After hearing Wang Xiaojun's kind reminder, Lin Chen smiled, thinking that this second-generation little rich man was not bad, so he came to remind himself.

"It's okay." Lin Chen simply said two words to Wang Xiaojun, and then walked in.

Zheng Yong and a group of police also followed, leaving Wang Xiaojun and his girlfriend in place.

Wang Xiaojun's girlfriend said: "I didn't expect to meet him here. Xiaojun, what is he doing in the hotel? This is the hotel of the Yan family. Today is Yan Pengtian's birthday."

"I don't know." Wang Xiaojun looked at Lin Chen's back as they left, and said, "That Mr. Lin is a child of a rich family, but he's a foreigner, and he's still doing things at this time, it's best not to mess with Yan Peng. God is angry, otherwise this Mr. Lin will be unlucky."

Wang Xiaojun's girlfriend said: "I guess he is looking for someone, it can't be Chongyan's family."


After Lin Chen and the others entered the hotel, they took the elevator to the 9th floor where Yan Pengtian's birthday party was held.

The 9th floor was very lively. Yan Pengtian had already stood on the small high platform carefully arranged and started to speak to the people present.

He stood on the stage in high spirits, and many girls under the stage showed nympho looks to him, and yearned for this young master of the Yan family.

After Yan Pengtian said a few words, he finally said: "I won't say more, thank you for coming tonight, everyone eats and drinks well, if there is any negligence, please forgive me, thank you."

After Yan Pengtian said this in a gentle manner, the audience remembered a burst of applause.

A few gold-worshiping women who like Yan Pengtian immediately made their hands popular, and they were reluctant to stop.

Just when Yan Pengtian finished his speech and was about to step down from the small high platform, a voice came from the entrance.

"Which one is Yan Pengtian?"

This voice came from the entrance. Because Yan Pengtian just finished his speech, the banquet scene was relatively quiet, and this sentence was clearly passed into everyone's ears.

When facing Yan Pengtian, most of the people present called him Yan Shao, Yan Shaoye, etc., and called him by his first name, and his tone was very rude, which immediately made many people's eyes turn to Look over there.

Calling Yan Pengtian's name unceremoniously in public, who is so courageous?

Everyone looked, Yan Pengtian also frowned and looked over there.

I saw that a handsome, tall young man, followed by a group of policemen, had pushed past the security guards and came straight towards the venue.

Of the people present, some were paying attention to the police behind them, not knowing what the police were doing here, while some girls focused their attention on Lin Chen.

If it is said that Yan Pengtian, who has carefully cleaned himself up today, is elegant and handsome, then the young man in front of him completely compares Yan Pengtian in terms of temperament and appearance.

"I'm going, why would the police come in such a situation?"

"Yeah, it's weird, isn't the police coming at this time to spoil the atmosphere of Yan Shao's birthday party?"

"Looking at the face of the leading young man, it seems that the visitor is not good. It was also him who called Shao Yan's name just now."

Everyone present began to discuss in a low voice, not knowing what Lin Chen's group was doing, this was Yan Pengtian's birthday party.

Yan Pengtian's eyes stared at Lin Chen, he was standing on the small high platform, condescending.

He said to Lin Chen coldly, "What are you doing here? Who are you?"

Lin Chen stood on the spot and responded, "I'm the one who you want to cut off the tendons and hamstrings, and then kill them."

When Yan Pengtian heard Lin Chen's words, he was slightly stunned and didn't remember who Lin Chen was.

But then, Yan Pengtian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he finally knew who Lin Chen was from Lin Chen's words, the nosy detective.

After knowing Lin Chen's identity, Yan Pengtian showed a disdainful smile on his face.

He took a step, walked off the high platform, walked towards Lin Chen, and stood a meter or two in front of Lin Chen.

"I don't know what you're talking about or what you're doing here, but..."

When talking about the word "but", Yan Pengtian's body changed suddenly, and his tone became sharp: "But today is my birthday, no matter what you came for, you have to put it back for me, Now, immediately, get out of here immediately."

Yan Pengtian's remarks were sonorous and powerful, and his body was full of momentum. The bodyguards standing on one side and the other began to approach one by one. If it wasn't for the police behind Lin Chen, Lin Chen would have been thrown out long ago.

Everyone present sighed in their hearts for a while, worthy of being the eldest son of the Yan family, how arrogant he was to be so rude to a group of policemen and directly scolded them to let them go.


Lin Chen's response was very simple, he slapped Yan Pengtian to the ground and spit out a bloody tooth.

Lin Chen looked at Yan Pengtian who fell to the ground in horror, and said, "Tell me to get out, what are you?".


998 Actually came too [2 more subscriptions]

In the first few seconds, Yan Pengtian's tone was sharp, scolding Lin Chen and the others to get out, not to disturb his birthday party.

But a few seconds later, Yan Pengtian, who was originally tall and handsome, lay on the ground like a dead dog, and spit out a bloody tooth from his mouth.

The young master of the Yan family was so embarrassed, all because of Lin Chen's slap.

The originally noisy banquet scene became silent after Lin Chen slapped the slap.

The sudden arrival of Lin Chen and these police officers was not expected by everyone present. When Yan Pengtian told Lin Chen and the others to get out, Lin Chen would do something to Yan Pengtian, which everyone did not expect.

What made them even more stunned was that Lin Chen's slap was so powerful. When the slap passed, Yan Pengtian's face quickly swelled up, an obvious palm print appeared on his face, and he was beaten down with a bloody one. Teeth come.

The scene was very quiet, and Yan Pengtian, who fell to the ground with one hand covering his face, was stunned, and his mind went blank.

This guy actually dared to hit himself.

At your own birthday party, in front of so many people, beat yourself up?

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