When Zheng Yong was about to reprimand Zhuo Zishan, Lin Chen said coldly, "Then you also give me a reason why you have to leave the Public Security Bureau, Zhuo Zishan, I just want to tell you, stop acting. I'll take care of you, it's easy."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Zhuo Zishan was slightly stunned, and did not speak for a while, Lin Chen glanced at her, and then spit out another word: "Get out!"

Hearing this, Zhuo Zishan gritted her teeth and turned to leave the technical department. As she walked away, she also threw a sentence: "I have watched those surveillance dozens of times, but there is no clue whatsoever, restricting my freedom, Waste of time..."

Although Zhuo Zishan's words were muttering and speaking in a low voice, everyone in the technical department could hear them.

Those unknowing police officers showed nothing physically, but they agreed in their hearts.

They have watched these monitoring Zhuo Zishan many times, and they have also read it carefully just now. There is really nothing of value in these monitoring.

Instead of wasting time on these worthless monitoring, it's better to investigate in other ways.

The thoughts of these police officers will not and dare not speak out.

After Lin Chen made Zhuo Zishan roll, he clicked the mouse with his finger, and the surveillance video from the twelve locations continued to play.

Zheng Yong and Li Guo both stood by Lin Chen's side and helped Lin Chen to watch together. Although they believed in Lin Chen, they were also beating drums in their hearts.

Shen Yue helped Lin Chen to watch it most seriously, her eyes were blurred, she felt that she couldn't help anything, because the playback speed used by Lin Chen was too fast.

Time passed minute by minute, and more than an hour passed quickly.

For more than an hour, Lin Chen sat motionless on the stool, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the screens of the three computers.

A few minutes later, Lin Chen finally moved, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Standing beside Lin Chen, Shen Yue saw the joyful look in Lin Chen's eyes, she asked, "Boss, what did you find?"

Lin Chen just glanced at Shen Yue, but didn't speak. His fingers quickly tapped the mouse, and some pictures were paused and played.

Zheng Yong and Li Guo also noticed Lin Chen's different actions, and they watched intently.

After a while like this, Lin Chen paused all the surveillance images of the twelve locations.


Lin Chen exhaled softly and said, "There is really something wrong with these surveillance images."

Zheng Yong and Li Guo had happy expressions on their faces when they heard the words, and the other police officers were curious.

A police officer asked, "Mr. Lin, what's the problem with these surveillance?"

After the police officer finished asking, everyone waited for Lin Chen's answer with big eyes and small eyes.

There was a calm smile on Lin Chen's face. He controlled the mouse and pointed at the paused screen: "Look at the screen of this surveillance probe. Now it is displayed at 7:26:18 on July 23th."

Everyone looked at the place Lin Chen pointed, and nodded, indicating that they saw the time displayed above and the location on the screen.

The monitoring area of ​​this surveillance probe is a road in an alley.

At the same time, they were also very puzzled, not knowing what Lin Chen did when he asked them to pay attention to the monitoring time.

The next moment, Lin Chen pressed the play button and said, "Pay attention to the playback time, it will skip from 18:23:12 to 18:23:47 soon."

As Lin Chen's voice fell, when the surveillance video time reached 23 minutes and 12 seconds, in the next second, it immediately jumped to 23 minutes and 47 seconds.


Lin Chen hit the pause button, pointed at the screen, and said, "Did you see it? The surveillance screen here jumped from 18:23:12 to 23:47, with 35 seconds left in between. , where did those 35 seconds go?"

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Zheng Yong and Li Guo's eyes widened slightly. This surveillance video is actually missing 35 seconds, which is too abnormal.

Zheng Yong's thinking was still very sharp. He looked at Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, are you trying to say that the missing 35 seconds is the time the murderer appeared in this surveillance?"

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded and said, "The missing 35 seconds must be the time period when the murderer appeared, but this surveillance video has been manipulated to erase the scene where the murderer appeared."

Li Guo and the police officers asked, and there was an indescribable feeling at the moment.


The surveillance probes are all fixed, and the road and house that are illuminated are also fixed buildings, which are motionless. Even if you delete a section of such video images, you will not find this tricky.

The police officers in the technical department looked at each other in dismay, especially the police officer who was in charge of the monitoring here just now.

In fact, I can't blame him, after all, no one would have expected that the surveillance video would be deleted for 35 seconds.

When everyone didn't speak, Lin Chen pointed to another monitoring screen and said, "Look at this monitoring screen again. At 25 minutes and 11 seconds, it jumped directly to 25 minutes and 23 seconds."

"Go back to the surveillance screen that was deleted by 35 seconds, and after fast-forwarding for nearly two hours, the surveillance screen was deleted again, this time by 42 seconds."

"The first time it was deleted by 35 seconds, the second time by 12 seconds, and the third time by 42 seconds. These three deleted times must be the time when the murderer appeared."

This important discovery made Li Guo and the others very excited, as was Shen Yue. Shen Yue hurriedly said, "Boss, can this deleted time picture be restored?"

Under Shen Yue's gaze, Lin Chen nodded and said, "Yes, it will take a while to recover."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he said to Li Guo, "Let Zhuo Zishan come in."

Li Guo immediately sent someone to call Zhuo Zishan. After Zhuo Zishan returned to the door of the technical department, he stared at Lin Chen who was sitting on the chair with resentment.

Lin Chen turned his head to look at her and said, "Get in.".


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