"Look at the key at the crime scene. On both sides of the key, there are complete fingerprints of Shen Mingdong's (Li Li Zhao) thumb and index finger. You all have keys on your body. You use the entire thumb and index finger. Take a look at the key and see if you can open the lock with this posture."

As soon as Lin Chen said this, Zheng Yong and Shen Yue showed thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Shen Yue directly took out the key in her bag and recalled the action of unlocking with the key before. She found that she used the key to unlock the lock with the belly of the thumb and the side joint of the index finger.

And if you use the entire thumb and index finger to hold the key, you can hold the key to open the door, but the fingers are very uncomfortable and awkward.

Use two finger pads to pinch, there is no thumb pad at all, and the index finger is comfortable with the side joints.

Shen Yue immediately said: "Boss, I tried it. My habit of unlocking is to hold the key between the belly of the thumb and the side of the index finger.".


959 The Wrong Weapon

Zheng Yong and several other police officers, although they did not take out the key to practice, they could recall the way they used to open the door before. They also used the belly of the thumb and the side of the index finger to hold the key, and then exerted force to unlock the door. .

Zhuo Zishan's pupils dilated slightly, and then recovered, she said to Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, you also said that most people usually use that way to unlock the lock, in case Shen Mingdong likes to use the belly of the thumb and the entire index finger. Hold the key with your finger to open the door?"

When Lin Chen heard the words, he looked at Zhuo Zishan and said, "Zhuo Zishan, you are not only stupid, but also blind, the public security system in Xuanbei County asked you to be the deputy captain of the criminal police for the purpose of solving the employment of the disabled. Is it?"

Lin Chen's words were very sharp, and he had no reservations because the other party was a woman.

"You..." Zhuo Zishan was annoyed and said a word of you, but she didn't say the next words.

She also wanted to scold Lin Chen to vent her displeasure, but the deputy director was so kind to Lin Chen for no reason, so she didn't dare.

Lin Chen said: "Open your eyes and see clearly Shen Mingdong's gesture of holding the key now. He is holding the key with the belly of the thumb and the lateral joint of the index finger." 610

"The number of times a person can open the door with a key in his life is absolutely indispensable. Shen Mingdong is in his [-]s this year, and he has used a key to open locks for at least [-] years. It is difficult to change a person's habit. Naturally, he went to use this gesture to unlock the lock, you tell me he has the habit of holding the key with his thumb and forefinger to unlock?"

"Mr. Lin is right." Zheng Yong also saw this suspicious point, he said: "Normally, the fingerprints Shen Mingdong left on the key at the crime scene should be the fingerprints on the sides of the thumb and forefinger. ."

Lin Chen looked at Zhuo Zishan, who was silent, and said, "Everyone's habit of unlocking is really different, even if the fingerprints you found on the key at the crime scene are the fingerprints of your thumb and the belly of your index finger. "

"But, there are very complete fingerprints on the key at the crime scene. It's not like Shen Mingdong took the key to unlock the lock, it's more like someone wanted to frame him after he was knocked unconscious, holding his finger , fingerprints left on the keys."

"The real murderer thought he was smart, but he ignored the habit of people pinching keys to open the door. He also left his fingerprints so perfect that the police wouldn't be able to find out who the fingerprints belonged to."

Shen Yue's pink fist clenched slightly, and she said excitedly: "Yes, it must be like this, after my dad was knocked unconscious, the murderer took my dad's hand and pressed my dad's full fingerprint on the key. , the fingerprints left by the key cannot be so complete."

Although Liu Yingmei didn't understand it very well, she basically understood it. She was also very excited. This was a clue that would benefit her husband.

Lin Chen looked at Zhuo Zishan and said, "Captain Zhuo, as the deputy captain of the criminal police, you said that you rose up by your solid achievements. Excuse me, why can't you find such obvious doubts? Really not. Discovered, unaware, or intentional?"

"Comrade Xiaozhuo, what are you doing with the case?" Zheng Yong asked with an angry face.

Facing Lin Chen and Zheng Yong's words, Zhuo Zishan's face was ugly, and after a few seconds, Zhuo Zishan raised his head and responded, "Just relying on the fingerprints on the key can't explain anything. Bar?"

"Then I'll talk about the next question." Lin Chen's eyes were very penetrating. When Zhuo Zishan and Lin Chen looked directly, they always felt that his eyes could see through them.

Lin Chen reached out and picked up a few photos from the interrogation table. These photos are photos of the deceased Xie Qiang and his wife.

It can be seen from the photo that Xie Qiang was lying on the ground in the living room. The ground and body were covered in blood and stab wounds. The most serious stab wound on his body was on his waist.

It was a knife to his waist, and the depth of the cut was more than ten centimeters. If it was deeper, Xie Qiang would be cut off by the middle.

Xie Qiang's wife (bbec) was lying on the coffee table and had many stab wounds on her body. Her clothes were tattered and her trousers were not neat. She was suspected of being raped.

Lin Chen took the photos of the two deceased's death and asked Zhuo Zishan, "Captain Zhuo, have you calculated how many wounds there are on the two deceased?"

"Yes." Zhuo Zishan blurted out: "The body of the deceased Xie Qiang had 29 large and small stab wounds in total. The fatal wound was in the neck, and Xie Qiang's aorta was cut off, causing a lot of bleeding to death."

"The other female deceased was Xie Qiang's wife. She suffered 11 stab wounds, and the fatal wound was in the heart."

"Very good." Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "The two deceased, one with 29 stab wounds and the other with 11 stab wounds, Captain Zhuo, do you see the problem?"

Zhuo Zishan frowned and said, "Where is the problem?"

Lin Chen picked up another photo, which was the processed photo of the fingerprints on the handle of the murder weapon.From this photo, you can clearly see the fingerprints on the handle of the knife after processing.

"The set of fingerprints you found on this murder weapon belongs to Shen Mingdong, right?" Lin Chen said to Zhuo Zishan.

"Yes, a set of fingerprints was found on the handle of the knife. After comparative analysis, this set of fingerprints belonged to Shen Mingdong." Zhuo Zishan replied.

After hearing this, Zheng Yong's eyes widened slightly. According to what Lin Chen said and following Lin Chen's thoughts, he already knew that something was wrong with Lin Chen.

Yes, this is really not right.

Outsiders naturally don't know Zheng Yong's thoughts, Lin Chen said, "Captain Zhuo, I've said it here, what do you think about what I'm going to say next?"

Zhuo Zishan's face did not change, and said, "Mr. Lin, please speak directly."

Lin Chen shook his head slightly, and then said: "The male deceased was slashed 29 times, and the female deceased was slashed 11 times. This adds up to a total of 40 cuts. That is to say, the murderer held this murder weapon, the kitchen knife, and slashed in total. 40 bucks."

"Let me ask you, after slashing 40 knives with the knife, why is there only a set of fingerprints of Shen Mingdong on the handle of this kitchen knife? Could it be that he started with this knife and slashed 40 knives, After a person is hacked to death, hasn't the way, angle, and position of the hand holding the handle of the knife changed once?"

Zheng Yong nodded slightly, he had already thought of this along with Lin Chen's thoughts just now.

This is more deadly than the fingerprints on the key just now.

After Zhuo Zishan heard what Lin Chen said, her eyes widened slightly, her body trembled slightly, her eyes fixed on the set of fingerprints on the kitchen knife, and her lips moved.


PS: Brothers, it's a new month, please ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation ticket, thank you. .


960 Put on the surface 【Subscription】

The doubt that Lin Chen pointed out is really too big.

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