But when he used the prepared key to open the door of the room and rushed in, he found that Xie Qiang had actually come back and was sitting on the table in the living room drinking tea.

Before Chen Zhibin started, he had investigated Xie Qiang's off-duty time. When he started, Xie Qiang was actually at home, which he did not expect.

When Xie Qiang saw Chen Zhibin, he immediately stood up from the stool and asked who Chen Zhibin was and how he had the key to his house.

When Chen Zhibin saw that Xie Qiang was about to copy the stool, he quickly took out the prepared weapon, the kitchen knife, and fought with Xie Qiang.

Chen Zhibin and Xie Qiang have similar physiques. One uses a stool and one uses a kitchen knife. The heights are clearly defined.

Xie Qiang was cut to the ground and lost his intuition.

Xie Qiang's wife was pulled over to the coffee table by Chen Zhibin, ready to commit atrocities against Xie Qiang's wife.

But for some reason, Chen Zhibin, who wanted to commit atrocities, didn't respond to 5.4 in that regard. He felt that his nerves must have been stimulated after killing someone, and Xie Qiang's wife kept resisting, so there was no such thing. react.

At this time, Xie Qiang's son ran out of the room screaming. Chen Zhibin was already very manic. Now that Xie Qiang's son was still crying, he rushed over and kicked Xie Qiang's son. Kicked to the ground, then raised his foot, and trampled Xie Qiang's son alive.

After trampling Xie Qiang's old son to death, Chen Zhibin molested Xie Qiang's wife for a while, but he still did not respond. He was so embarrassed that he swung the kitchen knife and killed Xie Qiang's wife.

After killing the three people, Chen Zhibin sat in the house for a long time. He felt that he still had a son and a father to take care of, so he couldn't just be caught and shot. .


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So, Chen Zhibin walked outside the door and happened to see a person walking towards him in the distance.

At that time, Chen Zhibin immediately had an idea and thought of a coup, and that coup was to let others take the blame.

He picked up a stick and lurked behind Shen Mingdong. After finding a chance to knock Shen Mingdong unconscious with a stick, he carried Shen Mingdong and carried him into the house where the crime happened.

After arriving in the house, Chen Zhibin wiped off the fingerprints he left on the scene with a rag, leaving the unconscious Shen Mingdong's fingerprints on the body of the deceased, the murder weapon, the kitchen knife, and the key inserted in the door lock.

Not only that, the child who was trampled to death by him also wiped off the footprints on his body, leaving shoe prints on him with Shen Mingdong's shoes.

After doing this, Chen Zhibin felt that his plan would definitely succeed, so he left.

After leaving, Chen Zhibin thought that he could continue to live with peace of mind. Someone took the blame for him in the case he committed.

But over the past few days, Chen Zhibin's whole person was in a daze, and everything he did at night was a nightmare. In the dream, the family of three came to ask him for his life, and wanted to kill him too.

He also began to blame himself, why he was so impulsive to kill people, and even killed all three of his family.

Chen Zhibin was tortured by nightmares and inner torment for a few days. He felt ashamed of Xie Qiang's family of three, and he didn't want to suffer like this any longer.

So today he mustered up his courage and came to the county public security bureau to surrender himself.

When Chen Zhibin said this, he frowned and gritted his teeth from time to time, as if he was regretting his actions.

After he finished speaking, no one spoke in the interrogation room for a long time.

Zhuo Zishan stared at Chen Zhibin with bad eyes, and shouted: "Chen Zhibin, do you know that your evil thoughts caused a family of three to die tragically, and your evil thoughts also ruined your life!"

"How old can you trample a child to death, are you still a person? You don't have any hesitation and pity?"

Chen Zhibin stretched out his hand to cover his face, tears came down immediately, he cried: "I was also confused for a while, thinking that I must get Xie Qiang's wife, then I followed the devil, Xie Qiang's child screamed more and more. Loud, the harder I step on it, I'm not human, I'm not human..."

"I'm asking you." Zhuo Zishan said coldly to Chen Zhibin, "When you were threatening Xie Qiang's wife and trampling his child to death, did Xie Yong watch it with his own eyes?"

Chen Zhibin hesitated a little and said, "At that time, he seemed to be still breathing. He watched me touch his wife and trample his son to death. It was when I trampled his son to death that Xie Yong died."

Chen Zhibin's remarks made the police officers present look indignant on their faces.

This Chen Zhibin is really ruthless. When Xie Qiang was still breathing, let him watch him molest his wife and trample his son to death.

It is estimated that Xie Qiang, who had his last breath at that time, was angered to death by Chen Zhibin.

"What a beast." A young police officer couldn't help but scolded behind the crowd.

Zhuo Zishan agreed: "This guy is indeed a beast. He killed three members of Xie Qiang's family because of his lust, and knocked out Shen Mingdong. He wants others to take the blame for him."

Li Guo, who was beside him, didn't speak. There was no expression on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Shen Yue's eyes were on Lin Chen.

Before he came, Lin Chen said that the person who came from the head was very likely to come to the top. What he said now, Shen Yue held a skeptical attitude, but the tears that Chen Zhibin shed, It does look a bit guilty.

At this time, Lin Chen, who had been silent, finally spoke up.

He looked at Chen Zhibin, who was crying while covering his face, tears streaming from his fingers, and said lightly, "Chen Zhibin, is the show over?"

Lin Chen's words made Chen Zhibin, who was covering his face and crying, suddenly stop, as if he was a sneaky person who was startled by someone who suddenly appeared.

Chen Zhibin put down his hand, raised his tear-stained face, and looked at Lin Chen: "What do you mean?"

"I'm asking you." Lin Chen had a faint smile on his face: "Have you finished your play? Can you tell the truth?"

This time, not only Chen Zhibin was stunned, many police officers in the interrogation room seemed a little stunned by Lin Chen's words.

Li Guo glanced at Lin Chen, but the expression on his face was still natural, and he didn't see any stunned expression.

Zhuo Zishan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he opened his mouth to speak, but he held back.

"The truth?" Chen Zhibin said: "You want me to tell the truth, what I said just now is the truth."

"How much did the person who asked you to come to the top gave you?" Lin Chen looked at Chen Zhibin and said seriously, "Do you know the seriousness of the 726 killing case, this is a case to be shot, not to go in and squat for ten It can be solved in a few years, money is more important than your life?"

Chen Zhibin's eyes were a little dazed, and his body trembled a few times, but he quickly regained his calm: "What did they give me, how much money did they give me, and what did they blame? I killed the three of Xie Qiang's family."

"You killed the three members of Xie Qiang's family, hehe." Lin Chen smiled and said, "Chen Zhibin, as you look so sick, you can even give Xie Qiang, who is holding a bench, a kitchen knife. killed?"

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