"The young man said Yan Shao was the murderer, do you believe it?"

"I don't know...but no, Yan Shao kills people?"

"I don't believe that Yan Shao will kill people, just kidding, how is that possible."

"Don't be so absolute, Director Zheng is here in person, I feel 610, maybe it's true."

Everyone was talking, and Yan Pengtian on the ground roared: "I don't have it, I don't know what you're talking about, take your feet off me, I'm not a murderer."

"I am here today because I have sufficient evidence. The surveillance video that Zhuo Zishan deleted was restored by me, and I also found the destroyed evidence." Lin Chen said lightly.

After Yan Pengtian heard the words Zhuo Zishan and surveillance video, he was stunned, his eyes were so huge that it was like seeing a ghost.

When some people saw Yan Pengtian's reaction, they suddenly had a lot of other ideas.

Zheng Yong also took a step forward and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, take him back to the Public Security Bureau immediately?"

After Zheng Yong walked out, Yan Pengtian, who didn't see him because of the angle, saw it at this time.

Yan Pengtian, who was already flustered, became even more flustered after seeing Zheng Yong, the deputy director.

"No hurry." Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "There is still something to do."

Zheng Yong, Shen Yue and the others were a little curious when they heard the words. They didn't know what Lin Chen said was unfinished and what it meant.

"I'm not a murderer, don't slander me..." Yan Pengtian was still shouting.

Lin Chen looked down at Yan Pengtian, ignored his shouting, and said, "Just now, you wanted your people to smash all the teeth in my mouth, right?"

"I..." Yan Pengtian said a word of "I", but I don't know how to say the next words. Just now, he was knocked out by Lin Chen. He was so angry that he did say that the bodyguard would take all the teeth of Lin Chen's mouth. knocked out.

Lin Chen looked at him and said, "I've always been a jerk and will pay back. Since you're going to break my teeth, I can only pay back."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he raised his foot and stepped on Yan Pengtian's mouth, ready to crush his teeth.

"Don't..." Yan Pengtian shouted desperately when he saw Lin Chen's feet.

Just when Lin Chen's foot was about to land on Yan Pengtian's mouth, a powerful voice came from a door in the banquet hall.

"Who dares to beat my Yan Zong's son?"

As this voice came out, a middle-aged man appeared in Lin Chen's line of sight.

The middle-aged man had a stern look on his face, his muscles were shaking slightly, and his eyes locked on Lin Chen, who raised his foot to step on Yan Pengtian.

Behind him, a group of people followed, all of them bodyguards who seemed to be able to fight.

Some people with the mentality of watching the play rubbed their hands excitedly after seeing Yan Zong walking out.

Lin Chen beat Yan Pengtian, and now that Yan Zong is out, this good show is about to escalate.

Yan Zong is now the head of the Yan family, a well-known guardian of the calf, and the leaders of the county (bbcd) are polite when they meet him.

Whoever dared to hit my son Yan Zong with his voice was quite shocking.

Today is Yan Pengtian's birthday. Yan Zong, the father, was also present, but he was chatting with a few friends in some private rooms in the banquet hall.

After hearing his subordinates report that the police beat Yan Pengtian, he came out angrily.

After Yan Zong came out, he saw his son lying on the ground, his mouth full of blood, and his eyes were burning with anger.

Yan Pengtian saw his father, as if he saw a life-saving straw, and shouted: "Dad, these policemen beat me for no reason, and they have wronged me for being a murderer. This bastard is going to crush me. Teeth, Dad..."

Seeing his son like that, Yan Zong felt a pain in his heart. He raised his finger and pointed at Lin Chen, and said angrily, "Why don't you put your foot down?"

Yan Pengtian is full of confidence at this moment. With his father around, these people will definitely not dare to do it.

So he also scolded Lin Chen: "Put down your feet, do you still dare to do it in front of my dad?"

Lin Chen immediately laughed when he heard the words of the father and son sing in harmony.

At the moment when Lin Chen showed a smile on his face, his feet also ruthlessly stepped on Yan Pengtian's mouth.

"Bang bang bang..."

Lin Chen kicked Yan Pengtian's mouth three times in a row, and after the three kicks, Yan Pengtian turned over, and with a wow, a mouthful of bloody teeth came out of his mouth.

Lin Chen looked at Yan Pengtian who was in pain and was spitting out his teeth, and said, "As you wish, I beat you in front of your father."

Yan Pengtian was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. All the teeth in his mouth were broken by Lin Chen, and several teeth were swallowed by him. He swallowed blood in his stomach.

"You, you..." Yan Zong said three words of you in a row, and the words that followed were stunned by Lin Chen's behavior, so he was speechless.

Who is his Yan Zong? It is not an exaggeration to say that he can call the wind and call the rain in this three-point land.

But now, an unknown young man actually beat his son in front of him. What is the difference between Lin Chen's actions and killing a dog?

"What are you?" Lin Chen said: "If you don't educate your son well, I can only help you educate him."

Zheng Yong sighed in his heart, this Mr. Lin is really decisive in dealing with people, Yan Zong is so protective of his calf, and Lin Chen acts in front of him, this is to make Yan Zong angry.

"If you don't give me an explanation today, no one will want to leave here." Yan Zong shouted in a hurry.

At the same time, at the entrance of Wanjun Hotel, several cars stopped, and several leaders of Xuanbei County hurriedly got out of the car. .


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The waiters at the entrance of Wanjun Hotel were surprised and didn't know what to say when they saw these men getting out of the car.

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