Zheng Yong, Li Guo, and Shen Yue naturally followed the technical department.

After arriving at the Information Technology Department, Lin Chen was ready to check the video on the hard drive.

But at this moment, Li Guo's cell phone rang.

Li Guo picked up the phone, and after connecting, a surprised expression appeared on his face: "What? Did you catch that person?".


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Li Guo's words aroused the curiosity of everyone present.

Caught that person? ~Caught who?

Many police officers looked at Li Guoguo.

Li Guo held the phone and talked for a while. After putting down the phone, Deputy Director Zheng, who was standing by the side, immediately asked, "Li, what's the situation?"

A happy expression appeared on Li Guo's face. He said, "I just received news from my subordinates. They said that the man who asked Chen Zhibin to take the blame was caught."

"Have you caught that person?" a policeman exclaimed in surprise.

"I didn't expect to catch that guy at such a fast speed." Another police officer also said in surprise.

Lin Chen was still holding the hard drive in his hand. He looked at Li Guo and asked, "How did you catch the man who made Chen Zhibin take the blame?"

Li Guo glanced at Lin Chen, and then he talked about how the police officers caught the man.

Before, after Lin Chen exposed that Chen Zhibin was here to take the blame, he asked some police officers to follow Chen Zhibin home to check the [-] yuan given by the man, to see if it was a serial number banknote, and if there were fingerprints on the banknote, etc. of.

After those police officers followed Chen Zhibin back, they saw the [-] in cash.

After inspection, it was found that some of the half a million in cash were brand new banknotes, or even banknotes with consecutive numbers.

The bills looked like they had just been taken out of the bank.

The brand-new serial numbered banknotes were quite a discovery, so the police officers contacted various banks in Xuanbei County and asked those banks whether the serialized banknotes came from their banks.

After a check, the bank's result came out soon. The manager of a bank called back and said that the money with the serial number was out of their bank counter.

After getting the news, the police officers were all elated, and rushed to the bank with Qian and Chen Zhibin.

The manager of the bank had already prepared the surveillance video of the money being taken away, and it was actually the money that was withdrawn from the bank today.

In the surveillance video, a man in a peaked cap was sitting in front of the counter for money withdrawal.

The man wore a white peaked cap on his head and lowered his head. The monitor at the counter could hardly see his face.

However, another camera clearly captured the man's face.

The staff enlarged and clearly processed the image of the man's face. After Chen Zhibin stared at the man's eyes for a while, Chen Zhibin said loudly that this man's eyes were the same as those of the man who went to his house to give him money. It's exactly the same, ninety-nine percent is this person.

The police officer immediately asked the bank manager to retrieve the information of the person who took the money. The person who took the money was Ou Kuan, 27 years old and a native of Xuanbei County.

After the police learned about Na Ou Kuan's information, they immediately began to investigate Ou Kuan.

Finally, in a house, Ou Kuan was caught.

When Ou Kuan saw the police, he resisted very fiercely. He was as powerful as an ox. At first, two police officers went up to control him, but failed to control him. Finally, several police officers together pressed him down. On the ground, handcuffed.

Now those police officers are on their way back, and it will take five or six minutes to return to the Public Security Bureau.

After Li Guo said this, he said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, they will be here soon, and they will see that Ou Kuan soon."

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded, then handed the hard drive in his hand to the police officer in the technical department, and said to him, "Read the surveillance video inside."

After the technical police officers started to operate, Lin Chen asked Li Guo to send twelve police officers under his command, and each of them watched a surveillance video and checked it immediately.

Originally, Lin Chen wanted to check the footage of these twelve surveillance sites by himself, but now that he has caught the man who asked Chen Zhibin to take the blame, he naturally asked a trusted policeman to check the surveillance footage, and went to see that Ou Kuan himself.

Twelve police officers sat in front of twelve computers and began to check the surveillance video.

One of the information Lin Chen gave them was to see if there were any people wearing leather shoes in the surveillance. Wearing leather shoes was a big feature.

Immediately, Lin Chen and the others went downstairs and waited for that Ou Kuan to be brought back.

When they got downstairs, Lin Chen and the others ran into Zhuo Zishan's group who had been late.

At this moment, Zhuo Zishan, the expression on her face has returned to normal, not as ugly as being scolded by Lin Chen as mentally retarded before.

· · Flowers · ·

After seeing Deputy Director Zheng, Zhuo Zishan immediately said hello, but she didn't say hello to Lin Chen again.

Zhuo Zishan asked Deputy Director Zheng, "Officer Zheng, what's wrong with a group of you coming to the hall?"

Zheng Yong looked at Zhuo Zishan and said lightly, "The person who made Chen Zhibin to take the blame has been caught, and he is on his way back."

When Zhuo Zishan heard Zheng Yong's words, his eyes suddenly widened, and he said in astonishment, "What? Caught... Caught the person who made Chen Zhibin take the blame?"

Zhuo Zishan's surprised shout was a bit loud, and everyone in the hall heard it.

Li Guo and Shen Yue looked at Zhuo Zishan's face, they saw that the expression on Zhuo Zishan's face was very stunned and nervous at the moment.


Zheng Yong frowned, and he said, "Comrade Xiao Zhuo, as the deputy captain of the criminal police, it's a good thing for you to yell like this."

"Yes." Zhuo Zishan quickly apologized: "Zheng Bureau, I'm sorry, I was just too pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect to catch the person who made Chen Zhibin take the blame..."

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