Although the communication between Lin Chen and Li Guo did not explain the matter, Li Guo knew very well that Lin Chen initially suspected that Zhuo Zishan was the one who cooperated with the murderer.

Now that little king has come out and took the initiative to take responsibility, which is very different from Lin Chen's previous speculation.

After Deputy Bureau Zheng heard what Li Guo said, he frowned slightly and turned to look at Zhuo Zishan.

Shen Yue didn't speak, and looked at Lin Chen. The interrogation room was relatively quiet.

At this time, Deputy Bureau Zheng walked to Lin Chen's side. He looked at Lin Chen and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, do you see this case?"

Deputy Director Zheng had a consultation in his eyes, this was seeking Lin Chen's opinion and decision.

Lin Chen glanced at Deputy Director Zheng, and said indifferently, "Let's go to the Information Technology Department to check the 12 surveillance stations near the crime scene."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he walked towards the interrogation room without hesitation.

He didn't stop there, let alone see Zhuo Zishan, Ou Kuan, police officer Xiao Wang and the others.

Lin Chen's actions made many police officers a little stunned. Ou Kuan has already pleaded guilty here, and police officer Xiao Wang also admitted that he and Ou Kuan should be together. Want to watch surveillance footage?

In this situation, why are you still watching surveillance video?

Deputy Director Zheng, Li Guo and Shen Yue quickly followed behind Lin Chen, Zhuo Zishan looked at Lin Chen's leaving back, his eyes lowered slightly.

After Lin Chen walked out of the interrogation room, Deputy Bureau Zheng quickly followed Lin Chen's side, and he asked in a low voice, "Mr. Lin, I think you don't care about the confessions of Ou Kuan and Xiao Wang, do you think they Is there a problem?"

Seeing that Deputy Director Zheng's potbellied body was struggling to follow him, Lin Chen filled his paces and asked Deputy Director Zheng, "Deputy Director Zheng, what do you think?"

After hearing the words, Deputy Director Zheng straightened his face and said, "Mr. Lin, Comrade Xiao Li has already told me some of your views on this case, and I will be blunt."

"In the beginning, you thought that Comrade Xiao Zhuo ignored the suspicious points of the 726 murder case and made an obvious mistake. She did it on purpose, and thought that she was most likely related to the murderer and was covering up the murderer."

· · Flowers

"From Chen Zhibin's surrender, you can also see some tricks. After Chen Zhibin surrendered, Comrade Xiaozhuo seemed very happy. Since Comrade Xiaozhuo is likely to help the murderer and the murderer surrendered, she should not be happy."

"Mr. Lin, what I said, is that correct?"

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded.

Deputy Director Zheng continued: "Mr. Lin, since Comrade Xiaozhuo is likely to help the murderer, we need to judge whether he is the real murderer. From the reaction of Comrade Xiaozhuo's expression, it can be seen."

"I now think back to Comrade Xiao Zhuo's astonished appearance when he heard the news of Ou Kuan's arrest, which is very suspicious, and after Ou Kuan was taken off the bus, Comrade Xiao Zhuo's behavior was even more bizarre. Since you suspect Xiao Zhuo Comrade Zhuo was covering up the murderer, and after Ou Kuan was arrested, Comrade Xiao Zhuo's stunned look didn't show that Ou Kuan was the murderer?"


Shen Yue nodded slightly. She had been observing Zhuo Zishan just now. After Chen Zhibin surrendered and Ou Kuan was arrested, her expressions before and after were completely different. She saw Ou Kuan's expression and looked very much like Ou Kuan. is the murderer.

Li Guodao: "Mr. Lin, I was also observing Captain Zhuo before. Didn't Captain Zhuo's reaction prove that Ou Kuan was the murderer?"

When Lin Chen was about to speak, Deputy Director Zheng reached out and patted his forehead, he said, "I understand what Mr. Lin means, Mr. Lin, do you think that Ou Kuan is indeed the murderer, but that police officer Wang, He stood up to take responsibility for Zhuo Zishan, so you are not satisfied with the results of Ou Kuan and Xiao Wang Fufa, and want Zhuo Zishan to take her due responsibility?"

After Li Guo heard Deputy Director Zheng's words, a clear expression appeared on his face.

He said: "Although the confessions of Xiao Wang and Ou Kuan are both correct, they said that Xiao Wang secretly should guide Captain Zhuo to make the murder case a false, false and wrong. Captain Zhuo is completely ignorant of it, and I don't believe it either, Captain Zhuo. Not so stupid, he should also be an insider."

After Lin Chen heard what the two said, he smiled slightly and said, "In the middle of the game, they have been acting in real and fake roles, and you have been deceived."


986 Just above the corpse [2 more subscriptions]

The only people who heard Lin Chen's words were Deputy Bureau Zheng, Li Guo, and Shen Yue. After hearing this, the three of them all had their eyes widened slightly and stood there stunned.

In the middle of the game?They, have been acting in real and fake?cheated?

Lin Chen's words echoed in their ears repeatedly, which surprised them and at the same time wanted to know the reason for Lin Chen's words.

"Mr. Lin..." Deputy Director Zheng asked in surprise, "What do you mean by that? Could it be... Could it be that Ou Kuan is not the murderer?"

Shen Yue and Li Guo both stared at Lin Chen's eyes, as if they wanted to see something from Lin Chen's eyes.

It's a pity that Lin Chen's eyes are too deep, and the two of them can't see anything from them.

Lin Chen said to Deputy Director Zheng, "Yes, Ou Kuan is not the murderer, or in other words, he is not the only murderer of "[-]"."

"It's not just him?" Deputy Director Zheng murmured, and he asked Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, how did you see that Ou Kuan was not the murderer, or that he was not the only murderer?"

"It's very simple." Lin Chen walked upstairs directly and said, "You'll know when you come with me."

Lin Chen had already walked away, and Deputy Bureau Shen Yuezheng and the others followed Lin Chen quickly. On the way up, they didn't ask any further questions, but just followed silently.

Soon, several people came to the Information Technology Department of the Public Security Bureau together.

At this moment, in the Information Technology Department, the twelve police officers were looking at the surveillance video of the day of the crime in front of twelve computers. Lin Chen glanced at them and walked to another room.

There are also several computers in this room. Lin Chen walked to one computer, reached out and took out a memory card from his pocket.

This memory card is the entire autopsy process recorded by Li Guo holding the camera during Lin Chen's autopsy.

There was a card reader on the table, Lin Chen connected the card reader to the computer, and quickly played the video.

"I would say that Ou Kuan may not be the murderer, or that he is not the only murderer. The reason lies in the corpse." As Lin Chen said, he quickly clicked the mouse with his finger and dragged the video to Xie Qiang's corpse. above.

In the picture, Xie Qiang is naked, with his back facing up, and the camera's pixels are very high, showing the bruises and wounds on Xie Qiang's back very clearly.

Lin Chen pointed to the position of Xie Qiang's back shoulder blade and said, "Deputy Bureau Zheng, Officer Li, take a good look at the bruise on Xie Qiang's shoulder blade."

Zheng Yong stared at the computer screen. This was the first time he saw the body of the deceased in the murder case, and Li Guo also became serious. Although he had followed Lin Chen before, he was thinking about things while he was about to shoot. , In addition, because I felt that Lin Chen was there, I didn't need to observe more, I didn't look at the body too seriously before.

According to what Lin Chen said, the two focused on the position of the shoulder blade on the back of Xie Qiang's body. They saw that there were bruises on Xie Qiang's left shoulder blade and right shoulder blade.

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