Zhuo Zishan also took a step forward at this time, smiled at Lin Chen, and asked, "Mr. Lin, did you find anything on the bodies of the three victims?".


979 What is the difference [3 more subscriptions]

After Lin Chen heard Zhuo Zishan's words, he glanced at her again and said, "Go back to the Public Security Bureau."

Lin Chen said a few words back to the Public Security Bureau, thanked the two staff members, and then walked towards the parking lot.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't respond to her, Zhuo Zishan looked at Li Guo and hurriedly asked, "Officer Li, did you and Mr. Lin's autopsy find anything?"

Seeing Zhuo Zishan questioning himself, Li Guo smiled and said, "Captain Zhuo, since Mr. Lin said that he was going back to the Public Security Bureau, let's go back to the Public Security Bureau. But Chief Li said, and everything will follow Mr. Lin's arrangement."

After Li Guo finished speaking, he followed Lin Chen with the video recorder in one hand and the forensic toolbox in the other.

Seeing this, Zhuo Zishan gritted her teeth secretly, and followed Lin Chen with her face unchanged.

The other police officers also followed towards the parking place. When Lin Chen opened the Maserati's door and was about to sit in, Zhuo Zishan spoke up, and she said, "Mr. Lin, you and Officer Li are doing the autopsy, what did you find? Ah, can't you tell me?"

Lin Chen stopped his move to get into the car, he turned around, looked at Zhuo Zishan, and said, "Will you die if you shut up?"

Lin Chen's tone was very rude, Zhuo Zishan did not flinch this time, but said to Lin 567 Chen: "Mr. Lin, I am here to assist you in investigating the case together, you do not bring me with you during the autopsy, after the body is examined You don't tell me the situation, and you don't tell me what you think. You do this to make me feel that you are guarding me and don't let me follow you to investigate the case."

The other police officers were already standing there, not moving, listening to the conversation between Lin Chen and Zhuo Zishan.

"Don't think so." Lin Chen smiled and said, "I'm just guarding you."

Lin Chen's words were calm, but Zhuo Zishan, who heard these words, was very angry, and his body was shaking slightly.

"Mr. Lin, why are you guarding me? I'm also a police officer. Is it necessary to guard me?" Zhuo Zishan asked Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said: "Of course it is necessary. The 726 murder case is full of doubts. You can still handle the wrongful conviction. What is the difference between your brain and the mentally retarded?"

Zhuo Zishan's eyes widened slightly, Lin Chen actually scolded himself for being mentally retarded?If it wasn't for the director's business trip and not in Xuanbei County, he, Lin Chen, was just a little detective. What kind of thing was he in front of him, what qualifications did he have?

When Lin Chen saw Zhuo Zishan's increasingly ugly face, he smiled and said, "Oh, sorry, what I said was wrong, it insulted the mental retardation."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he sat directly in the car and slammed the door shut.

Zhuo Zishan stood there dumbfounded. Originally, when she heard Lin Chen say sorry, she thought that Lin Chen was going to feel sorry for calling herself mentally retarded. In terms of quality, there are also problems.

However, the words behind Lin Chen almost made Zhuo Zishan smoke.

What he said was wrong and insulted to the mental retardation, that is to say, in his eyes, he was inferior to the mental retardation?

At this moment, Zhuo Zishan felt that she was about to be exploded with anger, her eyes narrowed, and there was a look that would never appear in the eyes of the police.


Lin Chen quickly turned the front of the car, and the car headed in the direction of Xuanbei County.

Maserati roared and left quickly, Zhuo Zishan still standing there.

After she took a deep breath, an intriguing expression appeared on her face.

Zhuo Zishan turned to the police officers behind him and said, "Go, go back to the bureau."

Those police officers didn't dare to speak, knowing that this Captain Zhuo had been wronged by Mr. Lin, and he was holding fire in his heart, for fear that she would send the fire to herself.

When he came, Lin Chen didn't know the way, so naturally Lin Chen knew the way back to the Public Security Bureau.

The black Maserati drove fast on the road, overtaking a car, leaving the police car that Zhuo Zishan was sitting in far behind.

In the car, Shen Yue smiled at Lin Chen and said, "Boss, that Zhuo Zishan who was scolded by you (bbac) was very angry. I think she was going to bite her teeth."

Lin Chen smiled, but didn't speak, and Li Guo, who was sitting in the passenger seat, didn't say much.

It took more than an hour to go to the funeral home, and when Lin Chen came back, it took only more than forty minutes to arrive.

After the car was parked in the parking lot of the Public Security Bureau, Lin Chen got out of the car and said to Li Guo, "I want to investigate all the surveillance at the crime scene."

Li Guo heard the words and said, "Mr. Lin, this..."

"What's wrong?" Lin Chen asked, "Is there a problem with checking the monitoring?"

Li Guo said: "The surveillance videos around the crime scene are all in the hands of Captain Zhuo. She was in charge of this case before. You have to ask her to get those surveillance videos."

Lin Chen walked directly towards the public security bureau lobby, and while walking, he threw a sentence: "Call Deputy Zheng, let him handle it himself, and hand over all the surveillance to me."

Li Guo heard the words, said yes, and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the landline number of Deputy Bureau Zheng.

At this moment, Deputy Director Zheng Yong was sitting in his office looking up documents. After receiving a call from Li Guo and learning about Lin Chen's needs, Zheng Yong said, "Okay, I understand, I will do it immediately."

After Zheng Yong finished speaking, he hung up the phone, but Li Guo, who was standing there, was slightly ecstatic.

What kind of identity is this Mr. Lin? It seems that his request, what he said, is more effective than that of the county party secretary. Deputy Bureau Zheng immediately went to do it.

Li Guo shook his head, stopped thinking about it, picked up the things, and followed.

When Zhuo Zishan and the others were handling the case, they found a total of 12 surveillance cameras near the crime scene. The videos of these [-] surveillance cameras were all backed up to a hard drive.

This hard drive was in Zhuo Zishan's hands, not the police officers involved in the case, and could not get the hard drive without Zhuo Zishan's consent.

However, Deputy Director Zheng is the second-in-command in the Public Security Bureau. Now that the Director is out of town, he has the absolute right to speak in the Public Security Bureau. It is not a matter of a word to get that hard drive.

In order to make a good impression in front of Lin Chen, Zheng Yong went to get the hard drive in person, and holding the hard drive, he walked in front of Lin Chen.

Zheng Yong handed the hard drive to Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, this is the video of all the surveillance probes near the crime scene."

"Okay." Lin Chen said okay, then took the hard drive and walked to the Information Technology Department of the Public Security Bureau.

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