"In the surveillance footage of Shen Mingdong's departure at 9:22, he left empty-handed, leaving the murder weapon and plastic bag at the crime scene."

"Mr. Lin." Zhuo Zishan looked at Lin Chen and said, "These existing evidences point the murderer to Shen Mingdong, you are looking here."

"This is a key that the police found on the door lock when they arrived at the scene of the crime. On both sides of the key, there are fingerprints of Shen Mingdong's thumb and index finger. All of this shows that Shen Mingdong is the murderer of the 726 murder case. .993"

Lin Chen's eyes fell on the test photo of the key photo. On the test photo, you can clearly see that there are two fingerprints on both sides of the key, the thumbprint and the index finger.

Seeing Lin Chen staring at the photos she was talking about, Zhuo Zishan waited for a few seconds without expression, and then said, "Mr. Lin, aren't these enough to realise Shen Mingdong's suspicion?"

Lin Chen didn't answer Zhuo Zishan's words, but turned his head, looked at Zheng Yong, and asked, "Director Zheng, can you pay for the position of deputy captain of the criminal police in Xuanbei County? How much can you buy it for?"

Lin Chen's remarks have nothing to do with this case. When they heard this, Zheng Yongzhuo Zishan and several police officers present were all slightly taken aback.

After Zheng Yong reacted, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Lin, you are joking, we, the police in Xuanbei County's public security system, all graduated from the police academy. After hard work, hard work and meritorious deeds, they were promoted. How could they possibly spend money? You can buy it.”

Zhuo Zishan frowned and said, "Mr. Lin, are you referring to the position of deputy captain of the criminal police that I bought?"

Lin Chen looked at Zhuo Zishan, and sneered, "Anyway, your position was either bought by you, or you were connected to a superior position. Or, your actions gave me another possible guess."


958 Fingerprint of the key [2 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen's remarks did not give Zhuo Zishan any face. Even for a woman like Zhuo Zishan, Lin Chen didn't need to give her any face.

Lin Chen said that her position was either bought or based on relationships. This is obviously scolding Zhuo Zishan for being incompetent. If such an incompetent person can sit as the deputy captain of the criminal police, wouldn't it mean that a cat and a dog can be the same? lead?

As for Lin Chen's last sentence of your behavior, it gave me another guess, and it was even more intriguing for everyone present to hear it. I don't know what Lin Chen meant.

Zhuo Zishan apologized to Lin Chen before, but now that Lin Chen said that again, she didn't need to say how angry Lin Chen was in her heart.

Zhuo Zishan wanted to get angry, but looked at Deputy Director Zheng who was on the side, and had no choice but to suppress her emotions. She didn't know why Deputy Director Zheng was protecting Lin Chen like this, but she could only endure when the Director didn't come back. on.

"Mr. Lin." Zhuo Zishan said, "You said that my position was bought, and it came from relationships. You can look at my resume. I can be the deputy captain of the criminal police force. It's based on merit."

"As for you saying that my actions made you have another guess, what do you mean by that?"

"What does that mean, there's no need to explain to you." Lin Chen pointed at the photos and files on the interrogation table, and said, "Judging from these materials and files, the evidence and clues you have collected are full of loopholes. It's too big."

"All ears." Zhuo Zishan squinted her eyes, and the expression on her face became a little terrifying. A girl with such an expression would feel disobedient and infiltrating when a group of people saw it.

Zheng Yong, the other police officers, Shen Yue, Liu Yingmei and the others all focused on Lin Chen, but they didn't notice Zhuo Zishan's strange expression.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand to a police officer and said, "Give me the key to the interrogation room."

When the police officer first saw Lin Chen reaching out to him, he thought he wanted to do something by himself, but he didn't expect to ask for the key on his body.

Although he was puzzled, he didn't say much, and took down the key pinned to his waist.

He was going to hand the whole bunch of keys to Lin Chen, but Lin Chen waved at him and said, "Just remove the key from the interrogation room door and give it to me~"

The police officer quickly followed suit, removed the key to the interrogation room, and put it in Lin Chen's hand.

"What do you want the key to the interrogation room?" The strange expression on Zhuo Zishan's face had already subsided, she glanced at the key that Lin Chen was holding, and asked.

Lin Chen didn't answer her question, but turned around and said to Shen Mingdong who was sitting on the interrogation chair, "Uncle Shen, can you stand up?"

When Shen Mingdong heard this, he immediately put his hands on the armrests of the chair and stood up with difficulty.

After standing up, he said to Lin Chen, "I drank a bowl of porridge, it's much better, no problem."


Lin Chen snorted, handed the key in his hand to Shen Mingdong, and said, "Uncle Shen, go over and lock the door of the interrogation room."

"Lock the door?" Shen Mingdong was stunned, looked at the police officer beside him, and asked Lin Chen, "Why are you locking the door?"

Shen Mingdong is now locking the door of the interrogation room, but there are shadows. Before, every time Zhuo Zishan asked someone to lock the door of the interrogation room, he was going to use some extravagant means against him.

"Dad." Shen Yue quickly stood up and said, "Do whatever the boss asks you to do, don't ask more."

"Oh, good." When Shen Mingdong heard his daughter's words, he nodded quickly. He took the key and walked towards the door of the interrogation room.

Zhuo Zishan and the other police officers were staring at Shen Mingdong. Shen Mingdong walked to the door of the interrogation room, inserted the key into the keyhole, and then started to turn the key to lock the door.

"Okay, stop, keep your hand grabbing the key." After Shen Mingdong grabbed the key and locked the door for two turns, Lin Chen suddenly spoke.

Shen Mingdong squatted there, without a trace of movement.

Lin Chen took a step and walked towards Shen Mingdong. After walking to his side, he took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Shen Mingdong's hand holding the key.

After the filming, Lin Chen said to Shen Mingdong: "Uncle Shen, don't change the position of your hand holding the key, turn around and show them."

Shen Mingdong immediately followed suit, Zhuo Zishan and the others saw Shen Mingdong holding the key in one hand, but a puzzled look appeared on his face.

Shen Mingdong is just holding the key with his normal fingers, what's so good about this, is there a problem?

As soon as Zhuo Zishan thought of this, he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Lin, let's see him holding the key, what's so good about it?"

"You woman, I don't know if you are really stupid or intentional." Lin Chen said.

After speaking, Lin Chen took Shen Mingdong to the front of the interrogation table.

Lin Chen picked up a photo on the interrogation table about the key inserted into the victim's door lock at the scene of the crime.

Lin Chen pointed to the photo and said, "... On both sides of this key, you found it belonged to Shen Mingdong's fingerprints. The fingerprints left on both sides of this key are the fingerprints of Shen Mingdong's thumb and forefinger."

"The belly of the thumb and the belly of the index finger leave fingerprints on both sides of the key. Is this normal? This is very abnormal. When a person opens the lock with the key, the joint on the side of the thumb and index finger should be holding the key. This kind of pinching method, It can make the upper force more convenient, and almost everyone uses the knuckles on the side of the thumb and forefinger to hold the key, and then turn it hard.”

Lin Chen stretched out his finger and pointed at Shen Mingdong's hand that had remained in the same position, not moving, and was holding the key: "Look at how Shen Mingdong grabbed the key, he used the belly of the thumb and the lateral joint of the index finger to hold the key. "

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