The shape and position of the bruises were very similar to someone clasping Xie Qiang's wrist and pressing the other hand on Xie Qiang's shoulder blade.

Li Guo immediately said, "Mr. Lin, the bruise on Xie Qiang's shoulder should be caused by someone clasping his arm and pressing one hand on Xie Qiang's shoulder."

Deputy Director Zheng squinted his eyes and said, "Xie Qiang has bruises on both sides of his back and shoulders when he was pressed. If the murderer is alone, it can only cause bruises on one side, so two people hold it together. He can only cause two bruises."

When the police arrest people, they often use this technique. Two policemen hold the suspect's arm from left to right, hold the suspect's wrist with one hand, and press the other hand on the suspect's shoulder and shoulder blade. In such a position, it is difficult for the controlled person to break free.

Lin Chen said: "About the two pressing bruises on Xie Qiang's shoulder blades on both sides, one person can only hold one side, and cannot press both shoulder blades at the same time, I know you may be thinking, it may be Ou Kuan. Hold Xie Qiang's arm first, and then hold Xie Qiang's other arm during the fight, leaving bruises on both sides."

"However, pay attention, the bruises left on the shoulder blades on both sides have the reaction of life..."

When Lin Chen said this, Shen Yue asked inexplicably, "Boss, what is life reaction?"

Lin Chen's words were interrupted, and he was not angry, he glanced at Shen Yue, and explained to Shen Yue: "Life response refers to the response of the body when it is stimulated before death, that is, when the body's circulation and breathing functions exist. ."

"Wounds and scars with life reflections prove that the wounds and scars were caused by the deceased before his death, while wounds and scars without life reflections were caused after the deceased's death."

Shen Yue nodded when she heard Lin Chen's explanation.

After explaining to Shen Yue, Lin Chen said again: "Look at the bruises on Xie Qiang's shoulders, these are bruises with a reaction to life, and they were caused during Xie Qiang's lifetime, and to cause such bruises, Xie Qiang It must have been kneeling on the ground."

"According to the shape, location and reaction of the bruises, these two bruises were caused at the same time."

"Looking at Xie Qiang's wrist, there are also traces left by being captured. Based on these, it can be seen that before Xie Qiang was killed, he was kneeling on the ground and was captured with both hands. The two captured The bruises left behind were created at the same time.”

"You need at least two people to cause those bruises at the same time."

Li Guo has been a criminal policeman for nearly ten years, and Zheng Yong is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. Although they are not very familiar with life reactions, they can fully understand Lin Chen's analysis.

From the shape and position of the scar, when the scar is formed, the posture of the deceased must have rich forensic knowledge 1.0. The two do not have such rich forensic knowledge, but Lin Chen's analysis is absolutely believed. .

"So that's the case." Deputy Director Zheng said, "Mr. Lin, because of the bruises in these two places, you judged that Xie Qiang was kneeling at the time and his hands were captured. At least two people were at the scene of the crime at the time. to do it.”

"Not only that." Lin Chen's finger moved on the mouse again, he quickly dragged the screen onto Xie Qiang's wife, Lin Chen pointed at the screen, and said, "Look at the scar on Xie Qiang's wife's wrist. , the length and width of the scars are the same as the cross-sections on both sides of the coffee table in her home."

"The wrist was buckled on the edge of the coffee table, and it took a long time to leave such bruises. When the bruises were caused, two people should buckle Xie Qiang's wife on the coffee table, and the other She molested."


987 First-hand planning [3 more for subscription]

Li Guo was slightly surprised, and he said, "Mr. Lin, you mean that there are three or more murderers who created this 726 murder case?"

"Yes, there are at least three people." Lin Chen said.

Li Guo and Zheng Yong looked at each other, and Lin Chen found out the stab wounds on Xie Qiang and his wife at this time.

He pointed to the wounds and said, "Look at the wounds on the bodies of the two deceased. Some wounds were caused by the left hand holding the knife, and some wounds were caused by the right hand holding the knife. Generally speaking, a person's dominant hand is one hand, The shape of the wound produced by a person slashing with a knife is relatively similar."

"And these 40 stab wounds, I analyzed from the depth, shape, and angle, and felt that at least three or four people were slashing with knives..."

In the room of the technical department, Lin Chen's analysis echoed. From the wounds, bruises, and life reactions, Lin Chen came to the final conclusion that there were at least three or four murderers.

Shen Yue is an 11 layman, and she doesn't understand a lot of things that Lin Chen said.

However, Li Guo and Zheng Yong listened to a thorough understanding. After listening to Lin Chen's analysis, they had to sigh at Lin Chen's insight and rich criminal investigation experience. What Lin Chen discovered might be what other old criminal police officers and forensic doctors wanted. It took a lot of time to figure it out, but Lin Chen, he was able to figure it out in a very short time.

"Mr. Lin, you really are a detective." Zheng Yong praised Lin Chen.

Regarding Zheng Yong's flattery, Lin Chen waved his hand indifferently and said, "Actually, the 726 murder case that happened in Xuanbei County is not a big unsolved case at all. The old forensic doctor and the old criminal policeman are here, and they will definitely be able to find out."

"It's just that on the morning of the incident, the old forensic doctors went to study abroad, and the criminal police officers had other goals, so the case was delayed. In the end, it was the inner ghost in the police force. Creating trouble."

"Mr. Lin, you're right." Zheng Yong said solemnly: "I didn't find it before, but now it seems that there are a lot of moths in the police force in Xuanbei County, we should take this opportunity, alright. Cleaned up."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "According to my findings, it is certain that there were at least three or four murderers at the scene of the crime, which also proves that the captured Ou Kuan and his testimony were You're lying."

"Since the testimony is false, there is something tricky about that police officer Xiao Wang and Ou Kuan who should cooperate with each other. Officer Li, Deputy Director Zheng, think about it, Xiao Wang is just Zhuo Zishan's right and left hand, he can Is it so easy to mislead Zhuo Zishan in the direction of the case, so easy to dilute the existing doubts?"

"Zhuo Zishan is not a fool, it's impossible, the biggest possibility is that Zhuo Zishan and the others have been acting."

"Also, the people who drove Shen Mingdong's relatives into the hospital were very skilled and did not leave any traces. They are obviously experienced people. The 726 killing case was rumored in the county. You should also know that the group of people you attacked are relatives of the suspect."

"Being able to command those experienced people to do it, and being deeply involved with Zhuo Zishan, it can be seen that the murderer's energy is not small."

Li Guo and Deputy Director Zheng had just thought of the police officer Xiao Wang's doubts. Now Lin Chen mentioned it again. After they nodded slightly, Deputy Director Zheng said, "Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Chen's eyes revealed a bit of deep taste, he said, "My opinion is that Zhuo Zishan is the biggest insider in this case, Xiao Wang is just her scapegoat, and Ou Kuan is not the real one. The murderer, he is also one of the scapegoats."

"Zhuo Zishan and the powerful murderer, after I took over this case, they planned a good show. First of all, Zhuo Zishan should know that I have begun to doubt her, she did not avoid me, Deliberately pretending to be handling a case, firstly, she wants to monitor me, and secondly, she deliberately allows me to monitor her and observe her expression."

"They first asked Chen Zhibin to surrender, and Zhuo Zishan deliberately showed a happy expression, so I can judge from her happy expression that Chen Zhibin has a problem and should not be the murderer."

"After all, I suspect her. She is protecting the murderer. The murderer is caught. She can't be happy."

"Chen Zhibin's revelation should be in Zhuo Zishan's plan. The purpose is to paralyze us. By observing her reaction, we will know the credibility of the murderer we caught."

With a confident smile on Lin Chen's face, he continued to say to the few people who had been stunned: "Then, the caught Ou Kuan will appear. Assuming that Ou Kuan is really the murderer, he can It was Shen Mingdong who arranged the crime scene as the murderer, and he has a very anti-reconnaissance awareness."

"How can a person with anti-reconnaissance awareness go to the bank's counter to take out a sum of money and give it to Chen Zhibin, who is the top bag? There are many surveillances inside and outside the bank, and the one who took out the money was his own bank card, Ou Kuan. Isn't this kind of behavior seeking death?"

"Even if Ou Kuan can't collect 563 yuan, it is impossible to deposit it in the bank to get new banknotes with consecutive numbers. If you do a random [-] check, you can know which bank it is from. When did you go out?"

When Zheng Yong heard this, he frowned suddenly and said, "Mr. Lin, what do you mean..."

"What I mean is that Ou Kuan deliberately went to the bank to withdraw money so that the police could follow the clues to catch him." Lin Chen said.

After he finished speaking, he paused for a while, and then Lin Chen said, "Ou Kuan was caught by the vine, and at this time Zhuo Zishan knew that Ou Kuan was caught, and when he saw Ou Kuan, he deliberately showed a look of dazed and amazed expression in front of me. Come, and Chen Zhibin's arrest before is two completely different reactions."

"Zhuo Zishan is the deputy captain of the criminal police. No matter how sloppy she is, it is impossible for her to write all her thoughts on her face, and she also has her own certain shrewdness."

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