After Yan Pengtian came back to his senses, his eyes were full of angry flames. He stared at Lin Chen, and said to the bodyguards, "Knock off all the teeth of this man!"

The bodyguard beside Yan Pengtian was about to step forward to do it, and Yan Pengtian's words gave them more confidence.

Six or seven strong bodyguards immediately surrounded the inside and wanted to attack Lin Chen.

The guests who were present knew that something big was going to happen today, and they all stepped back one by one, not wanting to be implicated.

When Lin Chen saw the six or seven bodyguards rushing over, a look of disdain appeared on his face.

Zheng Yong, who was standing behind Lin Chen, looked gloomy at the moment.

Zheng Yong followed Lin Chen. There were tall police officers on both sides of Zheng Yong and behind him. Therefore, many people did not see Zheng Yong's face, and did not know that the deputy chief of the county public security bureau was also here.

Zheng Yong's face was cold, and he reprimanded: "Obstruct the police to enforce the law, and dare to attack the police, and arrest all these people for me."

As the leader, Zheng Yong, the scolding words roared out, still quite imposing.

The policemen behind them rushed up immediately to deal with the six or seven bodyguards.

The six or seven bodyguards of the Yan family, although all of them are not bad at hand, these police officers are not hard-to-find. After two strokes, these six or seven bodyguards were subdued, their hands were buckled, and they were put on. The cold handcuffs left him unable to move on the ground.

Yan Pengtian saw with his own eyes that his bodyguard was detained by the police, and he began to feel bad in his heart.

At the same time, after the police rushed up, Zheng Yong, who was standing behind Lin Chen, also appeared in everyone's sight.

"That's Zheng Yong, the deputy director of our county's public security bureau..."

"That's right, it's him, it's Director Zheng Yong Zheng. I didn't expect that he would come too."

"Who is the young man who did something to Yan Shao? He was still so calm after beating Yan Shao, and Director Zheng still looked like he was obedient to him?"

"I don't know, but I think that the young man who did it must not be stunned."

Those who can come here are all powerful people. Most of them know the deputy director of the county public security bureau.

Originally, many people felt that with the Yan family's powerful background, if these police officers dared to make trouble on Yan Pengtian's birthday, they would definitely be finished after the incident.

But after seeing the arrival of the deputy director Zheng Yong, this kind of thinking is a bit unrealistic.

They didn't know who Lin Chen was or what his identity was, but they knew Zheng Yong clearly.

Zheng Yong, the deputy director, was personally present, and he was standing behind Lin Chen. Judging from his attitude and eyes towards Lin Chen, Lin Chen's identity was definitely not simple, otherwise he would not get a deputy director of the county seat. of this treatment.

Yan Pengtian on the ground, because of the angle, he has not seen Zheng Yong yet.

Yan Pengtian looked at Lin Chen who was close at hand, gritted his teeth and said, "You beat me? Do you know who I am? Dare to do something to me?"

"Of course I know who you are, Yan Pengtian, the only son of the Yan family, the eldest son of the Yan family, who walks sideways in Xuanbei County." Lin Chen said quickly with a teasing tone.

Yan Pengtian asked: "You know my identity and who I am, how dare you do anything to me? Bring the police to disturb my birthday party?"

Yan Pengtian was in a hurry in his heart. On the surface, he was slapped by Lin Chen and knocked out a tooth. In fact, many of the teeth in his mouth had been shaken and were about to fall out. Lin Chen's slap made him hate and fear.

"What?" Lin Chen looked at Yan Pengtian, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "How great do you think your identity is? In my eyes, what do you think you can be?"

Lin Chen's tone was still as flat as before, but when he said it, it was so strong and domineering in the ears of everyone present.

You are the eldest son of the Yan family, you are the son of the richest man in Xuanbei County, and your family is very powerful. These are indeed facts.

But, so what?I didn't pay attention to you at all.

Yan Pengtian's eyes widened slightly. From Lin Chen's eyes, he could not see any signs of guilt or lying. His calm appearance seemed to be worthless in front of him because of his identity and his own power. A general mention.

"...What kind of identity is this handsome guy?" A girl who was surrounded by Yan Pengtian with peach blossoms before muttered.

"I don't know, but it looks like it has a background." Another girl stared at Lin Chen, reluctant to move away for a second.

"It must have a background, otherwise how dare you come here at such a time and beat Yan Pengtian." Another girl whispered.

Among the crowd, (Nuo Mo Zhao) there are two people who are petrified.

These two people were Wang Xiaojun and his girlfriend who recognized Lin Chen downstairs just now.

After Lin Chen and the others went upstairs, Wang Xiaojun and his girlfriend followed them upstairs. They had been standing in the crowd and witnessed everything that happened in the birthday banquet hall.

At the door of the hotel, Wang Xiaojun's girlfriend also said that Lin Chen was definitely not here for the Yan family. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen was here for the most precious only son of the Yan family.

"Xiaojun..." Wang Xiaojun's girlfriend reached out and pulled Wang Xiaojun's arm, and said softly, "This...this..."

Wang Xiaojun put aside his girlfriend's hand and kept his eyes fixed: "Don't talk, just watch..."

And Yan Pengtian on the ground, after finishing the words that Lin Chen despised, he said, "Why are you here to disturb my birthday party? I will definitely investigate your behavior today and ask you to pay the price. ".


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Lin Chen directly raised his foot, stepped on Yan Pengtian's chest, looked down at him, and said, "Yan Pengtian, don't pretend to be confused, we are here today for the 726 annihilation case, according to what we found The clues and evidence you have provided confirm that you are the murderer of the 726 slaughter case."

Yan Pengtian's chest was trampled on by Lin Chen's feet, and he was almost out of breath. After hearing Lin Chen say this in public, he was so angry that he wanted to take a bite on Lin Chen's feet. Chen bit off a piece of meat from his feet.

It's just that he doesn't have the guts now, and he won't do that. If he really bites, what's the difference between him and a dog.

After Lin Chen said that Yan Pengtian was the murderer of the 726 murder case, the whole banquet hall became noisy again.

They are in Xuanbei County, how could they not know about the 726 killings that happened a few days ago.

It was a tragedy in which a family of three was killed, and one of the children was trampled to death.

It's just that the murderer of this case has not been caught and is waiting for him to confess and convict?Why did the young man say that Yan Pengtian was the murderer?

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