They looked at Yan Pengtian with expectations and desires. Although the Yan family where Yan Pengtian was located was not on the stage in a big city, it was a first-class existence in the county and city. If they can climb the high branch of the Yan family, the family members of these girls will be able to fight less for an unknown number of years.

Yan Pengtian looked at these girls, his eyes swept over them quietly, and he communicated with them in a friendly manner.

At this moment, Yan Pengtian seems to be a good and knowledgeable young man, but some people know behind their back what kind of thing Yan Pengtian is.

Not to mention that he raped and looted, it's almost the same. In terms of women, Yan Pengtian has inherited the fine tradition of his father Yan Zong, and he will find a way to get a woman he likes.

If you can't solve it with money, then use means, first rape you, and then threaten you. If the raped girl dares to call the police, the consequences will be tragic.

When Yan Pengtian was talking to those girls, he was also thinking about how to spend the night in his heart, whether to choose a girl he likes to go to bed with, or a few at a time. Anyway, it's his birthday today, and it's not bad to have a crazy one.


On the road in the urban area of ​​Xuanbei County, police cars were driving quietly. The police cars did not honk their horns, nor were they in a hurry. They just drove at a constant speed.

Soon, Zheng Yong pointed to the restaurant in front and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, that is the Wanjun Hotel of the Yan family."

Lin Chen glanced at the hotel and said, "The other police officers parked their cars at various intersections of the hotel and waited for orders. You can enter the hotel with me."

Zheng Yong agreed, and Li Guo immediately took the walkie-talkie and ordered to go down.

The police car following behind began to drive to other roads and controlled every intersection.

The police car that Lin Chen was riding in was parked in the parking space in front of the Wanjun Hotel.

Several people stepped out of the car and walked towards the door of the hotel.

Lin Chen walked in the front, Zheng Yong, Li Guo, and Shen Yue followed Lin Chen, and behind them were a few strong SWAT officers.

The arrival of Lin Chen's group immediately attracted the attention of the security guards and waiters at the entrance of the hotel.

When Lin Chen was about to enter, the waiter immediately blocked Lin Chen's way and said, "Sir, please show the invitation."

Today, the entire restaurant is celebrating Yan Pengtian's birthday. It is closed to the public and cannot enter without invitations.

"We are the police." Lin Chen responded lightly.

"I'm sorry..." said a security guard next to him: "Today is our Young Master Yan's birthday. The hotel is closed to the public. You can't go in without an invitation."

Although the security guard said he was embarrassed, his tone was quite rude.

Ordinary people will be polite when they see the police, but these people are like this. Obviously, this is the courage that their master gave them.

"We are the police, here to arrest the suspect." Li Guo showed his police card, but Zheng Yong on the side was indifferent.

As the deputy director, Zheng Yong looked down on these little security guards.

Lin Chen ignored them and continued to walk inside. According to Lin Chen's thoughts, there were many policemen behind him, and these security guards would definitely not dare to stop them.

But to Lin Chen's surprise, when he stepped inside, a security guard rushed towards him suddenly, he was angry, and was about to push Lin Chen and push Lin Chen out.

This kind of unqualified security guard is obviously from a gangster, and Lin Chen is too lazy to be polite to the Yan family's dogs.

When this guy was about to push Lin Chen and tell Lin Chen not to enter the door, Lin Chen kicked out the security guard and kicked the security guard three or four meters away. With a bang, he hit the glass wall of the hotel. .

Lin Chen's strength was so great, the young security guard's body directly smashed a big hole in the glass wall, and the glass shards fell to the ground.

Lin Chen 2.0's shot made the other security guards stunned.

They know that this group of people is the police, but today is Young Master Yan's birthday party. Whoever the police is looking for will have to wait until tomorrow. If they come to investigate now, won't it spoil the enthusiasm of Young Master Yan's birthday party?

"What are you doing? Did the police beat someone?"

"You dare to beat people? Do you police beat people casually?"

The security guards shouted, and the police officers standing behind immediately rushed up to subdue these noisy security guards. The waiter in the hotel didn't dare to move, and even stepped aside to make way for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen turned his head and said to Zheng Yong, "Director Zheng, the police in your county are really not deterrent. Several security guards dare to block your way."

Zheng Yong's face was very ugly. These security guards were too arrogant. He was about to speak when an exclamation suddenly sounded beside him. .


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This exclamation was calling out the three words Mr. Lin. After hearing the words, Lin Chen and the others all looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw that it was a young man in a straight suit who was shouting, and there was a girl next to this young man.

After Lin Chen saw this young man and the girl beside him, he immediately recognized the two.

Shen Yue also recognized them. On the way back to Xuanbei County, Lin Chen, Shen Yue and this young man met in the service area.

His name is Wang Xiaojun. At that time, he took his girlfriend back to Xuanbei County in a Lamborghini. After being overtaken by Lin Chen on the road, he had to race with Lin Chen.

In the end, he begged Lin Chen to let Lin Chen give him the more than [-] million Maserati for a walk in the service area, and they parted after enjoying it.

When Wang Xiaojun saw Lin Chen looking over, he immediately walked over.

At this moment, Wang Xiaojun's heart is very uneasy, he just saw Lin Chen beat people with his own eyes.

He walked to Lin Chen's side, but he didn't care about Zheng Yong, who was standing beside Lin Chen, and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, how dare you do it here, I know you can afford a car worth tens of millions of dollars. , it's not easy, but you are from other places, people from this hotel, you can't afford to offend, these policemen beside you, standing behind you now, will not be sure at that time..."

Wang Xiaojun said these words in a low voice, only Lin Chen could hear them.

Wang Xiaojun came to attend Yan Pengtian's birthday party today. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Lin Chen beating someone.

Although he didn't know what Lin Chen was going to do with a group of police, he knew the power of the Yan family in Xuanbei County. If Lin Chen made Yan Pengtian unhappy today, it would be a big trouble.

Wang Xiaojun saw that there was a policeman beside Lin Chen and came to remind him that it wasn't because he had a simple head, but the Yan family was too powerful. As he said, the police stood behind Lin Chen today. When the Yan family activated their energy, these policemen would He will turn his head to deal with Lin Chen.

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