The slender man who lived upstairs smiled and said, "Afraid? I have helped people see the graves before. Isn't there a few people who died downstairs? If I have no grievances with them, even if they become ghosts, You can't come to trouble me."

The man's tone of voice was very relaxed, and there was no fear at all because his neighbor was killed.

The police officers who heard his words looked at each other, this guy is a little bit more daring. .


969 More and more suspicious [3 more subscriptions]

If these police officers were to think differently, they would not dare to live in this building.

This residential building was originally due to be demolished, so not many people stayed here. Now a family of three has died in the building. There is no light in the corridor. If you come back at night, walking in the corridor is really scary.

The man who lives upstairs has a strong psychological capacity. He can still live upstairs after someone died downstairs.

It is very possible for such a guy with strong psychological endurance to commit murder.

Li Guo and the police officers behind him, looking at the deceased's neighbors, all looked strange.

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded and said, "You didn't kill people. Even if they turned into ghosts, they would definitely not hurt you."

"That's it." Seeing that Lin Chen agreed with his statement, the lean man showed a smile on his face.

"What's your name?" Lin Chen asked.

The lean man pointed his finger at Zhuo Zishan behind Lin Chen, and said, "My name is Sun Tian, ​​and the beautiful woman behind you knows my name."

At this moment, Zhuo Zishan really wanted to talk, but after looking at Lin Chen, he could only hold back. 560

She used to say what she wanted to say, but now this feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Sun Tian..." Lin Chen repeated the name of the lean man, "Can I go to your house to have a look?"

"My home?" Sun Tian was a little embarrassed: "Comrade police, my home is messy and dirty."

"It's okay, I'll go to your house and ask you something by the way." Lin Chen said.

After Sun Tian hesitated for a while, he nodded, said yes, and then walked upstairs.

Not many people followed Lin Chen upstairs, Zhuo Zishan, Li Guo, and Shen Yue, and the other policemen stayed below.

Stepping on the bumpy stairs, Lin Chen and the others quickly came to the door of Sun Tian's room on the third floor.

There was a large rusted iron lock hanging on the door. Sun Tian put down the plastic bag in his hand, opened the large iron lock, opened the door and walked in.

Lin Chen and the others also walked into the house.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as I entered the house, I smelled a faint stench in the air, which can usually be smelled in the homes of bachelors and old bachelors.

Sun Tian walked to the trash can and tied the mouth of the smelly trash bag. He greeted, "The house is quite messy, there are not many stools, you can sit down."

Lin Chen and the others looked at Sun Tian's house and didn't intend to take a seat.

Just now, Lin Chen saw the poverty of Xie Qiang's house from the furnishings of their house, and from this Sun Tian's house, he saw more, that is, it was sloppy.

Lin Chen and the others didn't take their seats. Looking at Sun Tian who tied the garbage bag, Lin Chen said, "You look like you are almost forty years old?"

"No." Sun Tian said, "I just look old. My actual age is only 35, so I'm still young."

"Are you familiar with the family of three downstairs?" Lin Chen asked.

"Familiar... I can't talk about familiarity." Sun Tian shook his head and said, "I have met the woman and child downstairs more often, and I have seen less of the man."

"How?" Lin Chen asked.

"The man downstairs works on the construction site, and I also work on the construction site. Although we both do the same thing, the place and time of work are different. Sometimes when I come back, I will be downstairs. Or I met the woman and her child downstairs on the stairs, and I greeted them several times, but I don't know them." Sun Tian put the plastic bag on the seat and carefully removed a few bottles of cheap Erguotou from the inside. Take it out.

From the look in his eyes at Erguotou, it can be seen that this guy has a great hobby of wine.

Lin Chen saw Sun Tian's look at Erguotou and said, "How long have you lived here?"

"More than a year..."

"Do you have a family? Listen to the accent, not from this Xuanbei (bbfc) county."

"Hey, I'm just an old bachelor, how can there be any family, you're right, I'm not from Xuanbei County, I'm from somewhere else..."

Lin Chen said this to this Sun Tian, ​​and after asking him some simple questions, Sun Tian shook the Erguotou in his hand towards Lin Chen: "Comrade Police, would you like a drink?"

"You drink it, I don't need it." Lin Chen said.

Sun Tian opened the bottle cap of Erguotou, and he didn't want a cup. He raised his head and took a sip, and then made an oops, frowning slightly, and seemed to enjoy it very much.

While Lin Chen was talking to Sun Tian, ​​Zhuo Zishan and Li Guo wandered around Sun Tian's house, looking here and there, and Sun Tian didn't care that they checked his house.

"Mr. Sun, recently, have you seen any suspicious people in the vicinity or downstairs, or heard some suspicious movements, or heard quarrels downstairs?" Lin Chen asked Sun. Tian asked.

Sun Tian took a few sips of Erguotou, he thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I haven't seen any suspicious people, or even if there are, I don't care, but during this time, I have I heard the voice of the two couples arguing downstairs again."

"Oh?" Lin Chen asked, "Have you heard the content of the quarrel?"

"The voices of their quarrels are sometimes loud and sometimes small, and I can't hear them clearly. It seems to be because of money. Hey, let's live. If you have money, everything is good, but if you don't have money, any contradictions appear." Sun Tian said.

After talking to Sun Tian again, Lin Chen said to him to interrupt, then turned around and walked outside.

Seeing this, Li Guo and Zhuo Zishan immediately followed behind Lin Chen.

As soon as several people walked out, Sun Tian closed the door.

When walking downstairs, Li Guo said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, I checked Sun Tian's house just now and found nothing suspicious."

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