Li Guo's gaze subconsciously glanced at the vehicle in front of him, and then he looked embarrassed and said, "Mr. Lin, this... I can't say..."

Lin Chen smiled and said nothing.

For some words, it's enough to stop at the end. People who are not too close don't need to say it so clearly.

The car drove fast on the road for more than an hour before arriving at the funeral home in Xuanbei County.

After the car stopped in the open space, Zhuo Zishan with a gloomy face stepped out of the car. .


976 Three Body Bags [Subscribe for 2 More]

Zhuo Zishan put on a stinky face, and that face made people look at it, as if someone owed her millions.

After she got out of the car, she walked towards Lin Chen's car. Lin Chen and Li Guo and Shen Yue had already stepped out of the car.

Lin Chen glanced at the funeral home built at the foot of the mountain, and vaguely remembered that the last time he went to the funeral home for an autopsy, it was during the serial murder case on the rainy night.

It was raining in the sky that night, and I drove Zhang Tianan to the funeral home for an autopsy by myself. At first, I didn't find the administrator who guarded the funeral home. Then I went to the corpse freezer under the leadership of the administrator. Autopsy inside.

That night, Zhang Tianan was a little frightened.

Zhuo Zishan stepped forward, said a few words to Lin Chen, and then led Lin Chen and the others to find the manager of the funeral home. Under the leadership of the manager "[-]", they walked to the corpse freezer.

Arriving at the door of the corpse freezer, Lin Chen glanced at Zhuo Zishan and said, "You stay outside and go in with me, Officer Li."

Zhuo Zishan was slightly stunned. She didn't seem to expect that Lin Chen would not let herself in. She said, "Mr. Lin, if you want an autopsy, you need someone to take pictures and record the autopsy situation. You and Officer Li are probably not enough, right?"

"Enough." Lin Chen just responded lightly, and didn't talk to Zhuo Zishan anymore.

Shen Yue looked at Zhuo Zishan, she saw from Zhuo Zishan's face that Zhuo Zishan really wanted to go in together, but Lin Chen refused, so she could only helplessly obey.

The door of the corpse freezer opened, and Lin Chen and Officer Li, led by two staff members, walked in.


The door of the corpse freezer was slammed shut, and a trace of cold air rushed out of the closed door, causing goose bumps on Shen Yue's body.

Lin Chen and Li Guo followed the staff, and Li Guo was carrying a forensic toolbox in his hand.

Soon, two staff members found the freezer where the bodies of the three members of the family in the 726 extermination case were frozen.

The cabinets were opened one by one, and three body bags, which were braving the cold air, were quietly placed on the table.

Lin Chen said to the two staff members, "Thank you, I don't need your help here for the time being."

"Okay, I have something to call us." The two staff turned around and left. In the huge corpse freezer, only Lin Chen and Li Guo were left.

Most of the cabinets in this corpse freezer are filled with corpses. Standing in this corpse freezer full of corpses, it's fine in the daytime, but at night, ordinary people really can't bear it.

Lin Chen and Li Guo had gloves on their hands and masks on their faces.

Lin Chen walked to the side of a body bag, stretched out his hand to open the zipper, and suddenly, the face of an adult man appeared in front of Lin Chen.

This adult man was Xie Qiang. Because of Xie Qiang's work on the construction site, he was exposed to the sun and the sun, and his skin was relatively dark. His swarthy face gave him an extremely painful expression.

This frozen painful expression may be caused by physical pain, or it may be the pain of seeing his son being trampled to death and his wife being molested.

Lin Chen opened the body bag completely, and Li Guo also opened the forensic toolbox and placed it beside Lin Chen.

In Li Guo's other hand, he was holding a video camera. Seeing that Lin Chen was about to start the autopsy, he turned on the camera and stood aside to start recording the whole process.

Lin Chen held the scalpel in one hand and stroked Xie Qiang's body with the other hand. After observing for a while, he said, "The deceased Xie Qiang has not only 29 wounds, but also dozens of bruises. , these bruises were caused by smashing them with a stick and stepping on them with shoes."

Lin Chen stretched out his finger and pointed at one of the bruised marks. Upon seeing this, Li Guo immediately focused the camera on the position pointed by Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said: "Look at this bruise, this is a bruise caused by wearing leather shoes and stepping on the hard heel of the leather shoe. The shape of this scar is also the shape of the heel of a men's leather shoe, that is to say, the murderer is stepping on He was wearing leather shoes at the time of the bruise."

"And the shoe prints found at the crime scene, as well as the shoe prints on Xie Qiang's son's clothes, are the pair of sneakers on Shen Mingdong's feet."

When Li Guo heard Lin Chen say this, he was slightly surprised, and said, "From the shoe print, it can be seen that Shen Mingdong is the murderer. The murderer is obviously wearing leather shoes with hard soles. The sneakers on Shen Mingdong's feet can't step on such bruises at all, the intern forensic doctor, didn't find this, how did he do the forensic doctor..."

When Lin Chen heard Li Guo talk about the intern forensic doctor, he didn't point it out, but said casually: "Didn't Zhuo Zishan say that, the intern forensic doctor just checked the bodies of the three people, and there was nothing wrong with it? If it is found, whether it is really not found or false, it depends on each person's opinion."

Li Guoxin understood and knew the meaning of Lin Chen's words. The video was still being recorded, and he didn't explain it.

Lin Chen continued to examine Xie Qiang's body. After the frontal inspection was completed, he turned Xie Qiang's body over and checked his back.

There are also many wounds on Xie Qiang's back. There are more or less scars on his back, buttocks and legs.

Since the bodies of the three members of Xie Qiang's family have just been delivered a few days ago, and the temperature in the refrigerator is not very low, the bodies of the three members of Xie Qiang's family have not yet frozen, so they can still be dissected.

After finding nothing on the surface wound, Lin Chen was ready to dissect it.

The autopsy of the deceased's body requires the consent of the deceased's family. However, there is only one old man left in Xie Qiang's family. Still don't agree.

Lin Chen wanted to solve the case as soon as possible, so Xie Qiang's family of three were innocent, so he didn't ask the old man's consent.

The sharp scalpel cut through Xie 5.9 Qiang's chest cavity. The blood had already coagulated. After cutting the chest cavity, no blood came out.

Li Guo was a criminal police officer who had seen autopsies with his own eyes before, but he could still bear it with the camera at the moment.

Every time Lin Chen dissected a place, he would ask Li Guo to use the camera to take a close-up of that place, and explain the situation inside, whether there was any subcutaneous bleeding in the wound.

Soon, Lin Chen completed the inspection of Xie Qiang's body, and there was no beneficial discovery on Xie Qiang's body.

Lin Chen walked to the second body bag, which contained the body of Xie Qiang's wife.


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