Lin Chen's current attitude towards Zhuo Zishan was not polite at all, and asked someone to call Zhuo Zishan who was being monitored. After Zhuo Zishan came to the door, Lin Chen directly let her roll in.

There were ten or twenty police officers from the technical department, and Zheng Yong and Li Guoshen Yue were there. Lin Chen reprimanded them in public, making the woman Zhuo Zishan shameless.

Zhuo Zishan gritted his teeth, and after Lin Chen finished talking and got in, he stepped into the technical department.

When they approached Lin Chen, Zhuo Zishan said neither humble nor arrogant: "Mr. Lin, I am also the deputy captain of the criminal police of Xuanbei County Public Security Bureau, please respect my words."

A sneer appeared on Lin Chen's face: "A woman like you can't get my respect."

After saying this, Lin Chen went straight to the topic and said to Zhuo Zishan: "Zhuo Zishan, the surveillance around the twelve crime scenes, after they were retrieved from the case "[-]", are all in your hands Keep it safe, right?"

"That's right." Zhuo Zishan said without hesitation: "After the incident, we retrieved the surveillance cameras from twelve surrounding locations, took them back to the Public Security Bureau for backup, and then returned the original hard drives that stored surveillance cameras to those who installed the cameras. residents."

Lin Chen said: "This hard drive that stores [-] surveillance videos can't be touched by others without your consent, right?"

"Yes." Zhuo Zishan said, "What exactly are you asking?"

"Since this hard drive has been kept in your hands, and others only have the right to view it with your permission, then tell me, in these surveillance videos, there are three places where the videos have been deleted. What's the matter?" Lin Chen Looking directly at Zhuo Zishan, he asked in a cold tone.

Originally, Zhuo Zishan still looked casual and impatient with Lin Chen's inquiry.

When she heard Lin Chen say the words to delete the video, her eyes widened slightly, as if she had seen a ghost.

Zhuo Zishan was stunned. This time, unlike before, she was truly stunned, instead of acting in front of everyone.

"Zhuo Zishan, tell me, the surveillance video has been deleted. What's going on?" Zheng Yong also asked.Let Zhuo Zishan explain.

"This..." Zhuo Zishan came back to her senses, and she said, "What was deleted? What does the video deletion mean?"

"Captain Zhuo." Li Guo narrowed his eyes at Zhuo Zishan and said, "The other police officers checked these surveillance cameras and found nothing wrong, but under Mr. Lin's clear inspection, they found the problem with these videos. There are three It has been deleted everywhere, you will know when you come and take a look."

Zhuo Zishan walked towards Lin Chen. She and Lin Chen were only a few meters away, but her legs seemed to be filled with lead. Every step she took was so difficult.

After Zhuo Zishan walked to Lin Chen's side, Lin Chen let Zhuo Zishan look at the three deleted places.

While watching, Zhuo Zishan's complexion was fickle, like a slideshow.

Everyone in the technical department stared at Zhuo Zishan's face. Even if some of the police officers were younger and had less experience, they could see that Zhuo Zishan's reaction was abnormal.

After reading Zhuo Zishan, Lin Chen said, "Zhuo Zishan, why did you delete dozens of seconds of video from these three places?"

Zhuo Zishan stood up straight and denied: "I didn't, I didn't, I didn't delete this video, it wasn't me."

"It's not you?" Zheng Yong cast a suspicious look at Zhuo Zishan.

"It's not me." Zhuo Zishan nodded heavily and said, "It must be Xiao Wang. Xiao Wang secretly deleted it when I was not paying attention. It must be him."

"Why do you need to act again?" Lin Chen looked at the panicked Zhuo Zishan, shook his head, and said, "Zhuo Zishan, the confessions of that police officer Wang and Ou Kuan have nothing to do with these videos, Ou Kuan. But if he was not photographed by surveillance, Xiao Wang would not take action on surveillance, and the one who deleted three surveillance images is you."

"It's not me, it's not me..." Zhuo Zishan stepped back again and again, with a look of horror on his face, still refuting, not admitting it.

Lin Chen slowly stood up from the chair, he said to Zhuo Zishan: "Zhuo Zishan, it's really good that you and the murderer can respond in a short time, let Chen Zhibin take the blame, deliberately let Chen Zhibin reveal his secrets, also called Come to Ou Kuan, just to confuse our eyes repeatedly, making us mistakenly think that Ou Kuan is the murderer."

"It's just that your performances are too bad. You are not a qualified actor. You, Zhuo Zishan, have been covering up the murderer. It is you, not the little king, who is cooperating with the murderer."

Zhuo Zishan stood still, and the frightened face gradually returned to calm, but it was still bloodless and ugly.

Zheng Yong snorted coldly and said to Zhuo Zishan: "Zhuo Zishan, as the deputy captain of the criminal police, you actually do such a thing. Are you worthy of the director who reuses yours? Are you worthy of the police uniform on your body?"

Zhuo Zishan was still refuting, saying: "Mr. Lin, Director Zheng, I really don't know where the surveillance video has been deleted in three places, don't be so bloody, you can restore the deleted places, look. Is there a problem with seeing someone in the video?"

"I'll recover, I'm good at this." A police officer from the technical department said at this time.

Lin Chen nodded, the policeman immediately sat in front of the computer, tapped the keyboard with both hands, and restored the three deleted places.

After a while, the police officer raised his head with embarrassment and said, "The three places that were deleted were handled very cleanly, and I can't recover."

"How can this happen, can't it recover?" Li Guo frowned.

The police officer from the technical department said: "It's handled so cleanly that I can't recover."

Zhuo Zishan's expression slowed down and said, "Ah? How could this happen? It can't be recovered. It's impossible to recover. Could it be the problem of the monitoring probes that caused the lack of pictures?"

Lin Chen glanced at Zhuo Zishan and said, "Don't worry, he can't recover, I can."

After Lin Chen finished talking about 1.5, he sat in front of the computer, controlled the computer himself, and restored the three deleted videos.

The police officers of the technical department didn't have much confidence in Lin Chen, because the police officer who failed to recover was the most skilled among them, and he couldn't recover.

Everyone's attention fell on the computer controlled by Lin Chen and Lin Chen.

After more than ten minutes, the corner of Lin Chen's mouth rose slightly, and said, "The three videos have all been restored. Let's watch the last video with 42 seconds deleted, and pay attention to the one in the middle wearing leather shoes."

Everyone looked at each other. When the deputy director Zheng Yong saw the man wearing leather shoes that Lin Chen was referring to, his eyes showed horror, and said, "Why is he!".


992 What else can be done [2 more for subscription]

For the three deleted videos, 35 seconds were deleted for the first time, 12 seconds for the second time, and 42 seconds for the third time. What Lin Chen showed everyone was the third segment 42. seconds of video.

In this 42-second video that was deleted and restored by Lin Chen, at the beginning, the road in the alley was still in the picture. After a few seconds, the road in the distance in the camera came over. Several people.

From a distance, it is not very clear to see these people, but it can be discerned vaguely that there are five people in total, and they are all male.

As they got closer and closer to the surveillance probe, their appearance became clearer.

These are five young people, not very young, in their twenties and thirties.

Among the five people, four of them were dressed in ordinary clothes, either wearing short sleeves or vests, a pair of five-point trousers, and a pair of black sneakers on their feet.

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