Zhuo Zishan, who heard this, was still a little suspicious, but she believed it for the most part, so she was like this.

Lin Chen looked at Zhuo Zishan and confronted him tit for tat: "What if I said that I have evidence to convict Yan Pengtian?"

Zhuo Zishan was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Don't say anything else, you little detective, do you know the energy of the Yan family? Do you know the consequences of slandering the Yan family like this? Do you know the end of the Yan family's anger?"

When Zheng Yong heard this, he was amused for a while, this Zhuo Zishan really believed his nonsense, thinking that he really admired Lin Chen, so he was so polite to him.

And Li Guo and the other police officers all looked at each other. They knew the Yan family's energy in the entire Xuanbei County, but they all intersected with the city. If there is no substantive evidence, they will offend the Yan family. Not really fun.

Facing Zhuo Zishan's contempt, Lin Chen smiled and said, "Don't mention the richest man in a county, even if it is the richest man in a province, it's not difficult for me to move him."

When Lin Chen said this, his tone was relaxed, but there was an unquestionable taste between the lines, as if every word he said was the truth.

Zhuo Zishan saw Lin Chen who was not at all afraid, and then glanced at Zheng Yong who was standing beside Lin Chen with a smile on his face, her heart suddenly froze.

Could it be... Director Zheng lied to himself, this Lin Chen... is not simple?

Lin Chen didn't give Zhuo Zishan a chance to talk nonsense. He waved his hand and said, "Take it and investigate her carefully, and investigate every case she handles."

Zheng Yong was very happy when he heard Lin Chen's words.

Every case investigated by Zhuo Zishan is to completely kill Zhuo Zishan. Zheng Yong knows a thing or two about Zhuo Zishan's previous case handling.

A female police officer walked up to Zhuo Zishan, reached out and took out her police card from Zhuo Zishan's pocket.

After the police card was taken out, the other two police officers grabbed Zhuo Zishan's hands from behind, and the two held Zhuo Zishan and walked outside.

The technical department was quiet for a while, and the police officers didn't dare to speak at this moment.

Zheng Yong looked at the darkening sky outside the window, and he said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, can you take a step to speak?"

Lin Chen glanced at Zheng Yong, and took Shen Yue to the corridor together.

There are only Lin Chen, Zheng Yong and Shen Yue on this side of the corridor. Zheng Yong knew that Shen Yue and Lin Chen were closely related, so he did not shy away from her, and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, I want to tell you something about the Yan family."

"Tell me." Lin Chen also wanted to know more about this Yan family.

Zheng Yong then said: "Yan Zong is the richest man in our Xuanbei County, yes, but he also has an identity, that is, the biggest gangster in our county."

"Well." Lin Chenen snorted and said, "I guessed it."

Zheng Yong continued: "Yan Zong is the biggest gangster in our county. Most people in our county don't know this, but I know that Yan Zong secretly did a lot of wicked things. He not only learned from business trips. The bureau chief has close ties and is implicated in many county leaders as well as city leaders."

"Mr. Lin, I just want to remind you that as long as it is proved that Yan Zong's son Yan Pengtian is the murderer, our county public security bureau will never tolerate him."

How could Lin Chen not be able to hear the underlying meaning of Zheng Yong's words? Yan Zong, the richest man in the county, was in the same line with the director, and he was not on the same boat as Zheng Yong. Zheng Yong wanted to borrow it. Lin Chen's hand, teach those opponents a lesson.

Lin Chen wants to move Yan Pengtian, but Yan Zong is not happy, and the people behind Yan Zong are also not happy.

Those people are not happy anymore. If they want to do something to Lin Chen, the terrorist forces behind Lin Chen are even more unhappy.

The forces behind Lin Chen were unhappy, but they were not comparable to these small fish and shrimps. If they were more mad, it would be as easy as pinching ants to death if they messed with them.

This case, if it weren't for Lin Chen, even if Yan Pengtian's head was found, it would have been suppressed by various reasons.

But when Lin Chen is here, the case will definitely be investigated to the end and the murderer will be severely punished.

Lin Chen glanced at Zheng Yong and saw this Zheng Yong clearly, Lin Chen would not be used by others, he would only do what he wanted to do and should do.

There are too many injustices in this world that can't be managed or helped, but since it happened to (Li Zhao's), they won't stand by.

Lin Chen said to Zheng Yong, "...if I don't have this case, if you find Yan Pengtian, will you still investigate?"

Zheng Yong's face became solemn, he was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "Mr. Lin, I won't tell you false, if it weren't for you, this case would be an unjust case, and the Yan family will treat you. It's nothing, but in our small county, he is too powerful, and many people are not willing to offend him."

Lin Chen nodded, Zheng Yong's words are not hypocritical, they are very true.

Shen Yue, who was standing aside, was excited for a while after hearing the conversation between Lin Chen and Zheng Yong.

I really didn't expect that a case involved one of the biggest forces in my hometown. If it weren't for the boss, no one would touch that Yan Pengtian.

At this time, Zheng Yong suddenly said to Lin Chen: "By the way, Mr. Lin, today is a special day."


994 Phone Recording【Subscribe】

When Lin Chen heard Zheng Yong say that today is a special day, he was a little curious and asked, "What special day?"

With a smile on his face, Zheng Yong explained to Lin Chen, "I just remembered that today is Yan Zong's son, Yan Pengtian's 28th birthday, and he held a birthday party in the most upscale hotel in our county. , It's almost evening, Yan Pengtian's birthday party is about to start, the hotel must be very lively at the moment."

Lin Chen heard Zheng Yong's words and said, "Yan Pengtian's lawless murder, I just happened to arrest him and bring him to justice when he was at his happiest and most beautiful. With the vile nature of this case, his head is not safe. ."

Zheng Yong knows that with the power of Yan Pengtian and his Yan family, even if Yan Pengtian is arrested, he can try his best not to be sentenced to death. He will be sentenced to ten years first, and then spend money to find a relationship to reduce his sentence. In place, the wind has calmed down, and in a year or two at most, you can be released from prison.

But listening to Lin Chen's words meant that Yan Pengtian had to pay for his life directly.

Zheng Yong knew that the Yan family was now an only son like Yan Pengtian. If they were sentenced to 887 death sentences, the Yan family would not be turned upside down.

It seems that Xuanbei County is about to set off a big turmoil, and the Yan family is going to be in bad luck.

Lin Chen turned his head and looked at the sky. Now the hotel where Yan Pengtian held his birthday party must be very lively. When people from all sides gather, they can call the police and formally arrest Yan Pengtian.

When Lin Chen was about to order and dispatch the police to arrest Yan Pengtian, a police officer walked towards Lin Chen and the others who were standing in the corridor.

The officer was wearing gloves and a mobile phone in his hand.

He walked up to Lin Chen and said hello to Lin Chen and the others, and then said, "When we searched Zhuo Zishan's office, we found this mobile phone in a locked drawer, and the mobile phone has a password. The lock, but the password is relatively simple, and I cracked it."

"It's Zhuo Zishan's private number. When I looked at the phone, I found that the phone had the function of automatic call recording enabled. There was a recording of her conversation with a young man."

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