The zipper of the body bag was opened by Lin Chen, and a woman's face in pain and terror appeared in front of Lin Chen. .


977 What did you find 【Subscription】

The frozen expression on Xie Qiang's wife's face was more painful than Xie Qiang's frozen expression.

On Xie Qiang's wife's face, there are still obvious tears left. Xie Qiang watched his son being trampled to death and his wife being molested. This woman is watching her husband Xie Qiang being hacked to death and her son being trampled on. What about death?

Xie Qiang's wife's appearance is not so beautiful, so Lin Chen felt that the confession that the man asked Chen Zhibin to say should be invalid because he fell in love with Xie Qiang's wife.

The murderer's motive for killing should be other reasons.

The body bag was completely opened, and Xie Qiang's wife's corpse full of scars was displayed in front of Lin Chen and Li Guo.

Li Guo took the camera in his hand and took a close-up of the body as a whole. The pixel of the camera is very good, and he can take everything very carefully.

Lin Chen inspected the bruises on Xie Qiang's wife's body, and soon, Lin Chen pointed at the two bruises, and said to Li Guo, "Look at these two bruises, did you find anything?"

Li Guo heard the words and immediately looked over. After seeing the two bruises, he immediately said: "The shape of these two bruises is very similar to the marks left by the heels of men's leather shoes, and the murderer is also in this woman. The victim was trampled on. 11"

"Well." Lin Chen said: "Moreover, these bruises all have subcutaneous hemorrhage, which means that the victim was not dead when these marks were left. From the bruises on Xie Qiang and his other bodies, it can be judged that at that time The murderer who committed the crime was wearing a pair of leather shoes on his feet."

Li Guo's eyes also lit up slightly. On the day the murderer committed the crime, he wore leather shoes on his feet. Don't think that this is useless. It can play a big role in the investigation.

You can call up the surveillance video around the crime scene on the day of the crime, and see the people who appear in the surveillance, some of whom are wearing men's leather shoes.

Li Guodao: "Mr. Lin, this discovery is not trivial. On the day of the crime, the murderer was wearing leather shoes. This can be used to investigate the people in the surveillance video."

After Lin Chenen gave a sound, he nodded slightly: "It's summer now, the weather is hot, in this weather, most people wear slippers, sandals, breathable sneakers, mesh shoes, and leather shoes, but in this season , there are still relatively few people wearing leather shoes."

"Either because of personal hobbies, or because of work and other reasons, most people will not choose to wear leather shoes in this weather."

Lin Chen continued to examine Xie Qiang's wife's body, and if there were any small discoveries, he would let Li Guo carefully record them with a camera.

But when Lin Chen grabbed Xie Qiang's wife's hand, an obvious bruise on Xie Qiang's wife's wrist caught Lin Chen's attention.

After seeing the bruise, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and immediately grabbed the other hand of Xie Qiang's wife.

On the other hand of Xie Qiang's wife, there is the same deep bruise. The two bruises on the left hand and right hand are only different in position, and the shape is not much different, in the shape of a rectangular strip.

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile. He said to Li Guo, "Make a close-up of Xie Qiang's wife's hands."

Li Guo was thinking about things, and when he saw Lin Chen suddenly smile, he was a little stunned. He didn't know why Lin Chen was smiling. Could it be that he found something?

Doubt in his heart, Li Guo still used the camera to make a close-up on Xie Qiang's wife's hands as Lin Chen said.

After Li Guo finished the close-up of his hands, Lin Chen pointed to other positions on Xie Qiang's wife and said, "Here, here, and here, make a close-up shot."

"Okay." Li Guo did as Lin Chen said.

Lin Chen also performed an autopsy on the body of Xie Qiang's wife. After dissecting the abdomen, he found some questionable problems. These places and suspicious points were all recorded by the camera.


The sharp scalpel cut Xie Qiang's wife's throat, and followed the human body's throat all the way down.

The reason for dissecting the throat, esophagus, and trachea of ​​the deceased is because it may be possible to judge from these places what the deceased ate and what environment it was in.

For example, there was a case where someone found a corpse by the river. There was blood all around the corpse, and the blood flowed into and inside the small ditch.

The person who found the body called the police and told the police that someone was dead by the river.

After the police arrived at the scene, they brought the body back to the forensic laboratory together with the forensic doctor who was there.

The crime scene was by the river, there was blood beside the body, and there were signs of struggle at the scene. At first, the police thought that the river was the scene of the crime.

But back in the forensic laboratory, after the forensic doctor cut the trachea of ​​the dead body, many white powdery particles were found in the wall of the trachea.

After testing, this powdery particle is a chemical raw material, and it is not toxic to the human body.

However, there is no such powdered chemical raw material at the riverside. According to the composition of the raw material, the police have locked down several chemical factories. The murderer finally caught is the owner of a private chemical factory.

The boss raped and killed the deceased in his factory. The deceased shouted and struggled, and inhaled a lot of particulate dust floating in the air.

It is precisely because of those particles of dust that the case was solved as quickly as 677 and the direction of investigation was narrowed down.

After Lin Chen cut open the trachea, throat and esophagus, the flesh of those parts was slightly separated, revealing a gap.

Lin Chen stretched out his hand to open the cut trachea and checked it carefully.

The lights in the corpse freezer were not on, so there was a strong-light flashlight in the forensic toolbox. He asked Li Guo to hold the strong-light flashlight to light it for himself.

When Lin Chen looked at the trachea, throat, and esophagus, suddenly, Lin Chen's hand that opened the throat paused slightly, and other movements of the whole person also stopped.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?" Li Guo held a flashlight in one hand and a camera in the other. He was paying attention to Lin Chen. After seeing Lin Chen's abnormal reaction, he immediately asked.

Lin Chen turned his head and showed no expression on his face. He pointed at Xie Qiang's wife's throat and said, "Officer Li, look."

Li Guo immediately looked in the direction Lin Chen's hand pointed. After seeing Lin Chen pointing at what he found in the throat, Li Guo's eyes immediately widened.

"This...this...Mr. Lin..." Li Guo's eyes were full of surprise.

After being surprised, Li Guo said: "How can there be such a thing here..."

Lin Chen's eyes were sharp and he said, "Is this not obvious enough?".


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When Li Guo heard Lin Chen say it wasn't obvious enough, his eyes immediately turned to Lin Chen's face.

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