
At the stairway from the first floor to the second floor, there is still a cordon that has not been removed. Several police officers stepped forward to remove the cordon, Zhuo Zishan said to Lin Chen, "The crime scene is on the second floor above. building."

Lin Chen looked at this place with his eyes. He didn't rush up, but asked, "Who was the first to find out that something happened to the deceased Xie Qiang's house, and who was the reporter?"

Zhuo Zishan pointed to the third floor of the building, and told Lin Chen, "The person who reported the case is a neighbor of the family of three in the murder case, and he lives on the third floor. When he came back from get off work and went upstairs, he found that there was blood It came out from under the crack of the door of the house where the crime happened, and we called the police."

Lin Chen's eyes turned to the third floor. The window sills and curtains on the third floor looked very simple, and some were shabby.

He asked Zhuo Zishan, "Have you investigated this reporter? Is he suspected?"

Zhuo Zishan glanced at Lin Chen, blinked, and said, "Um... Mr. Lin, we didn't investigate the person who reported the case."

"Why not investigate?" Lin Chen asked.

Zhuo Zishan said: "After the incident, I was in charge of this case. I felt a lot of pressure, and I was eager to solve the case. After the fingerprints were found at the crime scene, and the fingerprints did not belong to the informant, I didn't investigate him again."

Speaking of this, Zhuo Zishan's eyes lit up slightly, and she said, "Mr. Lin, do you suspect that the reporter is the murderer?".


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In Zhuo Zishan's slightly lit eyes, it was as if he had discovered a new continent.

After asking whether Lin Chen suspected that the informant was the murderer, she added: "According to your inference, Mr. Lin, Shen Mingdong is likely to be framed by others. Then Shen Mingdong said that he passed by this way and was knocked unconscious, It's also true."

"Shen Mingdong passed by here, was knocked unconscious, and was taken to the crime scene. The reporter who lived on the third floor was very convenient for committing crimes. After killing the three members of Xie Qiang's family, he squatted in Waiting in the building, Shen Mingdong is here, he will do something to Shen Mingdong?"

After Zhuo Zishan's speculative remarks were made, some of the police officers next to him started talking softly.

Previously, because the fingerprints did not belong to the informant, I mistakenly thought that Shen Mingdong was the murderer, but now he thinks that Shen Mingdong was wrongly accused of "May [-]", so that the reporter who lived on the third floor, his suspicion came.

"There is a possibility that at least the reporter who lives on the third floor is very convenient for him to commit crimes." Li Guo also said on the side.

After Li Guo finished speaking, Zhuo Zishan looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

"What can I think?" Lin Chen's response was very cold, and he didn't make any comments on the reporter who lived on the third floor. He said, "Go upstairs."

Without getting an opinion from Lin Chen, Zhuo Zishan looked a little disappointed, but still took the lead and went upstairs.

After arriving at the door of the crime scene on the second floor, a police officer crouched down to put on shoe covers for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen didn't need others to serve him like this, so after saying that he didn't need it, he took the shoe covers and put them on by himself.

After Lin Chenzhuo, Li Guo and Li Guo put on their shoe covers, the door to the crime scene was also opened. Suddenly, a faint smell of blood rushed out from the closed room.

After the incident on July 7, the corpse was quickly moved. Although the weather was hot, the corpse did not stink, so there was no rancid and unpleasant smell in this room except for the smell of blood.

Shen Yue glanced inside the room, she was not ready to go in.

Lin Chen stepped into the room, and saw the outline of a person's upper body drawn on the coffee table in the room, the outline of a person lying on the ground completely on the ground, and the outline of a child at the door of the room.

There is a large amount of dry blood on the edge of these drawn outline patterns. This house was originally a warm home for this family of three, but now only a lot of blood is left on their bodies...

Zhuo Zishan pointed at the coffee table and said, "Xie Qiang's wife, her upper body is lying on the coffee table, Xie Qiang is lying there, and their son is the position of the outline pattern at the door of the house over there."

Lin Chen glanced at the location where the three of them died, and he asked Zhuo Zishan, "Has Xie Qiang's wife ever been raped?"

"No." Zhuo Zishan replied quickly, she said: "According to our inspection, we found that Xie Qiang's wife's clothes were messy, and the position of her underwear was abnormal. Although she had not been raped, there were signs of being molested. ."

"Xie Qiang's wife was molested by the murderer on the day she was murdered. Could it be that the murderer's motive was for lust?" Li Guo muttered in a low voice and said his opinion, "But...if the murderer If he commits crimes for the sake of sex, since there is a chance for the female victim of rape, why did he choose to molest instead of rape?"

Zhuo Zishan pondered slightly, and then said: "Could it be that the murderer is incompetent, he can't do normal things, so he used this method of molesting the victim?"

"Captain Zhuo, there is a possibility." Li Guo said.

Although Li Guo and Zhuo Zishan are in different camps, she works for the director and she works for the deputy director, but Li Guo is an old criminal policeman and has his professionalism. After encountering a case, he will still put it on the case. In the first place, personal grievances come later.

Li Guodao: "The murderer may be incompetent, so he chose to use obscenity to achieve the pleasure he needs. Captain Zhuo, is there any lack of property in the victim's home?"

Zhuo Zishan nodded his head, first glanced at Lin Chen, then at Li Guo, and said to Li Guo: "After our inspection, we found that the victim's bank card and cash were missing, and we haven't found it yet. Bank card belonging to the victim."

Zhuo Zishan's eyes brightened slightly, she said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, the murderer molested female victims and took away the family's money and bank cards, do you think this is a plot of money and sex to kill them together? The case? The murderer also has a characteristic, he may be incompetent. . "

Lin Chen looked back at Zhuo Zishan and said lightly, "Why didn't you think of these things you are analyzing now?"

With an embarrassed look on Zhuo Zishan's face, she said, "Mr. Lin, didn't I think that Shen Mingdong was the murderer because of fingerprints and some other directional clues? If I hadn't been misled like that before, I would have thought of this of."

"Mr. Lin, do you think the murderer is a perverted murderer with incompetence? If his main purpose in making this murder case is for sex, then the person who reported the crime on the third floor would be even more suspicious. "

"Captain Zhuo, why is the reporter on the third floor more suspicious?" Li Guo asked in confusion.

Zhuo Zishan pointed to the ceiling and said, "Although we haven't investigated the informant in detail, I still learned from his words that he is a bachelor, and the informant is in his thirties and forties. Without a wife, being a bachelor, and the murderer is scheming, isn't the person who reported the case even more suspicious?"

Li Guo nodded again and said, "Indeed, the reporter has the convenience of committing the crime. He is a bachelor. The murderer has molested the victim. In some places, the reporter is more consistent with the murderer."


"Mr. Lin..." Zhuo Zishan had a somewhat happy smile on his face, and said to Lin Chen, "Do you think the reporter is suspicious?"

After Zhuo Zishan finished saying this, he stared at Lin Chen expectantly.

Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Zhuo Zishan, and said, "Captain Zhuo, you are really noisy and annoying. You keep calling Mr. Lin and Mr. Lin, asking for my opinion there. If you have any opinion, just say what you want. , just hold back if you don't want to say it, why do you have to know my opinion?"

Lin Chen's tone was very rude. In front of so many police officers, he didn't give any face to the smiling Zhuo Zishan.

The muscles on Zhuo Zishan's face twitched, and the smile became reluctant: "Mr. Lin, aren't you responsible for this case? You are a detective again, so I naturally want to know your opinion on some clues." .


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