Lin Chen stared into Zhuo Zishan's eyes, and said, "The murderer took a kitchen knife and slashed a total of 40 knives on the body of the two victims. Normally, the fingerprints left by the murderer on the handle of the knife, There should be many palm prints, and each way of holding the handle will leave a set of fingerprints and palm prints."

"These fingerprints and palms are intertwined with each other, and they are relatively blurry."

"But on the handle of the kitchen knife, there is a single set of palm prints. The texture of this set of fingerprints and palms is clear, not blurred at all, and there are no other palm prints that are interlaced."

"Captain Zhuo, I'm asking, can you hold a kitchen knife, and after slashing two dead people 40 times, the fingerprints and palm prints left behind remain in one group, and are they still so clear?"

Zhuo Zishan was still able to refute the fingerprint problem on the key before, saying that this kind of personal habit is not certain. What if Shen Mingdong used the ball of his thumb and forefinger to hold the key to open the door?

After all, the gesture of holding the key to open the door is anyone's guess.

However, Zhuo Zishan couldn't explain the fact that Lin Chen pointed out a set of fingerprints left on the kitchen knife.

Lin Chen looked at the silent Zhuo Zishan and said, "The set of clear fingerprints and palm prints left on the murder weapon are not at all left by Shen Mingdong when he committed the crime, but after he was knocked unconscious, the murderer took the murder weapon Put it in his hand and let him hold the murder weapon tightly, leaving fingerprints and palm prints."

"I slashed 40 knives, and I still want to maintain such a clear set of palm prints without leaving fingerprints in other positions. This is simply impossible."

Lin Chen's words were sonorous and powerful, like a sharp blade pierced into Zhuo Zishan's heart.

"Nonsense, Comrade Xiao Zhuo, as the deputy captain of the criminal police, the director of this case has given you full authority to handle this case. Is this how you handled the case so carelessly?" Deputy Director Zheng Yong said with a distressed look.

"Zheng Bureau...Mr. Lin...I..." Zhuo Zishan lowered her head slightly, and after saying a few words, she couldn't say the next words again.

"What are you?" Lin Chen asked.

Shen Yue and her mother Liu Yingmei on the side were full of smiles, and there was another piece of evidence that Shen Mingdong was not the murderer, which was really great.

After Shen Yue was overjoyed, she said with a stunned expression, "I understand, I understand why the police in charge of 726 didn't let my family know about this case, it turned out that this Zhuo Zishan was afraid that these doubts would be dug up. When I came out, I wanted my father to take the blame for the real murderer."

"I don't." Zhuo Zishan let out a long sigh. Her expression and tone were not as strong as before, and her voice was a little weaker.

Zhuo Zishan looked at Lin Chen and said, "I fell into the misunderstanding of handling the case. In the case I handled before, there were fingerprints of the suspect on the murder weapon and at the crime scene. Generally, the suspect is the murderer. The evidence of a clear set of fingerprints is something I didn't think about, and I didn't think about it well."

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry." After Zhuo Zishan finished speaking, Duo Shenyue, Liu Yingmei and Shen Mingdong bowed slightly and said, "I also apologize to you for the wrong judgment on this point."

Zheng Yong pointed at Zhuo Zishan, shook his head and said, "Comrade Xiao Zhuo, your attitude towards handling the case is too sloppy, too sloppy, do you know that maybe because of one of your sloppy actions, an unjust case may be caused?"

Zheng Yong, the deputy director, has always spoken in a strict manner, full of official accents.

You can't pick anything wrong with what he said.

The table faced Zheng Yong again and said, "Zheng Bureau, I'm sloppy on this point, hey... I'm also eager to solve the case, and there is too much evidence at the crime scene to point the murderer to Shen Mingdong as the murderer, that's why I …”

"What do you" Lin Chen said with a faint smile on his face, "Are you unintentional?"

"Yes." Zhuo Zishan nodded seriously and said, "As a people's policeman, I don't want any unjust cases to happen in my hands. This case is because of my carelessness and some mistakes, I will Reflective."

At this moment, Zhuo Zishan, and she who was strong at the beginning, are completely two people.

There was a 180-degree change in her attitude before and after.

Shen Mingdong was very excited, he said, "I've said it many times, I'm really not the murderer, and I didn't bring the kitchen knife that committed the crime. The plastic bag I was carrying at the time contained Something else……"

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

Zheng Yong patted Shen Mingdong on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Shen, don't worry, there is Mr. Lin, the detective, and the murderer has nowhere to hide, and Mr. Lin will find him."

While Zheng Yong comforted Shen Mingdong, he gave Lin Chen a flattery. For him, flattery was easy.

"Well, I know, thank you, thank you..." Shen Mingdong was a little excited and nervous when the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau spoke to him.

"Mr. Lin..." Zhuo Zishan looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Apart from the doubts about the keys and the murder weapon, are there any doubts? I want to hear it, and I want to reflect on myself."

Zhuo Zishan's expression and words were very similar to those of a student who wanted to correct after making a mistake.

The other male police officers also looked at Lin Chen. The two doubts that Lin Chen pointed out surprised them. They wanted to hear if there were any other doubts.

Lin Chen looked at Zhuo Zishan, who was thirsty for knowledge, with a mysterious smile on his face.

He said indifferently: "The two doubts I mentioned are the important basis for your refutation that Shen Mingdong is the murderer. The other doubts are on the surface."

"The first one is that the suspect, Shen Mingdong, doesn't know the family who was killed at all. No matter what level, he has no interaction with that family. There is no motive for committing the crime, so his suspicion can be reduced."

"The second one is the problem of physique. Xie Qiang, who was hacked to death, was 180 in height and 185 in weight. This ratio of height to weight is typical of strong physique. From Xie Qiang's sturdy physique, he can also You can see his ability to fight."

"Look at the suspect Shen Mingdong. His height and weight are completely inferior to the victim Xie Qiang. There are many tables, chairs and benches in the house where the crime occurred. Even if Shen Mingdong was holding a kitchen knife at the time, Xie Qiang was leaning against the table, chairs, benches, or other tools. , and it is easy to turn things around.”

"Even if Xie Qiang blocked Shen Mingdong's knife with his hand, could Xie Qiang kick Shen Mingdong's thin physique away with one foot, so that all three of the family were killed by Shen Mingdong?"

Zhuo Zishan said: "We have considered these two doubts before, but we didn't delve into them. We felt that with a kitchen knife, Shen Mingdong could do it."


961 Collaborative case handling [2 more for subscription]

After Lin Chen heard Zhuo Zishan's words, he said indifferently, "If Shen Mingdong holds this kitchen knife and suddenly rushes into Xie Qiang's room, it is indeed possible to kill him, after all, as long as he strikes suddenly , cut the large artery in its neck, and it was solved."

"You can look at the problem, you can't just look at one point, you must combine all points."

"How do you explain that there are only a set of clear fingerprints on the kitchen knife? What about the fingerprints on the key that violate the normal way of holding the key to unlock? Shen Mingdong and Xie Qiang's family don't know each other at all, why did they kill their family of three?"

"The surveillance video you have found only confirms that Shen Mingdong has been close to the crime scene, and there is no proof that he has entered the crime scene."

"Combining these doubts, I believe that Shen Mingdong, who was tortured by you for a few days, was not the murderer, and the murderer was someone else."

Lin Chen's words echoed in the interrogation room and entered everyone's ears.

As long as it is a person with normal thinking, through Lin Chen's analysis, they can find the problem of this case, and the murderer is someone else.

"Mr. Lin is right." Zheng Yong nodded slightly and said, "After Mr. Lin's analysis, it is very unlikely that Shen Mingdong is the murderer. The murderer must be someone else."

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