Zhuo Zishan said she was too surprised, but she couldn't see even the slightest surprise on her face.

Lin Chen also looked at Zhuo Zishan, and after seeing Zhuo Zishan's panicked look, Lin Chen's face was expressionless.

After Zhuo Zishan said that, Li Guo said, "It's also my fault that the guy was stupid and left clues, otherwise he wouldn't have been caught so quickly."

"Oh..." Zhuo Zishan said with a nonchalant look on his face, "So, in a while... in a while, we will have to try that guy well... He actually makes people take the blame..."

Not long after Zhuo Zishan's voice fell, a siren was heard in the distance, and soon, two police cars drove into the gate of the County Public Security Bureau.

The police car stopped quickly, the door opened, a few policemen walked out, and then a tall and burly young man was also taken down from the car.

The young man had scars on his arms and face. The scars were very fresh. They were left behind when he resisted violently when he was arrested.

Zhuo Zishan was already standing in front of Lin Chen. After seeing the young man who was escorted out of the car, Zhuo Zishan's body trembled slightly. .


981 Witness and Physical Evidence【2 more please subscribe】

After seeing the Ou Kuan who had been pushed down by the police car, her body trembled slightly, and Shen Yue and Li Guo all saw it.

Before, when Chen Zhibin surrendered to the public security bureau, Zhuo Zishan was very happy, just like an honest police officer who was happy after catching the murderer.

But now, after the arrest of Ou Kuan, who instigated Chen Zhibin to take the blame, Zhuo Zishan's face was full of consternation and sadness, but not the slightest joy.

Lin Chen also saw Zhuo Zishan's expression in his eyes. As the Ou Kuan got closer, Zhuo Zishan also stepped aside, and didn't look at the detained Ou Kuan anymore.

Behind Ou Kuan, another person followed, and that person was Chen Zhibin who could identify Ou Kuan.

A group of people quickly came to Lin Chen and the others, Ou Kuan's double "five five zero" hands were handcuffed, and the whole person was still not very honest. He seemed to be thinking of running away.

The leading police officer immediately said: "Report Mr. Lin, Zheng Bureau, the suspect Ou Kuan has been arrested and returned."

Lin Chen and Zheng Yong nodded slightly, looking at this Ou Kuan.

Ou Kuan is 27 years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a stubborn waist. His face has a bit of viciousness. Looking at this guy's face, he doesn't look like a good person.

"Let go of me, you let me go." Ou Kuan shouted while struggling.

"Be honest." The police officer who held him scolded, and the strength in his hand was a little heavier.

Several of these police officers were injured in order to arrest this Ou Kuan.

Lin Chen looked at Ou Kuan and said, "You gave Chen Zhibin [-] yuan and asked him to come to the Public Security Bureau to take the blame?"

"Nonsense, I don't, I don't even know why you arrested me, what the crime was, and what gave [-] yuan, I don't know." Ou Kuan yelled, saying that he didn't know Chen Zhibin, nor did he give the money to him. He took it upon himself.

There was a hint of coldness on Lin Chen's face, and he said to the police officers, "Take him to the interrogation room."

Several police officers agreed and immediately escorted Ou Kuan upstairs.

Zhuo Zishan, who was standing on the side, was like a lost soul at this moment. She stood there dumbfounded, her fists clenched from time to time, and her face was full of entanglement and sadness.

Lin Chen turned to look at Zhuo Zishan, and said, "Zhuo Zishan, we are going to interrogate Ou Kuan now, won't you go with us?"

Zhuo Zishan was very worried. After Lin Chen said these words, she didn't react at the first time.

It was only two or three seconds after Lin Chen's voice fell that she came to her senses, raised her head, looked at Lin Chen, and said, "Oh, no need, Mr. Lin, just interrogate you..."

"Why not?" Lin Chen's eyes were fixed on Zhuo Zishan, and he said, "Didn't you have a problem with my autopsy not taking you? Now I want to interrogate the suspect Ou Kuan, why didn't you follow?"

Zheng Yong looked at Lin Chen, and then looked at the table with an unnatural expression, but he didn't say anything.

Lin Chen doesn't like Zhuo Zishan, which is what Zheng Yong is happy to see. Anyway, Zhuo Zishan is the director's person and has nothing to do with him.

"Oh." Zhuo Zishan stretched out a hand to straighten a strand of hair, and said lightly, "It's hot today, and I feel like I'm suffering from heat stroke, so I won't participate in your interrogation, Mr. Lin."

"Then how can it be done." The corner of Lin Chen's mouth rose slightly, and said, "Come together."

After Lin Chen said this, he stopped talking to Zhuo Zishan, and walked towards the interrogation room on the second floor.

Zheng Yong saw Lin Chen walking upstairs, and he followed suit. After taking two steps, Zheng Yong stopped, he turned around, looked at Zhuo Zishan, and said, "Comrade Xiao Zhuo, since Mr. Lin called you Together, you follow."

Zhuo Zishan heard the words with a reluctant expression on her face, but she nodded and gave a gracious sound.

Seeing Zhuo Zishan's appearance, Shen Yue felt relieved for a while, and secretly said in her heart: "Looking at Zhuo Zishan's expression, then Ou Kuan, nine times out of ten, is the murderer of the 726 murder case."

As soon as Shen Yue thought of this, she also walked upstairs.

The group came to an interrogation room on the second floor. This interrogation room was much larger than the one where Chen Zhibin was before.

The suspect Ou Kuan was locked in the interrogation chair. No matter how strong he was, after the interrogation chair was locked, he could no longer move.

As Lin Chen and the others walked in, Ou Kuan shouted: "What are you doing, let me go, what's wrong with me, you want to arrest me here?"

Li Guo saw that Lin Chen was just staring at Ou Kuan and didn't mean to speak, so he stepped forward and said to Ou Kuan, "Ou Kuan, do you still need to make a pointless argument?"

Ou Kuan stared at Li Guo and shouted, "You are amazing police officers. The police can arrest people at will? I am a legal citizen, why do you treat me like this?"

"Legal citizen?" Li Guo showed a look of disdain on his face. He said, "Ou Kuan, did you go to the bank today to send a sum of money, a brand new bill with consecutive numbers?"

"No, I didn't..." Ou Kuan denied immediately.

When Li Guo heard this, the expression on his face became even colder. He said, "Then look, the person who withdraws money from the bank is you."

As Li Guo said that, he took out the evidence collected by the police officers before, put it in front of Ou Kuan and showed him.

The evidence is a video and a photo. In the video, a young man with a peaked cap sits in front of the bank counter to withdraw money. His face is exactly the same as that of Ou Kuan in front of him.

When Ou Kuan denied that he had been to the bank, he was still confident, but after seeing the video and photos, his wide-eyed eyes returned to their original state.

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