"Where am I so sick 587?" Chen Zhibin retorted: "If you see my face haggard, I tell you, it is because I have been suffering from inner torment and torture these days, so I am like this. ."

Lin Chen stared at Chen Zhibin's face and said, "I can still distinguish between a haggard face and a sick face."

"Take a mirror and take a good look at your face. Your skin is sallow, your face is dark, and your lips are chapped. Generally, people with liver problems will have this kind of situation."

"I see that when you tell the story of the crime, you are weak, frowning and clenching your teeth from time to time. Are you enduring the pain from your body?"

Chen Zhibin looked a little flustered and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Am I talking nonsense?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "You are talking nonsense, right? Chen Zhibin, those lines you just said were just memorized. Let me tell you, the turning point of the crime you described was too rigid."

"You can investigate Xie Qiang's wife for a period of time, find out her husband's off-duty hours, and then come to the door to rape with a kitchen knife. You kill people, trample children to death, and continue to molest Xie Qiang's wife. After the rape is fruitless, He was so embarrassed that he hacked Xie Qiang's wife to death."

"People who can do this, I don't know how hard their hearts are and how hateful their methods are. Such a ruthless person will feel guilty, and even guilty enough to run to surrender?".


973 I can tell the truth [2 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen's powerful and powerful voice echoed throughout the interrogation room and entered everyone's ears.

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Chen Zhibin's face was obviously flustered.

Zhuo Zishan stood behind Lin Chen, turned his head and glanced at Lin Chen, expressionless and did not speak.

Li Guo, other police officers and Shen Yue all stared at Chen Zhibin's face.

Indeed, Chen Zhibin's complexion is sallow, and if you look a little closer, you can still see his darkened face.

The sallow skin of ordinary people may be caused by malnutrition or haggard, but the complexion is black.

Those fortune-tellers often say something like seeing your Yintang turning black, there will be a big disaster in the near future, and the kind of words they say can sometimes be effective.

It wasn't a pure coincidence, but some common sense in Chinese medicine was used. The darkening of the face means that there is a problem with the body's organs.

This Chen Zhibin has sallow skin, dark complexion, and chapped lips. These features make it obvious that he has problems with his body.

Chen Zhibin didn't dare to meet Lin Chen's eyes, his voice trembled a bit, and said, "There's nothing wrong with my body, it's just that I haven't slept well for a few days after killing someone, I really did kill them. , I didn't think too much before killing someone, and after killing someone, I felt guilty and regretful, all of what I said was the truth."

"Chen Zhibin, stop pretending."

Lin Chen had a sense of confidence in his body, and he said, "When you described the crime, you were relatively calm. When I said that you were acting and charged someone else's money to commit the crime, you started to panic."

Lin Chen stared at Chen Zhibin's eyes and said, "From your reaction just now, you know that you are going to be shot for the crime of killing the family in 726. You are ready to die, an ordinary person can't be killed because of money. , I don’t even want my life.”

"You don't have to die, your face is still so ugly, and the whole person is powerless and haggard. Based on these, I infer that you have a terminal illness in the liver, or you need a lot of money to cure the disease."

"You feel that you are going to die anyway, so you might as well use your own life to help others in exchange for a sum of money to live for your son and father."

"Chen Zhibin, what I said, right?"

After Lin Chen said this, Chen Zhibin's face became extremely ugly, and the whole body shook like a sieve.

His eyes widened, his eyes were full of horror and disbelief, he looked at Lin Chen, and shivered: "No... no... I didn't... no..."

Chen Zhibin retorted while crying, more tears than he had just shed.

As long as you are discerning, you can see that Chen Zhibin is wrong at this moment. Judging from his expression and reaction, it should be said by Lin Chen.

At this time, Li Guo said, "Mr. Lin, I didn't speak just now. I just felt like you that there was something wrong with this Chen Zhibin. The murderer was so cruel and ruthless, but he felt guilty and turned himself in. This is a very rare thing."

Li Guo has worked as a criminal police officer for nearly ten years, and his eyesight is not bad. Many aspects of Chen Zhibin make him feel suspicious.

When Lin Chen heard Li Guo's words, he nodded slightly and said, "Go and investigate this Chen Zhibin immediately to see if he has a terminal illness or an incurable disease. I am almost certain that he is here to blame the murderer, not 726 The murderer of the extermination case."

"Okay, Mr. Lin." Li Guochong nodded to Lin Chen: "I'll check his medical records right away, and there will be results soon."

After Li Guo finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave the interrogation room to check the medical records of this Chen Zhibin.

Just when Li Guogang turned around, Chen Zhibin, who was locked in the interrogation chair, screamed: "Don't investigate, don't investigate, I am the murderer, don't look up my medical records, please, arrest me, Shoot me, please... don't check, let me leave the last money for my kids and dad..."

Chen Zhibin cried very sadly, and the cry was even more piercing than before.

Li Guo has not moved, and has not gone outside. As soon as Chen Zhibin's remarks came out, he no longer needed to check his medical records.

Other police officers also talked a lot. At first, some police officers didn't think much about it, thinking that Chen Zhibin was the murderer.

After Lin Chen said that, they felt that Chen Zhibin was suspicious, maybe he really came to take the blame for others.

Now, what Chen Zhibin said has already explained everything.

Some police officers looked at each other, and the expression on Zhuo Zishan's face was uncertain.

Lin Chen looked at Chen Zhibin, who was tearing up and crying. He didn't feel so happy because he exposed Chen Zhibin's lies, but from the way this big man cried, he saw the helplessness of ordinary people in front of money.

Lin Chen didn't speak in a hurry, but let Chen Zhibin cry for a while.

After a few minutes, when his crying gradually stopped, Lin Chen opened his mouth and said, "...Okay, can you tell me the truth now?"

Chen Zhibin stretched out his hand and wiped away a handful of tears. He looked at Lin Chen and said, "Comrade police officer, I am voluntary, so can't I do my last meager effort for my family?"

Lin Chen shook his head resolutely, and said, "No, if killing people can make others take the blame, then the rich and powerful can kill people casually. Isn't this society in chaos?"

Chen Zhibin lowered his head and clenched his fists. He was ready to be shot before, but now, without the money, his son and father don't know what to do after his death.

Lin Chen said two more words to Chen Zhibin, Chen Zhibin still lowered his head and said nothing, his face was full of pain.

"Don't tell me?" Lin Chen asked (the king's).

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