Shen Yue's eyes were full of doubts, and Li Guo's eyes were also scanning Zhuo Zishan and police officer Xiao Wang.

"Little Wang, you..." Zhuo Zishan gritted her silver teeth and scolded: "Are you worthy of my trust in you? Ah? I gave you all the clues to deal with before, I didn't expect, I didn't expect you To be with the murderer, I..."

Zhuo Zishan raised her hand angrily and was about to throw it at the police officer Xiao Wang's face, but after she raised her hand, it stopped in mid-air and didn't fall down. The look of not going.

Police officer Xiao Wang kept apologizing there, and after apologizing to Zhuo Zishan, he said to Zheng Yong: "Bureau Zheng, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was confused for a while, I don't deserve to be a policeman... As a policeman, I don't The one who should cooperate with the murderer... I beg Bureau Zheng, please spare me this time... Bureau Zheng, I beg you..."

Zheng Yong had a gloomy face, and his face was very ugly. Facing the police officer Xiao Wang's begging for mercy, Zheng Yong said: "Forgive you this time? If everyone has the right to forgive this time, wouldn't it be a mess? Now? Xiao Wang, you entered the county public security bureau with Xiao Zhuo. You have worked in the public security bureau for so many years, and you can still make this kind of mistake. You are a very questionable person."

"I mean what I say. Since you have admitted it, you will follow normal legal procedures for your actions."

What Zheng Yong said is very obvious. If police officer Xiao Wang did not admit it before, if he was caught out, he would have to use other means to deal with it strictly. Now that police officer Xiao Wang has voluntarily admitted it, he will deal with it according to normal legal procedures. he.

Police officer Xiao Wang was still begging for mercy, but Zheng Yong ignored him at all.

Zhuo Zishan stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples, looking like he was having a headache caused by Police Officer Xiao Wang.

While rubbing her temples, Zhuo Zishan's body trembled slightly and she almost fell, so that a female police officer next to her gave her a hand.

Seeing that Zhuo Zishan looked wrong, the policewoman asked, "Captain Zhuo, are you alright?"

Zhuo Zishan said thank you to the female police officer, then shook her head and said, "It's okay, I'm okay..."

"Boss, look..." Shen Yue put her mouth close to Lin Chen's ear, and muttered to Lin Chen in a low voice. Those words were asking Lin Chen's opinion on how things have developed so far.

When Lin Chen heard Shen Yue's words, he turned his head and glanced at Shen Yue. Lin Chen's handsome face showed no expression and was very indifferent. When Shen Yue saw it, he didn't know what Lin Chen was thinking at the moment. .

Li Guo said to the police officer Xiao Wang: "Zheng Bureau has already spoken, and you should also take responsibility for the mistakes you made. Xiao Wang, tell me immediately how you cooperated with Ou Kuan."

Police officer Xiao Wang immediately told the process of his cooperation with Ou Kuan.

Police officer Xiao Wang and Ou Kuan are friends. The two grew up in the same village since they were children, and they have a very good relationship.

The chess and card room opened by Ou Kuan also had police officer Xiao Wang covering him in it.

Police officer Xiao Wang is covering Ou Kuan, and Ou Kuan naturally gave him money. The relationship between the two is good, plus mutual benefit, the relationship will be even better.

After Ou Kuan killed all three of Xie Qiang's family and forged that Shen Mingdong was the murderer, Ou Kuan still had no idea in his heart. After thinking about it, he chose to call the best buddy Xiao Wang and made it himself The matter of the 726 extermination case was told to police officer Xiao Wang.

When Xiao Wang learned that Ou Kuan was the murderer of the 726 murder case, he was shocked. He didn't expect that the murderer of the murder case was actually his best buddy.

At that time, Xiao Wang was already going to the crime scene to deal with it. When Ou Kuan asked him to help, he was also very entangled and hesitant. After Ou Kuan said that he would repay Xiao Wang with generous money, Xiao Wang finally chose to help him.

Xiao Wang helped Ou Kuan, one because of money and the other because of their friendship.

Xiao Wang followed Zhuo Zishan and the others. After arriving at the crime scene, he was one of the first police officers to investigate the scene.

Xiao Wang was Zhuo Zishan's right and left hand. During the survey, Zhuo Zishan also asked him to lead people to survey the house and handed over the rights to him.

His purpose of investigating the scene is only one, that is to find the evidence and clues that Ou Kuan accidentally left behind, and then destroy the clues left by Ou Kuan. Shen Mingdong's body.

After the director handed over the 726 annihilation case to Zhuo Zishan, Xiao Wang, Zhuo Zishan's trusted right-hand man, did whatever he wanted in the case.

The police in charge of the case searched the crime scene three times in total, and Xiao Wang also participated three times. During these three searches, Xiao Wang helped Ou Kuan a lot.

During the first search, Xiao Wang discovered the shoe prints left by Ou Kuan at the crime scene. The shoe prints did not belong to Shen Mingdong or the victim's family of three. If they were collected, there would be problems.

After Xiao Wang quietly erased the shoe print, he discovered the suspicious hair left at the scene. The hair didn't look like Xie Qiang's, it didn't look like Shen Mingdong's, and it didn't belong to Xie Qiang's wife and children.

Xiao Wang was thinking at the time that Ou Kuan left the hair nine times out of ten, and there is DNA in the hair. If other police officers found this, it would be many times more serious than shoe prints.

The hair that Ou Kuan left behind was also secretly taken away by Xiao Wang, taken to a place with no one, and thrown away.

After Xiao Wang told Ou Kuan of the evidence he had found, Ou Kuan was afraid for a while and also expressed his stance. .


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Ou Kuan's statement was very simple, that is, Xiao Wang helped him a lot, destroyed the important evidence he left behind, and added some more gifts to Xiao Wang on top of the originally promised money.

After destroying the evidence, Xiao Wang returned home and sorted out the entire case in his mind to see if there were any omissions.

He could stay out of it before, but after helping Ou Kuan destroy the evidence he left behind, he was in it and couldn't get away from this case.

After thinking back and forth for a long time, the police officer Xiao Wang thought of a problem, that is, surveillance. There are more than a dozen surveillance cameras around the crime scene. If his friend Ou Kuan is included in the surveillance probe, it will be Trouble.

The backups of those surveillance records were kept at Zhuo Zishan's place, so Xiao Wang asked Ou Kuan if he would be photographed by surveillance cameras.

Ou Kuan said confidently that the road he went and the road he came back were the same road, and there was no monitoring on that road, so Xiao Wang could rest assured that his figure was not monitored and recorded. down.

After Xiao Wang got this answer from Ou Kuan, he was relieved and full of confidence in this case.

When Zhuo Zishan took over the case, Zhuo Zishan also raised a lot of doubts about the case and asked to investigate further, but Xiao Wang, relying on Zhuo Zishan's trust in him, made a stumbling block and deliberately led the investigators to the wrong one. direction, and also to dilute some doubts.

As a result, Zhuo Zishan almost killed the 726 case and turned it into an unjust, false and wrongful case.

After listening to what Xiao Wang said, the police officers in the interrogation room, you look at me, I look at yours, sighing.

This little Wang, who helped the murderer to conceal the truth, will never appear in the police force in the future. What awaits him will be the severe punishment of the law.

However, the police will not let the news media report on this matter, which is quite a scandal.

Li Guo interrogated police officers Xiao Wang and Ou Kuan again, and asked them to investigate whether they were from the same village and had been friends since childhood.

The friendship between the two has lasted for so many years, and Xiao Wang helped Ou Kuan for the sake of money and love, which is also true.

Li Guo had already walked to Zheng Yong's side and began to whisper to Zheng Yong.

The content of Li Guo's whisper was to tell Zheng Yong that before he followed Lin Chen to handle the case, some doubts that Lin Chen guessed came.

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