Li Guo immediately agreed and let someone take Chen Zhibin to play Chen Zhibin's house.

"I didn't expect that this Chen Zhibin is actually here to take the blame. Damn, it made me happy for nothing." Zhuo Zishan said with a disappointed look on his face.

When Lin Chen heard Zhuo Zishan's words, he smiled coldly and didn't say anything to her.

Li Guo glanced at Zhuo Zishan, and then said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, what are our next steps?"

Lin Chen said, "Go to the funeral home for an autopsy."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he asked Li Guo to go to the forensic department to get something for himself. .


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What Lin Chen asked Li Guo to get from the forensic department was naturally a forensic toolbox.

After a while, Lin Chen had to conduct a careful autopsy. He didn't have the relevant tools, but it was difficult to do.

After Li Guo heard Lin Chen's words, he asked, "Would you like to let the forensic practitioners from the forensic department follow along?"

As soon as Li Guo said this, Zhuo Zishan's body moved, but she turned her back to Lin Chen, and Lin Chen couldn't see the expression on her face.

Lin Chen smiled lightly and said, "No, it's not as good as me as a forensic practice practitioner."

"Okay." Li Guo agreed and went to do it immediately.

Lin Chen and Shen Yue also walked out of the building of the County Public Security Bureau and got into the car in the parking lot.

Shen Yue smiled and said, "Boss, sure enough, this Chen Zhibin is here to replace him."

"This guy Chen Zhibin is not well prepared, plus Zhuo Zishan's exposed feet, this method of punishing the crime is too idiotic. I guess that after we came to the Public Security Bureau, Zhuo Zishan revealed the news. We Every time I get some clues, Zhuo Zishan will reveal some, and then there will be Chen Zhibin who came from the lead." Lin Chen murmured.

Shen Yue said in surprise: "Boss, it's only been a long time since we came to the public security bureau and the crime scene, and they were able to find the person to blame. This kind of speed is not easy. what."

"As I said before, the identity of the murderer is not simple and very powerful. Otherwise, they would not have been able to find Chen Zhibin, a suitable scapegoat so quickly." Lin Chen's eyes were a little deep.

Shen Yue said angrily: "I don't think that Zhuo Zishan is pleasing to the eye. Why don't you just expose her and say that she deliberately committed wrongful convictions and cooperated with the murderer."

When Lin Chen heard Shen Yue's words, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Explore Zhuo Zishan? Where is the evidence? Where is the evidence that she and the murderer should cooperate with each other? Shen Yue, don't think that Zhuo Zishan was wronged. For false and wrong cases, she has no brains, she can be a criminal police officer, and her anti-investigation awareness is very strong, so it is impossible to directly say that she and the murderer are in trouble without evidence."

"Don't worry, Zhuo Zishan won't be stepping on it for long. If things go well, the case will be solved before tomorrow."

Lin Chen and the others came to the Public Security Bureau early in the morning. They had a conflict with Zhuo Zishan, and they proved in the interrogation room that Shen Mingdong was not the murderer. After going to the crime scene and now, it's only been a few hours, and it's just now. noon.

When Shen Yue heard Lin Chen's words, she knew that the boss only had confidence to say this.

Shen Yue thought of that Chen Zhibin at this moment, she sighed slightly, and said, "Hey, actually that Chen Zhibin who came to take the blame is quite pitiful, in order to leave a sum of money for his son and father, he came to take the blame so decisively. "

"There are a lot of poor people in the world, and we can't help it, but..." Lin Chen said, "But since you have encountered it, just help him."

When Shen Yue heard Lin Chen's words, a smile suddenly appeared on her pretty face, and she said, "Boss, are you going to help that Chen Zhibin?"

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Although Chen Zhibin has committed the most sinful thing, he is not bad, so he will help him if he encounters it."

Lin Chen is ready to arrange an operation for Chen Zhibin. As for his recovery after the operation, whether he can live well depends on his own destiny.

The two waited in the car for a while before Li Guo ran over with a forensic toolbox.

After Li Guo got into Lin Chen's car, the police car that Zhuo Zishan was sitting in also started and drove out of the Public Security Bureau.

Lin Chen's car followed, still three cars, heading towards the funeral home in Xuanbei County.

The bodies of Xie Qiang's family of three should have been temporarily stored in the freezer of the forensic laboratory, but Zhuo Zishan's freezer in the forensic laboratory was broken, otherwise there would be no need to be so troublesome and run around.

On the way there, Lin Chen turned his head and glanced at Li Guo, and said, "Officer Li, what do you think about Chen Zhibin's arrival?"

Li Guo heard the words and immediately said, "Chen Zhibin is pitiful and hateful. Mr. Lin, considering that he is in the middle and late stages of cancer, it is very humane to not hold him accountable."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "I mean a deeper level."

Li Guo frowned slightly and asked, "Mr. Lin, are you referring to the murderer who ordered him to come?"

"Yeah." Lin Chenen said.

After being silent for a while, Li Guo said, "I think it's strange that the murderer can react so quickly and let a critically ill person take the blame for him."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

Lin Chen glanced at Li Guo and said with a smile, "Officer Li, do you think there are ghosts in the Public Security Bureau?"

"Mr. Lin, it looks like I've thought about it with you." Li Guo also had a smile on his face, he said, "First of all, the murderer already has Shen Mingdong's scapegoat, why does he want to find this Chen Zhibin again? Top bag? There is already Shen Mingdong, and then another Chen Zhibin, isn't it self-contradictory?"

"The murderer will let Chen Zhibin come to the rescue. There is a high possibility that the murderer knows that Shen Mingdong's suspicion has been cleared by Mr. Lin, and he knows that you are looking for the real murderer, so he finds someone to cover it."

"But Mr. Lin, you cleared Chen Zhibin's suspicions, and came to Chen Zhibin to cover the bag. It's a short time. Only those of us know that Shen Mingdong's suspicions were cleared by you. How could the murderer know?"


"There is only one possibility. The murderer has an eyeliner in the Public Security Bureau. After you wash away Shen Mingdong's suspicion, the eyeliner will notify the murderer and let the murderer respond."

When Lin Chen heard Li Guo's words, he smiled approvingly. This Li Guo is worthy of being an old criminal policeman who has worked for nearly ten years, and his thinking is still very sharp.

"That's right." Lin Chen said, "Not only did the murderer have eyeliner in the public security bureau, but he was also involved in the hospital. In my opinion, after receiving the report of the eyeliner, he went to the hospital to search for records of terminal illness. , and then I found Chen Zhibin."

"The speed of the murderer's work, ordinary people can't do it."

"Yeah, how can ordinary people do it so quickly." Li Guo agreed.

"Officer Li, who do you think is hiding beside us, the one who shields the murderer and cooperates with the murderer?" Lin Chen said to Li Guo.

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