As for the fifth person who walked in the 11th room of the four, he was well-dressed, with a big back, a pair of dark leather shoes, a watch on his wrist, and a mobile phone in his hand. The hair on the big back is a little messy.

When the five people were closest to the probe and their faces were most clearly photographed, Lin Chen pressed the pause button, allowing Zheng Yong, Li Guo and the others to see the faces of these five people clearly.

Zheng Yong exclaimed when he saw the young man wearing leather shoes and combing his head, which also resounded throughout the technical department.

Li Guo also stared at the extraordinary-looking young man on the screen. After watching it for a few seconds, he exclaimed, "He... how could it be him?"

Both Zheng Yong and Li Guo were very strong. They surrounded the computer screen and almost occupied the entire screen.

The police officers standing at the back stretched their necks to see, but they couldn't see anything. They were curious about who Director Zheng and Li Guo saw. They were so surprised, but because of Director Zheng's identity, It's not good for them to rush up to look at them.

Shen Yue looked at the position again. After reading the five people on the screen, she didn't know the young man in leather shoes, but Shen Yue knew one of the other four people.

The person Shen Yue knew was the Ou Kuan who was caught.

"This is Ou Kuan." Shen Yue pointed at the computer screen and exclaimed.

Lin Chen nodded slightly, he naturally recognized Ou Kuan, but Lin Chen didn't know the young man in leather shoes and well-dressed.

Seeing that both Zheng Yong and Li Guo recognized this young man, Lin Chen asked, "Who is this young man?"

After Zheng Yong recovered from his shock, he said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, this young man is the son of the richest man in Xuanbei County, Yan Pengtian."

The police officers standing behind, although they didn't see the screen, all widened their eyes in astonishment after hearing Chief Zheng's words.

"Yan Pengtian? How could it be him, Yan Pengtian murdered?"

"It's actually Yan Pengtian. I never thought that he would be the murderer."

"Yan Pengtian's family is so rich, why would he do such a thing? Is it because he's used to a good life and wants something exciting?"

These police officers talked in a low voice, and they were all surprised that the murderer was Yan Pengtian, the son of the richest man in Xuanbei County.

As for Zhuo Zishan, who was standing there, when she heard Zheng Yong say the words Yan Pengtian, her body trembled, and she subconsciously took a few steps back, almost losing her footing.

Several clever police officers have already surrounded Zhuo Zishan, and the deputy captain of the criminal police is also a big problem now.

"The son of the richest man in your county?" A playful smile appeared on Lin Chen's face.

"That's right." Zheng Yong nodded and said, "Yan Pengtian's father, Yan Zong, is recognized as the richest man in our county. Most of the small and large communities in our county are developed by Yan Zong's companies. He has dabbled in many industries in our county, is a big taxpayer in our county, and is also a star entrepreneur."

"Star entrepreneur." Lin Chen muttered, "I killed a star entrepreneur who did evil last time."

The last time Lin Chen said was after he cracked the human skin nailing corpse case in Mohai City, the father and son of the murderers were their great enemies.

Which method will the father and son use to take revenge on the society? It is because they were bullied by a local star entrepreneur and ruined by him, and they despaired of this society.

Zheng Yong and Li Guo didn't know about this, so after hearing Lin Chen's words, they were a little curious and puzzled.

Li Guo looked at the screen and said, "Among the five people, only Yan Pengtian, the son of the richest man, has leather shoes on his feet. He is the one who trampled Xie Qiang's son to death and attacked Xie Qiang's family of three."

Zheng Yong nodded. At this time, Lin Chen played the first video clipped by 35 seconds and the second video clipped by 12 seconds.

In the first video, Yan Pengtian and his party walked towards the scene of the crime. At this time, Yan Pengtian's big back was still meticulously combed, and he was very handsome. The second 12-second video was about their distance from the crime. The scene is closer.

In the third 42-second video, Yan Pengtian's hairstyle is a little messy, that's because he broke his hairstyle at the crime scene. This third video is the video of them leaving the crime scene. .

With 537 expectations in Shen Yue's eyes, she asked, "With these three videos, can you convict that Yan what day?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "With this video, of course Yan Pengtian cannot be convicted. He can say that he just passed by there. However, with the thing I collected, Yan Pengtian will surely die."

Li Guo and Zheng Yong both nodded, and after Lin Chen finished speaking, he also stood up.

Lin Chen turned around, looked at Zhuo Zishan who was in a panic, and said, "You think you have handled the video so cleanly that ordinary people can't recover, but unfortunately, I'm not an ordinary person."

When Zhuo Zishan heard the words, a look of ferocity flashed in those eyes looking at Lin Chen.

Zheng Yong scolded: "Zhuo Zishan, you are the deputy captain of the criminal police, but you are doing such a thing. You are really lawless. I now officially announce that you have been dismissed, and you will be investigated and dealt with immediately."

Zhuo Zishan heard what Zheng Yong said, and looked at the expressions of everyone in the room, either gloating or sighing.

Suddenly, Zhuo Zishan laughed.

Seeing Zhuo Zishan smiling, Li Guo frowned and said, "Captain Zhuo, what are you laughing at?"

Zhuo Zishan did not respond to Li Guo, but said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, you are just a detective. Even if you find out, what can you do?".


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Zhuo Zishan's words were full of contempt for Lin Chen.

You are just a detective, even if you find out, what can you do?

From a rational point of view, Zhuo Zishan's words were not without purpose.

Now the major suspect is Yan Pengtian. Yan Pengtian is the son of Yan Zong, the richest man in the county. Yan Zong was able to flourish in Xuanbei County and became the richest man. of.

Lin Chen is just a little detective. He wants to move Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian. Are you kidding me?

Before Lin Chen could speak, Zhuo Zishan's sneering face moved and continued: "Lin Chen, I don't despise you, I just didn't take you seriously, Yan Pengtian just appeared in the case. Found near the scene, why do you say he is the murderer?"

The key evidence that Lin Chen and Zheng Yong, Li Guo and the others said just now were in a low voice, and Zhuo Zishan and the others didn't hear it at all. If they heard it, Zhuo Zishan wouldn't do the same.

Another point is that Zhuo Zishan's attitude at the moment is also related to Zheng Yong.

Before, Zhuo Zishan saw that Zheng Yong was so polite to Lin Chen, which could be said to be respectful, so he asked Zheng Yong what Lin Chen's identity was and why he was so polite to him.

Zheng Yong naturally wouldn't tell Zhuo Zishan what the county party secretary said, so he deliberately told Zhuo Zishan that Lin Chen had cracked so many cases, and he had read them carefully and admired them. He personally admired Lin. Chen, so polite to Lin Chen.

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