The two looked at each other, Lin Chen's eyes were as calm as water, the horror in Li Guo's eyes slowly changed, and after the shock, he began to recover.

"Mr. Lin... That is to say, he was the murderer at the time..." Li Guo said in a low voice, staring at the thing found on Xie Qiang's wife's neck.

"Yes, it's impossible for this thing to appear in this position of the throat, and it can only be because of that reason." Lin Chen said confidently.

"Mr. Lin, this is a key to solving the case. The murderer can't escape now." Li Guo said, and his tone was filled with excitement.

Lin Chen also nodded slightly, he said to Li Guo, "Use the camera to give this position a close-up."

"Okay." Li Guo quickly agreed, and took a few close-up shots of Xie Qiang's wife's throat, making everything very clear.

After Li Guo recorded it, Lin Chen took out a pair of tweezers and a sealed bag from the forensic toolbox.

Lin Chen held the tweezers in one hand and the airtight bag in the other, and began to clamp the contents of Xie Qiang's wife's throat into the airtight bag.

There weren't many things, they were collected in a few seconds, and Lin Chen closed the sealed bag.

Li Guo looked at the sealed bag in Lin Chen's hand, and said coldly, "The murderer thought he did a perfect job, but he was really killing himself. I guess he didn't expect that this would become his conviction. key evidence?"

"He definitely didn't expect this, and the eyeliner from the Public Security Bureau wouldn't expect this either." A smile appeared on Lin Chen's face.

Lin Chen and Li Guo are the same as you are here. Others haven't seen what Lin Chen collected. Just listening to their conversation, they can't hear anything.

Lin Chen put away the sealed bag carefully, looked at Xie Qiang's wife's body, and murmured, "I will give you justice soon."

After speaking, Lin Chen hissed and closed the zipper of the body bag.

Xie Qiang and his wife's corpses have been examined, and the harvest is quite huge. Lin Chen is also glad in his heart. He is glad that the intern forensic doctor did not conduct an autopsy on the corpse, but did a simple autopsy analysis.

If not, it is unknown whether the key thing in the sealed bag can still be in Lin Chen's hands.

Li Guo looked at the last remaining body bag and asked Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, how old is this child, do you still need an autopsy?"

"Let's take a look." Lin Chen said.

After speaking, Lin Chen stretched out his hand and pulled the corpse away.

The body bag used by Xie Qiang's children is an adult body bag. His small body is lying in the huge body bag, which looks so abrupt.

Xie Qiang's son is only a few years old. At this moment, he has no clothes on his body, and his thin body is full of bruises.

The bones on this child's body were broken in many places. If he hadn't been straightened, his body would have been deformed because of the broken bones, and his body would have been deformed.

His eyes were wide open, and his small fists were clenched tightly. During the crime, he saw his father being cut down to the ground and his mother being bullied by the bad guys, so he rushed out of the house.

Maybe he clenched his fists tightly to protect his father and mother, but he was too young. In front of the murderer, he had no resistance. He was trampled to death, the bones in his body were broken, and his jawbone was deformed. of.

Li Guo had never seen the corpse of Xie Qiang's child before, but now seeing this child with scars, his small eyes staring at death, he sighed in his heart. treat such a small child.

Lin Chen turned the child over, and on his side and back, he also found bruises that looked like bruises from the heels of leather shoes.

Lin Chen said: "This child also has bruises caused by leather heels on his body. The autopsy report didn't mention this at all. The intern forensic doctor in your county is really amazing."

"Even if it's an intern, it's impossible not to see this..." Li Guo whispered.

Lin Chen made some records on Xie Qiang's child's body. This child does not need an autopsy.

Lin Chen turned his body over, looking at the child's small eyes staring in pain, Lin Chen murmured, "The murderer who killed your family of three will not go unpunished."

After speaking, Lin Chen reached out and closed the child's eyes.

Strange to say, after Lin Chen closed the child's eyelids, the eyelids did not bounce back due to stiff muscles, but closed well.

Seeing this scene, Li Guo also muttered in his heart, could this child hear Lin Chen's words?

But Li Guo immediately shook his head and vetoed it. People are dead when they die. It is estimated that the child's eyelids have not lost their elasticity and can still be closed.

So far, the three corpses have been examined, and the harvest of this autopsy is not too big.

After Lin Chen closed the child's body, he asked Li Guo who put down the camera, " the video saved?"

Li Guo turned off the camera, nodded and said, "Well, it's saved."

"Remove the memory card and give it to me." Lin Chen extended his hand to Li Guo.

Knowing the purpose of Lin Chen's actions, Li Guo quickly opened the card slot of the memory card and took out a memory card from the card slot.

After handing the memory card to Lin Chen, Li Guo asked, "Mr. Lin, do you need me to keep it?"

"No, I'll do it." Lin Chen put the memory card in his pocket.

Immediately, the two put the three corpses into their respective freezers together.

After finishing this, they packed up their things, and then the two walked towards the door of the corpse (Li Qian's) body freezer.

When they came to the gate, Li Guo called out, and the two staff standing outside the gate immediately opened the gate.

As soon as the door opened, a cold air rushed out of the door.

Zhuo Zishan's position was relatively close to the door, and she felt the chill.

At the same time, when she looked at Lin Chen, Lin Chen was also looking at her.

Looking at Lin Chen's eyes, Zhuo Zishan suddenly felt the coldness in Lin Chen's eyes, the coldness was even more chilling than the coldness rushing out of the funeral home.

When Shen Yue saw Lin Chen and the others coming out, she immediately walked over: "Boss, is the autopsy over?"

"Well, it's over." Lin Chen nodded to Shen Yue.

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