The expression on Zhuo Zishan's face was a little painful, and her waist was sore to death, but she still walked in front of Shen Yue and Liu Yingmei, bent down again, and started to apologize.

Originally, in the county public security bureau, Zhuo Zishan was a very strong person and way of doing things, but now that she did this, her face was completely wiped out.

Shen Yue and Liu Yingmei were not very vengeful people. After seeing Zhuo Zishan apologizing for the behavior just now, they said that it was okay and forgave her.

Zhuo Zishan stood up straight again, Zheng Yong looked at Lin Chen, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Lin, look, this is feasible?"


Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Well, barely."

After Zheng Yong heard what Lin Chen said, he glared at the male police officers who were going to take action against Lin Chen and detain Lin Chen, and said, "You guys, take a demerit."

When the male policemen heard the words, they had to nod their heads to show that they knew.

Zheng Yong waved his hand to Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, go to my office for a sitting first, and then go there and learn about the 726 killings."

The faces of Shen Yue and Liu Yingmei showed eager expressions, and Lin Chen shook his head at the same time, and said, "No, I want to see the suspect Shen Mingdong immediately."

"Okay, no problem, Mr. Lin, come with me." Zheng Yong said.

Immediately, Zheng Yong took Lin Chen and Shen Yue and Liu Yingmei to the interrogation room on the second floor.

Zhuo Zishan still stood there, her face was terrifyingly cold, and she didn't look at anyone in the hall. Her apology just now was really shameful.

As soon as Lin Chen and the others left, the police officers in the hall chatted loudly.

"Ah, the person who was called Mr. Lin by the deputy director just now, I recognize who he is, Lin Chen, the one who solved many unsolved cases."

"Yes, I remembered it too. It was him. I didn't expect that the detective Lin Chen actually came to our Xuanbei County because of the 726 murder case."


956 It's too polite [3 more subscriptions]

"This Lin Chen has solved many unsolved cases. He seems to be involved in the 726 annihilation case. We don't need to worry about this case."

"There's one thing I really don't understand. Although Lin Chen is a detective, it's not necessary for us, Director Zheng, to be like that. His attitude towards Lin Chen is too polite."

"Yes, I can't figure out why Director Zheng is like this."

"Lin Chen? Detective? Who is Lin Chen you're talking about? What cases have you solved?"

"Yes, I don't know any Lin Chen either."

These police officers all started talking, some people recognized Lin Chen, and some people didn't know anything about Lin Chen.

After Zhuo Zishan heard those discussions, her face became more and more ugly.

Immediately, she also took a step towards her office upstairs.

"Five Ninety Seven"...

After Lin Chen and the others went up to the second floor, they came to the interrogation room where Shen Mingdong was. The police who were in charge of the 726 annihilation case had been interrogating him around the clock, so they kept him in the interrogation room. Imprisoned in jail.

Opening the door of the interrogation room, Lin Chen and the others immediately saw Shen Mingdong sitting on the interrogation chair.

Shen Mingdong's body was originally a thin type with few pieces of flesh on his body. Now he has been interrogated by the police for several days, his face is very haggard, and he can't sit up straight in the chair.

He could see a lot of bruises on his face and arms, which were left on him by the police when he was interrogated when he denied that he was the murderer.

The scars on Shen Mingdong's body are far more than what can be seen. If he takes off his shirt and pants, the scars on his body will be even more shocking.

Shen Mingdong's eyes were sunken, and there were still tears on his face, and he was exhausted.

He was sitting in the interrogation chair, looking like he was breathing out more and taking in less.

Shen Yue and Liu Yingmei saw Shen Dongming like this, their noses suddenly sour, and tears welled up from their eyes.


"Old Shen..."

Shen Yue and Liu Yingmei walked quickly towards Shen Mingdong on the interrogation chair. The two interrogating policemen in the interrogation room were a little dazed.

"Dad, are you alright... woo... you... this..." Shen Yue reached out and touched her father's face, indescribably distressed.

Liu Yingmei wiped her tears and said, "Old Shen, did they torture you to extract a confession?"

Seeing his daughter and wife, Shen Dongming showed a bitter smile on the bloodless face.

He said weakly: "Wife, daughter, I'm not the murderer, I didn't... I didn't kill anyone, I was wronged..."

"I know, Dad, I know you must have been wronged, don't be afraid, the boss will pay you back right away." Shen Yue said to Shen Dongming.

Shen Mingdong heard that his daughter said that the boss would immediately clear his innocence. Although he was puzzled, he didn't have the strength to ask who the boss was.

Lin Chen looked at Shen Mingdong, who was sitting on the interrogation chair, who was even more embarrassed than Guo Yuan before, he turned his head to look at Deputy Director Zheng Yong, and said, "Director Zheng, when there are still many doubts in this case, you are like this. Interrogating the suspect, tormenting the suspect so much?"

When Zheng Yong entered the interrogation room and saw what Shen Mingdong looked like, he was stunned. The director of the Public Security Bureau was in charge of this case, and the director of the Public Security Bureau entrusted the case to Zhuo Zishan. The case has never been involved, and I don't know what state Shen Mingdong is in at the moment.

Zheng Yong was overjoyed after he was nervous.

Shen Mingdong was tortured to extract a confession, Mr. Lin was not happy, he should be happy, this case is not his responsibility, it is the matter of the director and Zhuo Zishan.

As soon as he thought of this, Zheng Yong's face was full of apology: "Mr. Lin... I'm really sorry, after this 726 murder case happened, the director of our county public security bureau was in charge. The director went to the provincial department to study two days ago. I will hand over this case to Comrade Xiao Zhuo for investigation."

"I have never intervened in the interrogation of the suspect or the investigation of the case. If I know that there are still major doubts in this case, and the suspect is treated like this, as a public servant of the people, I will not sit idly by or let them make trouble. of."

Zheng Yong was very tactful. He spoke upright and strict, and pushed Shen Mingdong's confession by torture to the director and Zhuo Zishan.

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