After the police officer heard Lin Chen's words, he shook his head and said, "Mr. Lin, the three people we found were all walking alone, and there were no people who walked together."

When Lin Chen heard the words, he immediately walked towards the outside. Li Guo and Zheng Yong immediately followed behind Lin Chen when they saw this.

The twelve police officers who checked the surveillance immediately showed Lin Chen and the others the pictures taken by 907.

A surveillance probe located on the side of the road captured a total of two men wearing leather shoes.

The first man appeared to be in his twenties, wearing a suit and leather shoes, walking past the surveillance camera, holding a briefcase in his hand.

This young man is tall, but he looks like a thin bamboo pole. He belongs to the kind that looks good and really wants to get started, but he has almost no fighting power.

This young man should be working in a certain company, and his direction is not the direction of the crime scene. It can be investigated, but the suspicion is not very big.

The second man, a man in his [-]s or [-]s, should have just finished dinner, with his hands behind his back, and walked under the surveillance camera in a leisurely manner, looking like he was not too suspicious.

As for the third man wearing leather shoes, the camera he found was in an alley. This should be said to be a man of grandfather level. He was wearing a pair of old leather shoes, and his body was hunched over. He could not see his specific appearance and needed technical treatment. Just do it.

After reading the three men in leather shoes, Li Guo was speechless and asked the police officer, "Is this the suspicious person you found?"

The police officer stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "Yes, the main crime scene is in a residential area that is about to be demolished, and the traffic is not high. Checking these monitors, many times there is no one, and there is a characteristic of wearing leather shoes. Yes, it's these three people..."

Zheng Yong frowned and said, "These three people don't seem to be very suspicious. I feel like they shouldn't find anything on them."

Li Guo nodded in agreement. Even if the three of them went to investigate, it was probably useless.

Shen Yue said: "Could the murderer escape from the surveillance and not appear in the surveillance?"

Zheng Yong and Li Guo glanced at each other, they didn't speak, they both looked at Lin Chen with their inquiring eyes.

Lin Chen said with some confidence: "Zhuo Zishan keeps the surveillance so closely, I still think that there will be discoveries in the surveillance."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he said to the police officer in the technical department next to him, "Put the surveillance videos of these twelve places on three monitors and play them, and I will check them myself."

The policeman nodded immediately and began to operate.

Twelve monitoring points are divided into three monitors for playback, and that one monitor is divided into four grids for playback.

Soon, the three monitors were moved together, and twelve monitoring images appeared on the screen IQ.

Lin Chen controlled the mouse with one hand. After he clicked fast forward, the twelve monitors on the screen quickly scrolled.

Lin Chen looked at the monitoring speed, (bbbd) has always been stunned.

Surveillance video is 2 times faster, Li Guo, Zheng Yong, Shen Yue and the others can still adapt and see clearly.

Speeding up to 4 times, I can barely see it. When Lin Chen adjusted the progress to 8 times, 16 times, and 20 times, the person who appeared on the monitoring screen directly moved over, and he couldn't see what that person looked like at all. .

The police officers of the technical department on the side were dumbfounded. They looked at Lin Chen, and then at the fast-scrolling surveillance screen, thinking that Mr. Daolin is joking. Can you check the surveillance at such a fast speed?

"Mr. Lin, are you...isn't the speed too fast..." A police officer from the technical department couldn't help saying.

Before Lin Chen could speak, Zheng Yong glared at him and said, "Mr. Lin doesn't need to talk much, just stand aside and watch."

After the policeman was reprimanded, he nodded hastily, and the other people who wanted to speak also gave up the idea.


On the other side, Ou Kuan and police officer Xiao Wang in the interrogation room were both controlled by other police officers.

Zhuo Zishan walked out of the interrogation room with an ugly face. In the eyes of others, Zhuo Zishan's expression was so embarrassing because Xiao Wang's behavior made Zhuo Zishan who trusted him feel distressed.

After Zhuo Zishan walked out of the interrogation room, she went straight downstairs. She passed through the hall of the Public Security Bureau and was about to leave the Public Security Bureau Building.

When they reached the door, two police officers standing at the door stepped forward and asked Zhuo Zishan, "Captain Zhuo, are you going out?"

Zhuo Zishan stroked his forehead with one hand and said, "Well, I feel a little bit of heatstroke, and I want to buy some medicine to repel the heat."

A police officer immediately said, "That's it, Captain Zhuo, you can rest over there, and I'll buy you some medicine to drive away the summer heat."

Zhuo Zishan waved his hand and said with a smile, "No need, I'll just go by myself."

Zhuo Zishan wanted to go by herself, but the two police officers refused to let it go. Zhuo Zishan's brows immediately wrinkled, and she said, "What are you doing? I have a heat stroke, and I have to go out to buy something. No? I'm the deputy captain of the criminal police, you have the right to restrict me?"

The policeman smiled bitterly: "Captain Zhuo, I'm sorry, this is what Director Zheng meant. You can't leave the Public Security Bureau without Director Zheng's consent. If you suffer from heatstroke, I can buy Zhengqi water for you."

After hearing this, the pupils of Zhuo Zishan's eyes suddenly shrank.

Zhuo Zishan was unable to leave the Public Security Bureau, and her freedom of communication was restricted. The two police officers followed her closely, making Zhuo Zishan furious.

After Zhuo Zishan asked where Director Zheng was, he came to the door of the Information Technology Department.

Zhuo Zishan pushed in the door and saw that Lin Chen and the others were investigating the surveillance. She frowned tightly and asked Zheng Yong, "Deputy Director Zheng, why can't I leave the Public Security Bureau, I have no personal freedom?".


990 Where is the problem [3 more please subscribe]

Lin Chen was checking the monitoring, and because of Zhuo Zishan's arrival, he had to press the pause button and did not continue to play and check.

Zheng Yong turned his head to look at Zhuo Zishan and said, "Comrade Xiao Zhuo, I just told you not to leave the Public Security Bureau for the time being. This is not a restriction on your personal freedom."

"Why didn't you let me leave the Public Security Bureau?" After Zhuo Zishan asked Zheng Yong, he looked at Lin Chen and said, "What do you mean? What happened to me? Why can't I leave the Public Security Bureau?-"

Lin Chen looked back at Zhuo Zishan and said, "Because I think you are suspicious."

Zhuo Zishan's pupils shrank a bit: "Am I suspicious? Where am I suspicious? Please tell me."

"I don't have time to tell you, go out." Lin Chen's tone was very flat, but he showed his disgust for Zhuo Zishan, and he didn't want to talk to Zhuo Zishan.

"Don't let me leave the Public Security Bureau, you should give me a reason?" Zhuo Zishan said reluctantly.

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