Seeing Ou Kuan's delay in speaking, Li Guo spoke again: "Say, in the video, is this person who went to the bank to withdraw money, is it you? This person looks exactly like you, Ou Kuan is 0.4, you But don't tell me, you have a brother who looks exactly like you."

After a few seconds of silence, Ou Kuan said, "Yes, I went to the bank to withdraw money today."

"What are you doing to get money out of the fight?" Li Guo asked.

"I don't break the law when I withdraw money. What's wrong with my withdrawal? Others have also gone to the bank to withdraw money. Why don't you arrest them, but instead arrest me?" Ou Kuan shouted again.

"I still have to argue here." Li Guodao said, "Ou Kuan, you took 726 yuan in cash today, went to the terminally ill Chen Zhibin's house, and asked Chen Zhibin to surrender for the [-] murder case. You go to the bank to get the money, just Among the half a million in cash, Chen Zhibin is also here, and now there are witnesses and evidence, what else can you argue?"


982 Is it this person [3 more for subscription]

The [-] cash and witness Chen Zhibin were all in the interrogation room.

Ou Kuan didn't speak, Li Guo let Chen Zhibin take a step forward and said to Chen Zhibin: "Chen Zhibin, take a good look, this Ou Kuan, did he find you today and gave you 726 yuan to help you in the [-] annihilation case. The one who is to blame."

Chen Zhibin's eyes turned to Ou Kuan's face.

Chen Zhibin had seen Ou Kuan in the surveillance video and photos before, but now he was standing directly face to face with Ou Kuan. Facing the fierce Ou Kuan, Chen Zhibin still seemed a little nervous.

He stared into Ou Kuan's eyes, and Ou Kuan also looked at him. After watching for a few seconds, Chen Zhibin straightened up and said, "That's right, the one who found me today and asked me to come to the Public Security Bureau to confess the crime is him, Although he was wearing a mask and hat at the time, I remember his eyes."

Zheng Yong and the others nodded slightly when they heard the words, Li Guo questioned Ou Kuan on the interrogation chair and said, "Ou Kuan, the staff member 11 and the surveillance camera of your withdrawal bank can testify, this cash can testify, Chen Zhibin can testify, you still Is there anything to quibble about?"

Ou Kuan, who was sitting in the interrogation chair, suddenly became violent after being silent for a while, and yelled at Chen Zhibin who was standing beside him: "I'm arrogant, Chen Zhibin, you are not trustworthy, and you took money from Lao Tzu. , you still dare to betray me, I will kill you with a knife, I will kill your whole family, I will kill you..."

Ou Kuan roared, the iron interrogation chair was smashed by his huge fist, and he yelled, his fierce appearance shocked the sick Chen Zhibin.

This is the Public Security Bureau, how could Ou Kuan be allowed to jump like this and directly threaten the witness.

So, after a few police officers came forward to clean up Ou Kuan, the Ou Kuan, who threatened to hack Chen Zhibin's family to death, immediately became honest and was no longer as rampant as before.

There was a smile on Shen Yue's face, she turned her head and glanced at Zhuo Zishan, and saw Zhuo Zishan's gaze, she didn't look at Ou Kuan at all, and the expression on her face was very solemn.

I don't know if she didn't dare to see Ou Kuan, or for other reasons.

When Zheng Yong saw that Ou Kuan was being honest, he said to Ou Kuan in a serious tone: "Ou Kuan, you created the 726 murder case, but you dare to pay someone to take the blame, it's a heinous crime, why don't you talk about your crime? go through!"

Ou Kuan raised his head, glanced at Zheng Yong, and looked away disdainfully.

Ou Kuan was so disdainful of the deputy director, and naturally he was reprimanded and cleaned up by the police officers, so that he immediately and honestly told the reason and the process of the crime.

Ou Kuan was very stubborn, but in the end he still told the story of his murder of Xie Qiang's family of three.

Ou Kuan is a native of Xuanbei County. He is 27 years old this year. He is still single. He is almost [-] and has no partner yet, but he is the owner of a casino.

Said to be a casino, it is actually a relatively large chess room.

The first floor of the chess and card room is an ordinary chess and card room. Some people will play mahjong and cards there. The second floor is where Ou Kuankai's chess and card room earns money.

On the second floor, there are tables for playing various cards, and some gamblers will go to the second floor to spend money to gamble.

Some won a lot of money, and some lost without even having money to eat.

Xie Qiang of the 726 annihilation case was a gambler in Ou Kuan's small casino.

Xie Qiang is a frequent gambler in Ou Kuan's casino. A few months ago, Xie Qiang lost a lot of money in Ou Kuan's casino. When Xie Qiang ran out of money, he asked Ou Kuan to borrow it. money.

Ou Kuan saw that Xie Qiang came often and seemed to be a trustworthy person, so he lent the money to Xie Qiang.

The first time Ou Kuan lent Xie Qiang [-] yuan, Xie Qiang lost.

The second time Ou Kuan lent Xie Qiang [-] yuan, but Xie Qiang still lost.

As he borrowed money again and again, the amount of money that Xie Qiang borrowed from Ou Kuan became larger and larger.

Ou Kuan opened a small casino, and the interest on the money he lent others was also very high, so Xie Qiang owed Ou Kuan more and more money, and Xie Qiang couldn't get the money back to Ou Kuan. relationship has gotten worse.

Gradually, Xie Qiang stopped going to Ou Kuan's casino. He avoided Ou Kuan and looked like he wasn't going to pay back the money at all.

After Ou Kuan noticed it, he went to the construction site where Xie Qiang worked and waited for him. After Xie Qiang got off work, he quietly followed Xie Qiang and knew where Xie Qiang's family lived.

Ou Kuan knew where Xie Qiang lived, so he went to the door and asked Xie Qiang to pay back the money.

Unexpectedly, Xie Qiang refused to admit the account, saying that he did not go to his casino to gamble, nor did he owe the money to Ou Kuan, and he did not admit what Ou Kuan said at all.

Ou Kuan often went to Xie Qiang, but every time he returned without success. On July 7, Ou Kuan drank a lot of wine alone. Thinking of the money Xie Qiang owed him, he didn’t want to pay it back to himself. The fire in Kuan's heart grew bigger and bigger.

So Ou Kuan took a kitchen knife and went to Xie Qiang's house. After encountering Xie Qiang at Xie Qiang's house, Ou Kuan asked Xie Qiang if he still hadn't paid back the money. Xie Qiang snorted disdainfully and said to Ou Kuan said, "I'll pay your mother's money back. I don't owe you any money at all. Why should I pay it back? Don't rely on me. Like a mangy dog, you come to my house every once in a while."

Ou Kuan was drinking at the time and was scolded by Xie Qiang again. He immediately took out his kitchen knife and meditated with 897 Xie Qiang.

After cutting Xie Qiang down, Xie Qiang's wife beat him with a stick. Ou Kuan directly slashed Xie Qiang's wife's hand, and then pressed her on the coffee table. Qiang's face, molested Xie Qiang's wife.

Xie Qiang, who fell to the ground, saw his wife being molested by Ou Kuan.

At this time, Xie Qiang's son, who was asleep, was finally woken up. He came out of the room and shouted that he wanted to hit Ou Kuan.

Ou Kuan was tall and big, and he kicked Xie Qiang's son flying with one kick. Xie Qiang's son's small body flew a meter or two in the air, and finally landed at the door of the room with a bang.

Ou Kuan rushed up and stomped wildly, and in a few seconds he stomped Xie Qiang's son to death.

Xie Qiang's wife was the last to die. It can be said that she was the most painful one among the three victims.

She witnessed her husband being hacked to death and her son trampled to death.

Ou Kuan, who killed two people in a row, had his eyes red. After trampling the child to death, he returned to the coffee table and was about to violate Xie Qiang's wife.

But just like the confession he gave to Chen Zhibin, he didn't know the reason at that time, there was no response at all, and he couldn't commit crimes against Xie Qiang's wife. .

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