"If we look at it like that, we can't see anything." Zhuo Zishan said, "In my opinion, there is no need to be so polite to this Sun Tian, ​​just search his house."

"This guy Sun Tian, ​​I thought he would move out, but I didn't expect that he still lives here. This guy's neighbor was killed, and he was not afraid at all. I don't think he is brave, but he Possibly the murderer."

"Such courage and the convenience of committing crimes, he is an old bachelor, this Sun Tian is becoming more and more suspicious."

Shen Yue looked at Lin Chen and wanted to ask Lin Chen what she thought, but thinking that the woman Zhuo Zishan was on the side, she didn't ask.

No one asked, and Lin Chen didn't speak. After walking to the second floor, Zhuo Zishan couldn't hold back, she asked Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, this neighbor of the deceased Xie Qiang is really suspicious, do you want to? I'll take him back to the Public Security Bureau and search his house properly?".


970 Surrender to the crime [Subscribe]

Lin Chen glanced at Zhuo Zishan and said, "Do you think that Sun Tian upstairs is suspicious?"

"That's right." Zhuo Zishan said with a serious face: "Mr. Lin, Sun Tian's daring and the convenience of committing crimes, doesn't it explain his problem? How can an ordinary person be so daring? Living in a building where someone died~, Lin..."

Before Zhuo Zishan finished speaking, Lin Chen turned around and walked downstairs, leaving only one sentence: "Take me to the corpse freezer in the funeral home, I- want an autopsy."

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't want to listen to his speech at all, Zhuo Zishan gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Mr. Lin."

The group walked downstairs, and several police officers stayed in the building, watching the scene of the crime while watching the Sun Tian upstairs.

The rest of the police officers followed Lin Chen and the others to the funeral home in Xuanbei County to conduct an autopsy.

Lin Chen didn't know where the funeral home was, so of course Pei Qian and the others led the way.

The two police cars drove forward quickly, with Lin Chen's black Maserati following behind, heading towards the funeral home.

The car was driving on the road, and there were only Lin Chen and Shen Yue in Maserati.

Shen Yue said to Lin Chen: "Boss, you didn't talk much just now, I know you don't want to talk to that Zhuo Zishan, let her know what you're thinking, but... that Sun Tian who lives on the third floor, he It's really suspicious."

"Where do you think Sun Tian is suspicious?" Lin Chen asked lightly.

Shen Yue said: "That's what Zhuo Zishan said, the murderer molested the female victim, and Sun Tian is bold and single..."

Shen Yue repeated what Zhuo Zishan said just now to Lin Chen, then blinked and said, "Boss, don't you think Sun Tian is very suspicious?"

A smile appeared on Lin Chen's face, and he said to Shen Yue, "Shen Yue, have you forgotten what I said before?"

"Boss, you have said a lot to me before, I don't know what you mean?" Shen Yue asked rhetorically.

Lin Chen said: "I said, Zhuo Zishan is very suspicious. She is very likely to know the murderer and shield the murderer. She mainly asks me to investigate the case with me, and it may also be to monitor me."

"In that case, will Zhuo Zishan really help me find the murderer?"

"The answer is no. Zhuo Zishan followed me. In addition to monitoring me, I think she also has the purpose of confusing my thinking and route of handling the case."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "In short, if Zhuo Zishan suspects someone, we shouldn't doubt that person, or reduce our doubts about that person. We have to run counter to Zhuo Zishan's ideas for handling the case."

When Shen Yue heard this, her beautiful eyes lit up, she stroked her forehead and smiled: "Boss, you are right, since Zhuo Zishan was covering up the murderer, she wanted to investigate Sun Tian just now, so this Sun Tian is definitely not the case. The murderer."

"It's not that I didn't observe Sun Tian." Lin Chen said, "Sun Tian is an old bachelor, Zhuo Zishan has a bit of beauty, and you are even more beautiful, but during the process of contacting Sun Tian just now, his eyes Although I have seen you, my eyes didn't stop too much, nor was it wretched or greedy."

"He is very straightforward. Although his income is not high and his living environment is poor, his character should be good."

Shen Yue nodded slightly, and she was very happy to hear the boss praised her beauty.

She said: "Then... Boss, we are now going against the direction of Zhuo Zishan's case handling. Do you have any plans for the next step?"

Lin Chen said: "Going to the funeral home for an autopsy is my next plan. The crime scene just now was carefully searched three times by Zhuo Zishan and the others a few days ago, and three times, even if the murderer left evidence, Zhuo Zishan will be arrested. The purple shirt has been destroyed, and there will be no more harvest from the crime scene, I hope something can be found on the bodies of the three deceased."

"Hey..." Shen Yue sighed: "If only my mother had notified me earlier, if I came back as soon as possible, boss, you might have found something at the crime scene."

Lin Chen smiled, did not speak, and concentrated on driving the car.

After driving for a few more minutes, the two police cars in front suddenly stopped.

Lin Chen was a little puzzled. Wherever he looked, he didn't see a funeral home, and it didn't look like there would be a funeral home in such a location.

When Lin Chen saw Zhuo Zishan and Li Guo walking down from the policeman in front and running towards him, he also stopped the car.


The car window rolled down, Lin Chen saw the surprise on Zhuo Zishan's face, she rushed to the door, took a breath, and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, good news, good news."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Seeing Zhuo Zishan looking so happy, Lin Chen was a little curious, so he asked, "What good news?"

Zhuo Zishan was about to speak when Li Guo, who was standing beside her, said for her, "Mr. Lin, we just received a call from the county public security bureau, and just now, a man entered the public security bureau and turned himself in. He said that he was the 726 murder case. murderer."

"The murderer turned himself in at the Public Security Bureau?" Shen Yue, who was sitting in the passenger seat, showed an unbelievable expression on her pretty face.

"Well." Zhuo Zishan was very happy and said, "Yes, the man admitted that he was the murderer of the 726 murder case. It seems that the murderer of this murder case is about to surface."

...... ......

"Mr. Lin." Li Guo looked at Lin Chen and said, "Why don't we go to the funeral home and go back to the Public Security Bureau first?"

Zhuo Zishan also asked Lin Chen's opinion, she said, "Mr. Lin, if the person who turned himself in is the murderer, then we don't have to go to the funeral home."

Lin Chen glanced over the two of them and asked, "How far is the funeral home from here?"

"The funeral home in our county is far from the city, it's still more than an hour away." Zhuo Zishan replied.

Lin Chen didn't hesitate, and said, "Then go back to the Public Security Bureau and see the murderer who turned himself in."

"Okay." Zhuo Zishan nodded, looking very energetic.

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