Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Li Guo, and said to him, "Officer Li, how many years have you been a police officer in Xuanbei County?"

Li Guo heard the words, and immediately said in a straight-forward manner: "Mr. Hui Lin, I came out of the police academy and have been working as a criminal police officer for nearly ten years."

"Ten years of police experience." Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "That must be experienced, and he is an old detective."

"Mr. Lin has won the prize." Li Guo said, "In terms of investigating criminal cases, there is still a big gap between me and the young Mr. Lin. Some of the cases you solved before, Mr. Lin, were really difficult."

After a few simple words, Lin Chen went straight to the topic, and he asked Li Guo: "Officer Li, you have been working as a criminal police officer in Xuanbei County for nearly ten years, and you and Zhuo Zishan have worked together for many years. Bar?"

"Well, it has been many years." Li Guo replied.

"What kind of person do you think Zhuo Zishan is, how is her behavior and personality?" Lin Chen wanted to know more about the woman Zhuo Zishan.

After Li Guo heard Lin Chen's words, he pondered for a moment, and said, "Mr. Lin, Captain Zhuo, she is usually strong and has a strong temper. She, she will quickly give him small shoes, the type of ... who will get his revenge."

"That person, if she makes a mistake, will she sincerely admit her mistake?" Lin Chen asked again.

"This." Li Guo thought about it again and said, "After Captain Zhuo made a mistake, the director guarded her. I don't know if she sincerely admitted her fault after she made a mistake and was called to the office. She has worked together for so many years, and I have never seen her sincere apology."

Shen Yue, who was sitting in the back seat, heard Li Guo's words, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Shen Yue and Lin Chen felt that Zhuo Zishan's attitude changed a bit before and after. Lin Chen said that she was hypocritical, but now Li Guo expressed her opinion on Zhuo Zishan. Forced to come out.

Lin Chen's expression was as usual, he said to Li Guo: "What is the relationship between Zhuo Zishan and the director?".


965 A Residential Building [2 more for subscription]

After Li Guowen heard this, he replied, "Mr. Lin, are you asking about a superficial relationship or a deeper relationship?"

"A deeper level." Lin Chen said.

"A deeper level..." Li Guo looked at the two police cars in front of his eyes and said slowly, "Mr. Lin, since Director Zheng asked me to listen to your orders, I won't beat around the bush, Deputy Zhuo Zishan. Captain, she is the director's person and has a very close relationship with the director. She sometimes makes mistakes, but the director has not punished her very much."

"It can be said that her mistakes are all minor mistakes, and the big ones will stop. The director is still very protective of her."

"We police officers saw that the director was so kind to Zhuo Zishan. In private, there was a little gossip about the director and her. We think that the director and Zhuo Zishan should have surpassed the relationship between superiors and subordinates."

"If not, the director and her are not related, nor would he protect her like that. Zhuo Zishan's family conditions seem to be normal, and it can't be because of money, so...Mr. Lin, you understand."

After Lin Chen heard Li Guo's words, before he could speak, Shen Yue, who was sitting in the back, said, "That is to say, Zhuo Zishan is your director's lover?"

Li Guodao: "Hehe, Miss Shen, we see it this way in private, but we don't know if it's specific, it's just that gossip is spread like this."

"It is estimated that it is inseparable." Shen Yue said: "The woman Zhuo Zishan looks okay, and it is very possible that your director will like her."

At this moment, in Shen Yue's heart, she felt more and more that there was something wrong with the director of the Xuanbei County Public Security Bureau.

Could it be true that, as I guessed, the director was the murderer of the 726 slaughter case, and deliberately made Zhuo Zishan wrong his father and let his father take the blame?

Shen Yue thought of this, and her eyes fell on Lin Chen who was driving. She was thinking, if this is the case, she doesn't know how the boss will handle it. The position of director is not low for ordinary people, and ordinary people can't move him. .

Lin Chen said to Li Guodao: "Zhuo Zishan's family situation is normal?"

"Yes." Li Guo nodded and said, "Although it is impossible for us to investigate Zhuo Zishan, from what we know, Zhuo Zishan's living conditions are relatively average."

How can a woman with average living conditions, no money, no power, and a bit of beauty get the attention and favor of leaders of the opposite sex?It is very likely that the body is traded.

Lin Chen asked a few more things about Zhuo Zishan, and Li Guo told him everything he knew.

After listening, Lin Chen nodded slightly, and then asked about the case.

"How much do you know about the 726 extermination case?" Lin Chen asked Li Guodao.

Li Guo replied: "The case of the 726 annihilation, the deputy captain Zhuo Zishanzhuo is in charge of this case, and she is fully responsible. I have no way of knowing the specific situation and progress of the case. I only know that there were three cases in the 726 annihilation case. human life, and the location of the incident."

"Then you don't know much about this case." Lin Chen said.

"Yeah." Li Guo explained: "Mr. Lin, you know who is in charge of the case. Generally, the progress of the case will not be disclosed to others, not to mention the arrogant Captain Zhuo."

On the other hand, the speed of the car did not stop, and as the car drove, the road became more and more remote.

After arriving at a residential building outside the city, the policemen in front began to slow down and slowly stopped on the side of the road.

Lin Chen's car also quickly stopped on the side of the road, opened the door and got out of the car, Zhuo Zishan came quickly.

After Zhuo Zishan came to Lin Chen, he said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, the crime scene is in this residential building, please come with me."

"Okay." Lin Chen said a good word, and Zhuo Zishan led the way.

After walking into this residential building, Lin Chen looked at the houses in this place. Soon, he saw that many houses in this residential building were empty, the buildings were dilapidated, the cement fell off, and there were no curtains on the windowsills. You can see the empty room on the ground floor.

"Is this residential building going to be demolished?" Lin Chen asked.

Li Guozheng wanted to explain to Lin Chen, but Zhuo Zishan said to Lin Chen first: "Mr. Lin, our county government has other plans for this land. In another area of ​​the county town, a new village has been rebuilt for these residents. This residential building will be demolished at the end of this year, and there are relatively few people still living here.”

"It is precisely because there are very few residents in this residential building that only one witness was found in this 726 killing case, and that witness saw Shen Mingdong hurriedly left here and ran outside. "

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Lin Chen said: "You have found the surveillance that Shen Mingdong has seen. Is it the surveillance installed by the residents themselves?"

"Yeah." Zhuo Zishan said, "After the incident, we collected the surveillance hard drive of the footage, and after backing it up at the Public Security Bureau, we returned it to them."

Lin Chen nodded slightly, indicating that he understood, and then he didn't speak any more, and walked quickly towards the crime scene.

After walking for about two minutes, I finally came to the residential building where the incident occurred.

This residential building is still quite dilapidated. There are three floors in total. No one lives on the first floor. A room on the second floor is the scene of the crime. It seems that someone lives on the third floor.

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