She and Li Guo ran back towards the police car in front.

As soon as the two of them left, Shen Yue said, "Boss, isn't this Zhuo Zishan covering up the murderer? Why did the murderer turn himself in? She looks so happy?"

Lin Chen smiled and looked at Shen Yue, and said, "Zhuo Zishan is so happy, you can't think of the reason?"

Shen Yue's big eyes rolled. After thinking about it for a while, she was surprised: "Boss, is this person who surrendered himself, most likely a fake, who took the blame for others?"

"Well, that's what I think." Lin Chen said, "This person who surrendered himself, either early or late, but after I took over the case and started the investigation, he ran to the Public Security Bureau and surrendered. This The person who comes from the head is very likely to come to the top.".


971 The Murderer's Readme [2 More Subscriptions]

Shen Yue muttered: "The murderer also asked people to cover him. This is a family of three killing a family. If you plead guilty, you will be shot. How much money did the murderer give this person? thing?"

"Go back to the Public Security Bureau to see if you can't know." Lin Chen smiled and said, "If it's really a guy who is trying to make a bun, and it happens to be judged from his mouth, who asked him to do the bun, follow the clues and say Not sure, we will know the true identity of the murderer."

"If only the murderer could be caught today." Shen Yue said.

Although Shen Mingdong's suspicion is very small, he is still implicated in this case. Only when the real murderer is caught can Shen Mingdong be completely freed from this case.

The two police cars in front restarted, turned around, and headed towards the county public security bureau.

Lin Chen's "[-]" car followed closely, and the three cars galloped fast.

Not long after, Lin Chen and the others returned to the parking lot of the County Public Security Bureau.

Lin Chen and Shen Yue opened the door and got out of the car, and Zhuo Zishan and Li Guo also happened to be approaching.

"Mr. Lin, the murderer who surrendered himself is in the No. [-] interrogation room on the second floor, please come with me." Zhuo Zishan made a gesture of invitation to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen and Shen Yue didn't speak, they followed behind Zhuo Zishan and walked towards the No. [-] interrogation room on the second floor.

The group returned to the Public Security Bureau, and when they passed the hall, many police officers looked over here.

The murderer of the 726 annihilation case surrendered, and the police officers of the entire Public Security Bureau now know about it.

When he came to the door of the interrogation room on the second floor, he pushed open the door and entered. Lin Chen immediately saw the man who came to the Public Security Bureau to surrender himself.

This man is sitting on the locked interrogation chair at the moment. His height seems to be at least 1 meters. He has a strong physique and looks tall and burly.

This man's skin was sallow, his complexion was a little dark, his lips were chapped, his eyes were heavy, and he looked very haggard, even worse than Shen Mingdong, who had been tortured by Zhuo Zishan for several days.

After Lin Chen and the others came in, the man's godless gaze also turned towards Lin Chen and the others. He just glanced at them and lowered his head again.

"Mr. Lin, Captain Zhuo." The two police officers who interrogated the man quickly stood up from their chairs.

Zhuo Zishan pointed at the man and asked, "Is this the one who surrendered himself?"

"Yeah." A police officer nodded and said, "Yes, he claimed to be the murderer of the 726 killing case. We just brought him to the interrogation room and asked some simple information."

"Let's step back and let Mr. Lin interrogate." Li Guo said to the two police officers.

The two police officers agreed and immediately made way for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen took two steps closer to the man, and said, "Raise your head."

Hearing this, the man raised his head honestly, but his eyes did not meet Lin Chen's.

"What's your name?" Lin Chen asked him.

"Chen Zhibin." The tall man responded in a low voice and said his name.

"How old are you?"

"39 is old."

"A native of Xuanbei County?"


After Lin Chen asked a few simple questions, he said to him, "You came to the Public Security Bureau and turned yourself in, saying that you were the murderer of the 726 murder case?"

"Yes, I am the murderer." Chen Zhibin said.

"Why did you kill the three members of Xie Qiang's family, and what kind of grudges do you have with their family?" Lin Chen then asked.

A smile appeared on Chen Zhibin's face, and he said, "Xie Qiang and I are not really grudges, it's just her wife. I was very interested, so I started."

"Interested in his wife?" Lin Chen said calmly, "Go on."

Immediately, Chen Zhibin began to tell the reasons for his crime and the process of committing the crime.

Chen Zhibin lives near the city. He is single, has no wife, and lives with a teenage son and his father.

Once, when Chen Zhibin was passing by the residential building, he saw Xie Qiang's wife who was taking the child downstairs.

At that time, Xie Qiang's wife had just taken a shower, her hair was wet and her face was flushed. When she walked by, Chen Zhibin smelled a strong scent of shower gel on her body.

At that moment, Chen Zhibin was moved by this woman. At that time, he looked at Xie Qiang's wife twice. Xie Qiang's wife didn't murder him, but returned him a kind smile, and then left with the child in his arms. . .

Since that time, Chen Zhibin's mind has been hard to forget Xie Qiang's wife.

He began to deliberately pass by the house, the purpose was to meet Xie Qiang's wife, and then began to fantasize about her in his heart.

Xie Qiang's wife is not very beautiful in appearance, but she is the type that Chen Zhibin likes.

So, after some preparations, he brought a kitchen knife and prepared to go to the door to attack Xie Qiang's wife.

He wanted to rape Xie Qiang's wife and ran away after the rape.

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