Chen Zhibin still didn't speak, and Lin Chen said again: "Looking at your expression, you are very embarrassed. Is that person your acquaintance, or is he threatening your family?"

Lin Chen is quite familiar with spending money to put people in jail. Generally, after they find you, they will ask you to go to jail for them, and how much money will be given to you, the money will be given to your family in one go or in installments.

If you honestly go to jail, the money will go to your family. If you dare to give it to them, they will threaten you with your family beforehand.

If you dare to confess them, your family will be killed.

Lin Chen felt that Chen Zhibin didn't dare to say it, and he looked embarrassed. It was very likely that he had encountered such a situation.

Chen Zhibin raised his head slowly. After hesitating for a while, he finally said, "I can't say, otherwise they will attack my son and my dad."

When Lin Chen heard this, a smile appeared on his face. .


974 Check the money [3 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen smiled at Chen Zhibin and said, "You can speak out with confidence. The police must catch the murderer. If you tell the truth, I will immediately send someone to protect your son and your father so that they will not be harmed in the slightest."

When Chen Zhibin heard this, he subconsciously asked, "Really?"

"Naturally." Lin Chen nodded to Chen Zhibin.

Chen Zhibin hesitated for a while, and after he chose to believe Lin Chen, he said: "Actually, I don't know who that person is, he found me with a mask and a cap, I only saw his eyes, what did he look like? I can't see it."

Seeing that Chen Zhibin was willing to speak, Lin Chen began to ask, "What accent does he have, is he a native of Xuanbei County?"

"It's our local." Chen Zhibin replied.

"How tall is he, and how old do you think he is?" Lin Chen asked again.

"He's about the same height as me, although I can't see his face clearly, but when I listen to his voice, it should be a guy in his twenties... He sounds relatively young," Chen Zhibin said.

"How much did he give you?" Lin Chen said.

"Five...623...[-]..." Chen Zhibin said with a slightly trembling voice.

Hearing the figure of [-], many of the police officers present shook their heads. The murderer used [-] to ask Chen Zhibin to take the blame. This price is too low.

"[-] is a crime, you are too cheap." Lin Chen sighed.

"I have that kind of disease, and I won't live long. Anyway, I'm going to die. I can exchange my life for [-] yuan. I'm very satisfied. This money is enough for my son to finish college, so that my father doesn't have to get up early and stay in the dark. It's hard work..." Chen Zhibin said in a mournful voice.

Lin Chen asked him something about the person who gave him the money. Chen Zhibin said it all. He said that the person was very arrogant. The money is at home, and he will not come to blame.

Because the man was wearing a mask and cap, Chen Zhibin couldn't provide any useful information except that he remembered his eyes and new features.

After talking about the man, Chen Zhibin talked about his own experience.

Chen Zhibin lives with his son and his father. Chen (bbfh) Zhibin's father has some disabilities because of a car accident. His son has to go to school, and he does not have any skills, so he and his somewhat disabled father grow vegetables in the village every day. Go early in the morning to set up a stall in front of the vegetable market in the county town to earn some money.

Although their lives were poor, they were still decent.

Since last year, Chen Zhibin felt unwell, and he endured it. He didn't want to go to the hospital for a checkup.

The pain in his body has been delayed until this year. A few days ago, his body finally couldn't bear the pain, and his father used a tricycle full of mud to take him to the hospital.

When he went to the hospital for an examination, the doctor told him with a solemn expression that a large shadow was found on his liver, and the preliminary judgment was that it was in the middle and late stages of liver cancer.

As soon as the doctor's words came out, it was like a thunderbolt, causing Chen Zhibin and his father to be stunned on the spot.

After the father and son went back, they cried very sadly. The family was poor and could not afford the high medical expenses for treatment.

Chen Zhibin also made plans to earn more money in the last moments of his life, so that after he left, his father could work less hard.

Chen Zhibin had liver cancer, and he didn't tell his son. What he didn't expect was that someone found him today and brought a large bag of cash to him to do the most sinful thing.

With half a million in cash, Chen Zhibin has never seen so much money in his life. How much money can he make in the rest of his life by growing vegetables?It's definitely not possible to earn half a million.

So, Chen Zhibin agreed after making some excuses.

The matter of the 726 extermination case spread in the county, and Chen Zhibin also knew about the case.

The mysterious man asked him to surrender to the Public Security Bureau. He also thought about it, that man should be the murderer of the 726 slaughter case.

In front of half a million, he did not choose to call the police. For the sake of his son and his father, he was ready to be shot.

The story he told was also what the man told him to remember. Chen Zhibin was able to cry while saying that the tears flowed quickly and very real, not because of his good acting skills, but because he thought that he would never see his son and his son again. Father, he was so sad that he cried.

After Chen Zhibin finished speaking, the interrogation room was filled with his sad cries again.

His guilt-ridden behavior violated the law and obstructed justice, which is very incorrect.

But from a perspective outside the law, Chen Zhibin is just a poor person who is powerless in the face of money and illness.

He is a good father and a good son.

Lin Chen looked at Chen Zhibin and said, "This kind of top crime of yours will be jailed according to the law."

As soon as Chen Zhibin heard Lin Chen's words, his face immediately showed a look of nervousness, and he hurriedly said: "Comrade police, don't, don't let me go to jail, okay? I'm running out of time, I can't earn the five [-], and I have to go to jail, what about my son and my father..."

"I'm running out of time, please raise your hands, let me go back and earn some money in various ways, leave it to my father and my son..."

Chen Zhibin wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy, but he was locked in the interrogation chair and couldn't kneel down at all.

Lin Chen shook his head slightly and said, "I haven't finished my words yet, according to the law, you will be imprisoned, but I think you are sick and your attitude is good, and I can help you find the one who will give you money to make you stand guilty. You will be exempted from the punishment of imprisonment.”

When Chen Zhibin heard the words, he immediately expressed his gratitude to Lin Chen, and his eyes were full of gratitude.

Immediately, Lin Chen turned his head to Li Guodao who was beside him: "Let someone take Chen Zhibin home immediately and check the [-] yuan to see if it is a serial numbered bill, and pay more attention to the fingerprints on the bill."

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