"The clues that Ou Kuan deliberately left behind, Zhuo Zishan's performance, Chen Zhibin's confusion, and police officer Xiao Wang's coming forward, all of this is just a play planned by Zhuo Zishan and the others."

"The purpose of this scene is to make us believe that the murderer is Ou Kuan, and the police force's inner ghost is the little Wang. Even if Zhuo Zishan is still suspected, she is protected by the chief, and it is not a big problem."

"If this scene is successful, we believe that Ou Kuan is the murderer, then the real murderer with a certain amount of energy, he can get away with it."


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The speculation that Lin Chen said was in the ears of the three of them, and they were so stunned that they didn't know what to say.

Originally, they thought that by observing Zhuo Zishan's reaction to the arrest of the murderer, they could judge the size of the suspect's suspicion. If Ou Kuan was arrested and Zhuo Zishan was so nervous, then Ou Kuan was most likely the real murderer.

But Lin Chen's speculation subverted their previous thinking, Zhuo Zishan actually started acting after Lin Chen accepted the case?until now?

If Lin Chen's inference is true, then he can only sigh at the depth of Zhuo Zishan and the murderer's scheming.

Chen Zhibin's top bag was exposed, it was deliberately arranged by them, the purpose is to make everyone believe that Ou Kuan is the real murderer...

After Li Guoping calmed down his horror, he looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Mr. Lin, since when did you start to suspect that everything was planned by Captain Zhuo and the murderer?"

When Shen Yue heard Li Guo's question, she also looked at Lin Chen curiously, wanting to know when Lin Chen started, and suspected these.

Lin Chen said: "In the beginning, I didn't think so much. It was after Chen Zhibin surrendered himself that I began to suspect Zhuo Zishan."

"Zhuo Zishan is a woman who has been trained for a long time in the position of deputy captain of the criminal police. Since she is a woman who has been trained for a long time, she should be able to feel my distrust and suspicion of her. Yes, she can see my vigilance and suspicion towards her, why did she act like that when she knew that Chen Zhibin was not the murderer, so that I could see from her facial reaction that Chen Zhibin was a top bag?"

"After Ou Kuan was arrested, Zhuo Zishan's dazed and stunned expression was even more obvious. The position she was standing allowed me to clearly see her expression. Was it a coincidence that she was standing beside me? I It felt more like she was standing there on purpose for me to see."

"I found a lot of loopholes in Ou Kuan's confession afterwards, especially when he said that he was the only murderer, and that he cooperated with police officer Xiao Wang, who said that he misled Zhuo Zishan to handle the case." "

"After confirming that Ou Kuan's confession is false, all their performances can be overturned."

When Lin Chen said this, he turned his head and glanced at Zheng Yong, and said, "Deputy Bureau Zheng, from your words before, I seem to have heard that police officers Xiao Wang and Zhuo Zishan are the county public security bureau that they entered together?"

"That's right, they came in from the same group. Later, Zhuo Zishan made frequent contributions and was reused by the director, so he became the deputy captain of the criminal police. Xiao Wang and Zhuo Zishan had a good relationship and became her right and left hand." Zheng Yong replied.

"That is to say, Zhuo Zishan has a close relationship with the police officer Xiao Wang, and Xiao Wang stood up for Zhuo Zishan and took the blame, so the possibility is even greater." Lin Chen said.

Lin Chen chatted with Zheng Yong and Li Guo for a while. After listening to Lin Chen's analysis, Li Guo was a little scared. If Lin Chen hadn't observed carefully, he could tell that there were at least three or four murderers. They were succeeded by Zhuo Zishan and Ou Kuan.

And Zheng Yong, the deputy director, was very excited. He naturally knew that the scope of this 726 annihilation case was getting bigger and bigger. Look at Lin Chen's attitude towards Zhuo Zishan, Zhuo Zishan and the others are going to be punished. Big disaster.

Zheng Yong looked at Lin Chen with flickering eyes, and said, "Mr. Lin, who do you think is that powerful murderer?"

Lin Chen looked back at Zheng Yong and said with a smile, "Continue to investigate, don't you know?"

"Hehe, yes." Zheng Yong said hurriedly, "Then I will trouble Mr. Lin, and work hard to find out the truth of this case."

Li Guoze looked eagerly and asked Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, how do you investigate now? Strictly interrogate Ou Kuan and ask him to tell the truth?"

Lin Chen smiled and said: "Ou Kuan and the others are so good at their tricks, and they can still bear the crime for the real murderer. His determination is very strong. It's too difficult to pry something out of his mouth. already."

Li Guo and Zheng Yong nodded slightly when they heard the words. Lin Chen was right. Before Chen Zhibin came to take the blame, it was because he left a sum of money for his son and father before he died, and this Ou Kuan was a healthy person. , his courage and determination can be imagined for his life to take the blame.

It is estimated that if he beat him half to death, he will not tell the truth of the matter.

"Mr. Lin, since you suspect Zhuo Zishan, do you want me to have her taken down directly?" Zheng Yong asked.

"Just monitor her first, and they'll be able to reveal their true colors soon." Lin Chen said, a mere Zhuo Zishan, he didn't pay attention.

When Zheng Yong heard Lin Chen's words, he said, "Then what is Mr. Lin going to investigate next?"

Lin Chen was very calm, after looking at Zheng Yong, he said, "Zhuo Zishan and the others want to make this case an unjust, false and wrongful case. I don't know if you've noticed the clues, but Zhuo Zishan kept the hard drive monitored at 12 locations around the crime scene."

"...that hard drive, unless she agrees, other people can't get it and have no right to view it."

"That's right." Li Guo nodded and said, "If Deputy Director Zheng hadn't picked it up personally, without Zhuo Zishan's consent, this hard drive would not have been in your hands, Mr. Lin."

Lin Chen said: "Zhuo Zishan took the bodies of the three victims to a remote funeral home before. Others didn't have the opportunity to conduct an autopsy. As a result, I made a major discovery on the three bodies."

"This one stores 12 surveillance videos. Without her permission, others can't get the hard drive. I think there may be major discoveries."

Li Guo heard the words, with a look of surprise and annoyance on his face, he said: "Yes, Mr. Lin, I was made by Captain Ou Kuanzhuo and the others to forget about that, you were on the dead body, but found That crucial piece of evidence."

Lin Chen smiled slightly (King Li's), noncommittal, and said, "Naturally, the key evidence I have collected can probably prove that Ou Kuan is not the only murderer."

Shen Yue and Zheng Yong were very curious, Zheng Yong asked, "What is the key evidence?"

Li Guo immediately put his mouth to Zheng Yong's ear and whispered to him.

"What?" Zheng Yong was slightly surprised when Li Guo said what Lin Chen had collected.

"What exactly did you collect?" Shen Yue felt like there were ants crawling in her heart, and wanted to know what Lin Chen collected.

Lin Chen glanced at Shen Yue, smiled, and was about to speak when there was a knock on the door of this room.

After Li Guo said to come in, a police officer came in from outside. This police officer was one of the police officers who checked the 12 surveillance locations.

After the policeman entered the house, he immediately said, "All those surveillance cameras have been checked."


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Hearing this, Li Guo immediately asked, "How is the investigation? Did you find anything in the surveillance?"

The police officer showed no expression on his face, and said: "As a result of the preliminary screening, we found three men who were suspected of wearing leather shoes in the surveillance screen. Two of these three men could see their faces clearly, among them. One cannot see very clearly due to the angle and camera pixels, and needs to use technical means to clear the image quality."

"Among the three people found, when are there people walking together?" Lin Chen looked at the police officer and asked.

Lin Chen speculated that there were several murderers who committed the crime together at that time. When they went to Xie Qiang's house and left, they might have gone together. If they went together, it would be better to lock them in.

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