of speaking and attitude. I hope you correct your attitude, recognize your mistakes, and sincerely apologize to Mr. Lin and the two families of the suspect."

As the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, Zheng Yong speaks in a set way.

He did this because a few minutes ago, Zheng Yong received a call from the secretary of the county party committee. The secretary of the county party committee told Zheng Yong on the phone that Lin Chen would go to the county public security bureau to investigate the case.

Zheng Yong asked what case was being investigated and who Lin Chen was, and the county party secretary said that Lin Chen was the same Lin Chen and Zheng Yong who had solved many cases.

The first time he heard the word Lin Chen, Zheng Yong couldn't remember it, but after being reminded by the county party secretary, Zheng Yong suddenly remembered that Lin Chen was the number one person.

Zheng Yong was immediately surprised. Lin Chen was just a detective. Why did he come to Xuanbei County, and the secretary of the county party committee even called to inform himself?

What the county party secretary said next made Zheng Yong even more horrified.

His words are very simple, that is, to meet all Lin Chen's requirements, this person's background is not simple, must be treated well, and must not offend him.

When Zheng Yong heard this, he immediately asked the county party secretary Lin Chen what his background was.


PS: Happy New Years, brothers. .


955 There is a problem with attitude [2 more for subscription]

The county party secretary's answer was very simple. This order was passed down from the top, level by level, without explaining the specific reasons. In a word, don't offend Lin Chen. What he wants to do, he must try his best to cooperate and satisfy him. .

The deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, Zheng Yong, was on the same boat as the county party secretary, and the county party secretary told him that things that Lin Chen could not provoke should not be shared, and should not be known to people from the faction of the director of the public security bureau.

If the director of the Public Security Bureau offended Lin Chen and had the consequences in his eyes, that would be the best.

After Zheng Yong understood the stakes here, he was ready to run downstairs along the stairs, ready to meet Lin Chen at the gate of the Public Security Bureau.

But what he didn't expect was that when he was about to reach the first floor, he heard the voice of Lin Chen and Zhuo Zishan talking downstairs. What made him almost scared to death was that his own people were going to do something to Lin Chen. .

Fortunately, I rushed down in time, otherwise, the consequences would be serious.

Zhuo Zishan looked at Deputy Director Zheng Yong with surprise, but he didn't expect that he would actually apologize to Lin Chen himself. With his attitude just now, and now apologizing to Lin Chen, isn't he slapping himself in the face?

"Director Zheng, I..." Zhuo Zishan said unwillingly, "Under my responsibility, the 726 case has made great progress. The family members of these suspects have repeatedly come to the Public Security Bureau to make trouble. What's wrong with dealing with it?"

"You bullshit, my mother and the others didn't cause trouble at all." Shen Yue could see clearly that this Zheng Yong treated Lin Chen so respectfully, it was naturally the best time to fight back.

Shen Yuedao: "My mother and those relatives of my family came to the Public Security Bureau, just to ask you to investigate clearly, explain the doubts in the case, understand the evidence in this case, and want to see my father, they all know the proportions, and they are not unreasonable, why? When it comes to your mouth, it becomes a public security bureau to make trouble?"

"If my mother and those relatives in my family really came to make trouble, would you have waited until now if you didn't arrest them early?"

Shen Yue's rebuttal was sonorous and forceful, Zhuo Zishan listened and stared, "Shut up for me."

Zheng Yong raised his brows when he saw Zhuo Zishan's appearance, and said, "Comrade Xiao Zhuo, haven't you realized your mistake? I ask you to immediately apologize to Mr. Lin and the families of the two suspects, if not , I will suspend you."

Hearing that the four people were suspended from duty, Zhuo Zishan's eyes widened slightly, as did the other police officers.

Because of Captain Zhuo's refusal to apologize, he will be suspended from his position. What is the origin of this Mr. Lin in front of him?Is it worth taking the Deputy Director so seriously?

Some police officers stared at Lin Chen's handsome face, and after a careful look, some people were even more astonished and recognized Lin Chen.

Zhuo Zishan lowered his head slightly, squinted his eyes, then stepped forward, bowed slightly to Lin Chen, and said, "Mr. Lin, there was something wrong with my attitude just now, I apologize to you, I'm sorry."

Lin Chen was very upset to see this Zhuo Zishan, and he didn't plan to let her go so easily: "Apologize to me? I see you like this, obviously you are not convinced. I don't accept this kind of insincere apology."

Hearing this, Zhuo Zishan suddenly raised her head in the ground, and said, "Mr. Lin, I have already apologized to you. What do you want from me? Do you have a sense of accomplishment to embarrass me, a woman?"

"Women?" Lin Chen smiled and looked at Zhuo Zishan, and said, "I didn't think you were a woman with your aggressive attitude just now. You are more men than men."

"You...I..." Zhuo Zishan wanted to refute Lin Chen's words, but he didn't know how to refute it.

Just at this moment, Deputy Director Zheng Yong's sharp eyes glared at her again.

Zhuo Zishan pondered in his heart, the director went to the provincial department to study, and now the Public Security Bureau is in charge of Zheng Yong, if he doesn't apologize seriously, looking at the attitude of Deputy Director Zheng Yong, it is really possible to suspend himself.

After weighing the pros and cons in her heart, Zhuo Zishan put on a sincere expression on her face. She bowed [-] degrees to Lin Chen this time.

She didn't straighten up and said in a low voice, "Mr. Lin... I'm sorry, my attitude and words were wrong just now. I apologize to you for the harm I caused you, and I will reflect on my wrong behavior just now. "

Lin Chen looked at this Zhuo Zishan and said, "You don't really feel like a vice-captain of a criminal police officer, but more like a local ruffian and a gangster."

When Zhuo Zishan heard Lin Chen's words, the muscles on his face twitched twice, but he still kept a ninety-degree bow and did not stand up straight.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Lin Chen saw that Zhuo Zishan was bent over and his body was trembling, and he was about to be unable to hold it, so he said, "Apologize to my friend."

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