983 The inside should be combined with the outside 【Subscription】

As a result, Ou Kuan became angry and hacked Xie Qiang's wife to death.

After killing people, the confessions he handed to Chen Zhibin were the same as what happened at that time. After killing people, he felt scared, so he wanted to find someone to be a scapegoat.

At that time, Shen Mingdong passed by, and Shen Mingdong was not a murderer.

After Ou Kuan finished talking about his crime, he covered his face with his hands and looked remorseful, and said, "I murdered on a whim. At that time, I was red-eyed, and I felt that since I had already killed someone, then One is to kill, and two are also to kill, just... kill all three of their family..."

Li Guo glanced at Lin Chen and asked Ou Kuan, "Since you already have Chen Zhibin as a scapegoat, why do you have to spend [-] yuan to let Chen Zhibin take the blame?"

Ou Kuan explained: "After I faked that person as a murderer at the time, when I returned home, I was always apprehensive, afraid that you would find out that the person was not the murderer, so I also had the option of paying someone if you found out. A plan to take the blame."

"It happened that I knew about Chen Zhibin's situation. I knew that he was going to live soon and needed money, so I found him and asked him to take the blame. That's it."

After hearing Ou Kuan's words, Shen Yue couldn't help but say, "You are lying."

Ou Kuan turned his head to look at Shen Yue and said, "No, I didn't lie."

Li Guo sneered and said, "Ou Kuan, are you good at fortune-telling or something? Why did you immediately ask someone to take the blame after Mr. Lin confirmed his innocence to Shen Mingdong, don't tell me, it's just a coincidence, if Shen Mingdong's suspicion has not been washed away, and if you let Chen Zhibin come again, it would be completely shooting yourself in the foot."

"And after Mr. Lin confirmed Shen Mingdong's innocence, only some police officers present knew about this matter. How did you know the news, so you reacted and let Chen Zhibin take the blame' "?"

After Zheng Yong heard these words, he looked surprised, turned his head to look at Lin Chen, and said, "Mr. Lin, do you think... there are... traitors in the police?"

"Forget it." Lin Chen finally spoke at this time, he said: "The murderer will let Chen Zhibin take the blame, he must know that I have cleared Shen Mingdong of suspicion, and the only one who knows that I have cleared Shen Mingdong of suspicion is only present at the time. the police."

Zheng Yong nodded slightly, his eyes swept across the faces of the police officers around him, and said solemnly: "It seems that someone is really helping this Ou Kuan."

Those police officers who Zheng Yong had seen looked at each other in dismay. Although they didn't speak, their eyes and expressions seemed to say that the Deputy Bureau, please don't look at me, it's not that I should cooperate with the murderer.

"Come on." Zheng Yong scolded Ou Kuan abruptly, with a loud voice, which startled Ou Kuan, who was sitting in the interrogation chair.

Ou Kuan, who was taken aback, glanced subconsciously at a police officer standing beside Zhuo Zishan. The movement of his gaze only took less than half a second, and he quickly retracted his gaze. .

However, this action of his was noticed by Lin Chen and the others.

Li Guolinchen and the others looked at the police officer who was glanced at by Ou Kuan, and the officer's expression suddenly became unnatural.

However, this glance from Ou Kuan did not prove anything, and Li Guo continued to scold Ou Kuan, saying, "Come on, who gave you the news, how did you know that Shen Mingdong's suspicion was washed away, and then went to look for it again. A guilty Chen Zhibin."

Ou Kuan lowered his head and stopped talking. No matter how Li Guo reprimanded him, Ou Kuan remained silent.

There are police officers in the Public Security Bureau helping the murderer to cover up the crime. This is a big scandal. As the deputy director of Zheng Yong, his face is extremely ugly at this moment, so gloomy that he can drip water.

Zheng Yong said: "Knowing that Mr. Lin has cleared Shen Mingdong's suspicions, there are only so many people. It is not difficult to find out who is in trouble with Ou Kuan."

"As a policeman, to actually help the murderer to conceal the crime, this kind of thing is really a disgrace to the police world. I know that person may be standing in the interrogation room. Who helped Ou Kuan to conceal the crime together? It's better to stand up for me now. , I can confess to you and be lenient."

"But, if you don't take the initiative to admit it, and I find out, the consequences are not something you can afford."

Zheng Yong was licking his face in front of Lin Chen, but at this moment, he was extremely majestic, and the words he said were quite deterrent.

Zheng Yong's words echoed throughout the interrogation room, and everyone could hear it. The door of the interrogation room was not closed, and people outside could hear it clearly.

The officers were all commotion, looking at each other to see who's expression wasn't right.

Shen Yue's gaze turned towards Zhuo Zishan, she wanted to watch Zhuo Zishan walk forward with her own eyes, and then admit that she was the policeman who cooperated with Ou Kuan and accepted the punishment from the law and the boss.

Under Shen Yue's gaze, a police officer standing beside Zhuo Zishan, the one who was glanced at by Ou Kuan just now, took two steps forward.

With a trembling voice, he said to Zheng Yong: "... Zheng... Zheng... Zheng Bureau, I... I..."

Zheng Yong saw the policeman stammering and fearful, how could he not see it.

"Are you and Ou Kuan cooperating?" Zheng Yong stared at the police officer, his face looked very bluffing.

"I...I..." The policeman was trembling with fright. He said, "Yes...it's me..."

The police officer's sentence was me, which immediately caused a greater commotion in the interrogation room.

The police officers were talking loudly and pointed at the admitted police officer, while Zhuo Zishan took a step back, she raised her finger and pointed at the police officer with a look of disbelief.

Zhuo Zishan said, "You...Little Wang, do you know the murderer? Did you tell the murderer the news?"

The policeman called Xiao Wang knelt in front of Zhuo Zishan with a plop.

Xiao Wang said with a sad face, "Captain Zhuo, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you trusted me so much, but I helped Ou Kuan without telling you, I'm sorry... I shouldn't be confused for a while, help Ou Kuan to hide it together, and I shouldn't be here either. When investigating Shen Mingdong, I deliberately guided you and pointed everything at Shen Mingdong."

"Captain Zhuo, I'm sorry, I was confused for a while... If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have almost made this murder case a wrongful conviction..."

Xiao Wang apologized to Zhuo Zishan while crying, and Zhuo Zishan pointed at Xiao Wang's nose with a ghostly expression.

This little king is Zhuo Zishan's right hand.

Shen Yue was stunned, could it be...


984 The most trusted person [2 more for subscription]

This police officer Xiao Wang is in the Criminal Police Brigade of the County Public Security Bureau. He is the right hand of Zhuo Zishan and one of the police officers who often follow Zhuo Zishan to handle cases. It can be said that his relationship with Zhuo Zishan is very close. Zhuo Zishan also trusted him.

When Ou Kuan was questioned who disclosed the news to him, Ou Kuan subconsciously glanced at the police officer Xiao Wang. Stand up and say it all.

He disclosed the internal police information to Ou Kuan. Before Zhuo Zishan handled the case, he almost turned the 726 annihilation case into an unjust, false and wrong case. It was also he secretly pointed the finger at Shen Mingdong, fanned the flames at Zhuo Zishan, and misled Zhuo Zishan. approach to the case.

Zhuo Zishan's mistake in handling the case was not because of how stupid she was, but because the person she trusted the most had been misleading her and betrayed her, which was a big reason.

Shen Yue looked at police officer Xiao Wang, who was crying bitterly and with a face of remorse, and then looked at Zhuo Zishan, who was full of confusion and disbelief, she whispered in her heart: "Zhuo Zishan almost made the case unjust. Fake and wrong case, does it have nothing to do with the murderer, is it really because of her most trusted subordinate, this police officer Xiao Wang?"

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