"something wrong."

After Lin Chen said two words, he continued: "I was in the interrogation room just now, and Zhuo Zishan asked me how to investigate next. I asked why I didn't see the forensic autopsy report. People from the forensic department went to study abroad, and there was only one trainee forensic doctor left in the county public security bureau, who did a preliminary examination and judgment on the bodies of the three victims."

"Please, this is a massacre that killed three people. The impact of this case in Xuanbei County is not small. It's been a few days, and it's possible that you haven't experienced the three corpses to understand?"

"Even if the forensic doctors in Xuanbei County go to study abroad, if something like this happens, they can be called back with a phone call, or they can contact the public security bureau in the next county and ask the forensic doctor in the next county to assist in the autopsy."

"But in the current situation, it was a preliminary autopsy by a trainee forensic doctor, and nothing was found on the three corpses. The forensic director and other old forensic doctors have not returned, and the corpses have been placed in the corpse freezer of the funeral home. This is simply outrageous. "

Although Shen Yue didn't know the police's case handling process, she knew that what the boss said was definitely not wrong.

Shen Yue recalled what Lin Chen said, and she concluded: "Boss, from what you said, we can draw a conclusion that Zhuo Zishan deliberately turned the murder case into an unjust, false and wrong case, so as to cover up Murderer, to achieve her purpose."

"...Yes." Lin Chen said, "Zhuo Zishan has a lot of scheming. After I pointed out those doubts, she felt powerless to refute, so she pretended that she wanted to find out the truth by herself and to help me together. It looks like a case."

"In my opinion, it is false that she wants to assist me in handling the case. It is true that she deliberately makes trouble for me and secretly monitors me."

"Boss..." Shen Yue was slightly surprised and said, "Since you think that Zhuo Zishan wants to assist you in handling the case, it is to spy on you and make you a stumbling block, why do you agree to let her be with you?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "I want to see what she can do. She wants to spy on me, so why don't I want to spy on her?"

Shen Yue heard the words, and her admiration for Lin Chen increased a little more.

My own boss, no matter in what aspect, is so outstanding and analyzes things so thoroughly.

When it came to this, the two had already stood in the same place and did not continue to move forward (Wang Wang Zhao).

Because Liu Yingmei had already brought Shen Mingdong to a table at the entrance of a snack bar, Lin Chen had to wait for Zhuo Zishan and the others to go to the crime scene, so they would not pass.

Shen Yue said to Lin Chen: "Boss, I see that Deputy Director Zheng Yong, although he is full of official words, he looks very smooth, but this person seems to be trustworthy."

"Zhuo Zishan is the director's person. Zheng Yong took the initiative to distance himself from the director to prove that he and the director are not on the same boat. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Although this Zheng Yong does not look very pleasing to the eye, in this case, He is someone who can be temporarily trusted." Lin Chen expressed his inner opinion.

At this time, Liu Yingmei over there beckoned to Lin Chen and Shen Yue, and asked them to sit over and have something to eat together.

Lin Chen and Shen Yue shook their heads and refused. After refusing, Shen Yue turned to look at Lin Chen: "Boss, do you think the murderer could be him?".


964 Shen Yue's Doubt 【Subscription】

After Lin Chen heard that Shen Yue had doubts about the murderer, he asked, "Who do you mean by him?"

Shen Yue had a serious look on her face, put her mouth close to Lin Chen's ear, and whispered, "It's the director of our Xuanbei County Public Security Bureau..."

When Lin Chen heard what Shen Yue said, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Shen Yue, why do you suspect the chief of the public security bureau in your county? A chief of the public security bureau in the county, this official said a big deal. It’s not big, and if it’s small, it’s not too small.”

"Boss, think about it." Because of the mention of the director of the Public Security Bureau, Shen Yue's voice was very low, and she said: "The incident happened on the night of July 7 a few days ago, and the director was 26 The county seat that left on the 7th of the month, and the old forensic doctors of the county city's forensic medicine department left the county seat on the morning of the 27th and went to other places."

"The director left the county town after the incident, and Zhuo Zishan is the director's confidant, and he deliberately made this case an unjust, false and wrongful conviction. It is not easy for people to suspect the director who left the county seat. ?"

After Lin Chen heard what Shen Yue said, he smiled and didn't comment.

Shen Yue's mother Liu Yingmei came over and greeted the two of them again to have something to eat. Liu Yingmei said to Lin Chen, "Boss Lin, I made a normal breakfast in the morning, because my sister-in-law, you haven't eaten enough. Now Shall we eat together?"

723 Lin Chen still waved his hand and said to Liu Yingmei: "Auntie, no need, I'm going to the crime scene right now, you, uncle and Shen Yue can eat."

After Lin Chen said this, Shen Yue suddenly turned her head and said to Lin Chen, "Boss, I'm going to the crime scene too."

"What are you doing at the crime scene?" Lin Chen didn't plan to go to Shen Yue. Shen Yue was good at company management. Not only would it not help her to go to the crime scene, it would also increase her fear. After all, that It's where three people died.

"My father is involved in this case, and I want to know who the murderer is." Shen Yue said, "Also, boss, every time I see sister Miaoyan following you to handle the case, I envy her, so let me I'll follow behind you and be a small follower, okay?"

Looking at Shen Yue's eager eyes, Lin Chen thought that there were no more bodies at the crime scene, so he let Shen Yue go.

So Lin Chen nodded and said yes, and a happy smile appeared on Shen Yue's face.

After waiting at the gate of the Public Security Bureau for a minute or two, I saw a team of police officers walking out (bbeh) at the entrance of the lobby of the Public Security Bureau Building.

This team of police was led by Zhuo Zishan. They moved quickly towards Lin Chen and Shen Yue.

Before and after Lin Chen, Zhuo Zishan said hello to Lin Chen, and then said, "Mr. Lin, you can go to the crime scene."

Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "Get in the car, I have a car myself."

"Okay." Zhuo Zishan agreed, and immediately went to the police car with the police officers.

At this time, a male policeman in his thirties was not in a hurry to leave with Zhuo Zishan, he came to Lin Chen, nodded at Lin Chen, and said, "Mr. Lin, my name is Zhou Guo, and Bureau Zheng asked you to Tell me if you have something, and I will try my best to cooperate with you in handling the case."

Lin Chen glanced at Li Guo and smiled from him.

This Li Guouo took the initiative to come forward to greet Lin Chen. Naturally, before leaving the Public Security Bureau, Lin Chen whispered a few words in the ear of Deputy Director Zheng Yong, asking him to send a subordinate he felt reliable for himself.

The reliability in Lin Chen's words is naturally the kind of confidant subordinates.

This Li Guo is Zheng Yong's confidant subordinate, and Zhuo Zishan is the director's confidant subordinate. The two are from different camps. This Li Guo can naturally be trusted.

"Go, get in the car." Lin Chen said to Li Guo.

Li Guo was going to take the car over to Zhuo Zishan. Lin Chen saw this and said to him, "It's fine, just take my car. On the way there, I have something to tell you."

When Li Guo heard Lin Chen's words, he said yes, and followed behind Lin Chen and sat in the black Maserati.

Those police officers who went out to the police together, saw the windy Maserati driven by Lin Chen, and their eyes were somewhat envious.

Zhuo Zishan, who was sitting in the passenger seat of a police car, was still expressionless after seeing Lin Chen's car.

Two police cars led the way, and Lin Chen's Maserati followed behind, heading towards the crime scene of the 726 annihilation case together.

The car was driving on the road in the city, Lin Chen was driving, Li Guo was sitting in the passenger seat, and Shen Yue went behind.

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