There are so many police officers here tonight, and now several big leaders in the county are also here. One of the men walking in front is the secretary of the county party committee of Xuanbei County.

Under the watchful eyes of the hotel staff, these big leaders walked towards the elevator entrance with serious faces. It seemed that they were going upstairs.


In the banquet hall on the 9th floor, after Yan Zong roared and didn't give him an explanation, no one wanted to leave, the hall was quiet for several seconds.

Zheng Yong looked at Yan Zong and said sternly, "Boss Yan, our police are handling a case, what do you mean when you say that? We arrest the suspect and want to leave, so you can still force us to keep our police? "

In the past, Zheng Yong would not have offended Yan Zong like this, but now, he is standing behind Lin Chen resolutely.

Yan Zong had already seen Zheng Yong, and he immediately said: "Director Zheng, don't put your hat on me, you police officers handle the case. As a legal citizen, I understand and support me, but how did you do it? Fight in public. My son, beat my son like this, I want to ask the county magistrate, are you police officers doing this?"

Yan Zong had already pulled the county magistrate out, and the meaning in his words was obvious, that he was going to use the county magistrate to suppress Zheng Yong.

Zheng Yong wanted to speak, but was stopped by Lin Chen's gesture.

When Yan Zong saw that Zheng Yong was interrupted by Lin Chen, he continued to say sharply: "Director Zheng, you are all police officers, how can a police officer handle a case like this? Look what happened to my son after he beat him up, you police officers are like this. Are you taking our taxpayers' money to bully our taxpayers? Or are you just here to bully someone Yan!"

When Lin Chen heard this, he smiled and said to Yan Zong, "Yes, I came today to bully your Yan family."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen looked down at Yan Pengtian on the ground, and said to Yan Zong, "I'll clean up your son first, and then clean up your old thing."

Hearing Lin Chen's remarks, many people present took a deep breath. They felt that Lin Chen's words were too arrogant.

The muscles on Yan Zong's face trembled twice, and then he sneered: "Take care of my son first, then take care of me, hahaha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life."

Some of Yan Zong's friends and those bodyguards had extremely disdainful expressions on their faces.

After Yan Zong sneered, he gritted his teeth and said, "This is Xuanbei County, but I want to see how you, a child who doesn't know where you came from, deal with me."

After Yan Zong finished speaking, he was ready to take out his mobile phone and make a call.

On the day of his son's birthday, Lin Chen beat his son in front of so many people and said those disrespectful words. Yan Zong couldn't swallow this tone.

He had already thought about Lin Chen's ending for Lin Chen, either he was disabled for life and lay in bed for the rest of his life, or he killed him directly so that Lin Chen died silently.

When Yan Zong was about to take out his mobile phone and called the county magistrate, Lin Chen's voice rang.

Lin Chen said: "Yan Zong, six years ago on May 5, an employee's 23-year-old daughter was playing at your house. You fell in love with the little girl and raped her at home, causing the 8-year-old The little girl was bleeding profusely, her body was damaged, and she was unable to conceive for the rest of her life, leaving an indelible wound in her young heart."

"After the incident, the parents of the little girl were dismissed by you, her father was cut off by you, and her mother was beaten and taken to the hospital. Under your threat, they dared not call the police, and finally chose to live on the side. People live in pain all their lives."

Yan Zong, who just took out his cell phone, after hearing Lin Chen's words, his eyes widened slightly, and he was stunned, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

Lin Chen looked at Yan Zong's face and continued: "Five years ago, you raped a female high school student, causing her to become pregnant and making her unable to explain to her family. Under your threat, she also did not dare to call the police. , In the end, she walked up to the 6-storey rooftop of the school and jumped from the upstairs, killing two people."

Yan Zong's hands trembled slightly, and he wanted to speak, but the words were stuck in his throat and could not be said.

The people present were still incomparably silent, but inside their silent exterior, a huge wave was set off.

Yan Zong raped an 8-year-old girl?Rape a female high school student?He also chopped off the legs of the 8-year-old girl's father?

Could these be the work of a star entrepreneur?Will it be the work of a big philanthropist?

In the hearts of everyone present, while it was difficult to calm down, they didn't believe it, and felt that Lin Chen was talking nonsense.

However, some people who have heard of such rumors or have inside information have bright eyes, as if they were saying how Lin Chen knew about these things.

· · Flowers · · ·

Zheng Yong and those police officers showed surprised expressions on their faces. When they looked at Yan Zong's reaction, they thought that seeing him like that, could it be true that what Mr. Lin said was true?

"Yan Zong, did you forget the two things I said?"

Lin Chen sneered: "These two things happened five or six years ago, if you forget, then I'll tell you one thing that happened two years ago. Two years ago, when you were walking on the road, you saw one. Married young woman, you fell in love with that young woman, and rushed into their house with someone and raped the young woman. Under your threat, the couple did not dare to call the police. They sold the house and left Xuanbei. County, went out of town."


"This happened just two years ago, you never forgot it, did you?"

Yan Zong's voice trembled slightly, and said, "You, you... you are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense, I, Yan Zong, are a serious businessman, how could I do the things you said."

"A serious businessman?" Lin Chen said, "You are also deceiving people who don't know about it. I believe that many of the people who are here today have heard of the scandalous things you did, that six years ago. The little girl you raped is now in her teens, and even if she dies, she will never forget your destruction of her."

"Fart, fart, are you farting?" Yan Zong did not maintain his demeanor, and scolded Lin Chen directly. In the eyes of Zheng Yong and the others, his appearance was a guilty conscience.

Some people think that Yan Zong is so angry after being slandered by Lin Chen.

Yan Zong pointed his finger at Lin Chen's nose again, and said, "You not only beat my son, but also slandered me in public. I will ask the county magistrate for an explanation now."

After Yan Zong finished speaking, he immediately looked for the county magistrate's private number on his mobile phone.

At this time, the voice of the secretary of the county party committee came from the entrance of the hall: "Boss Yan, you don't need to fight, it's useless to fight."


PS: Before you know it, the King of Cases has reached 2017 chapters. This book started on April 4, 25, until today in 2018, which is about nine months.

For about nine months, I never stopped changing, and I still feel a little proud.

Thank you brothers for your continued support, thank you. .


1001 Presiding over justice [2 more for subscription]

Yan Zong's hand was about to press the dial button, but after hearing this sentence, his lowered head immediately lifted and looked over there.

After seeing the county party secretary and others coming, Yan Zong narrowed his eyes when he saw the expressions on their faces.

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