Those present, all knew the person who said this, and were not so unfamiliar with his voice. He was the head of Xuanbei County and the secretary of the county party committee of Xuanbei County.

"I'm going, what are you doing, the county party secretary is here..."

"I really can't think of anything that Yan Pengtian's birthday party will develop to such a point..."

"The secretary of the county party committee looked bad, as if he was on the side of the young man."

"You can tell by looking at Yan Zong's face. I have a hunch that the Yan family will be in trouble."

"[-]" "Who is that young man and what is his background? Yes, the county party secretary is here."

As the secretary of the county party committee got closer, the voices of those people were getting lower and lower.

The secretary of the county party committee of Xuanbei County came closer, smiled and said hello to Lin Chen.

When Yan Zong saw the attitude of the secretary of the county party committee towards Lin Chen, his heart throbbed, and he felt bad.

"Secretary, you're here." Yan Zong greeted the county party secretary: "You're here just in time, look at what these policemen are doing to my son's birthday party, and look at what that guy is doing to my son. already."

When the county party secretary heard Yan Zong's words, his face was very calm, and Zheng Yong said to the county party secretary: "Secretary, we dispatched the police to arrest the suspect Yan Pengtian. Here, he is a big taxpayer, which makes me very embarrassed."

Zheng Yong said that he was embarrassed, but there was no hint of embarrassment on his face.

After hearing this, the secretary of the county party committee looked at Yan Zong and said, "Boss Yan, although you are a big taxpayer and have made a lot of contributions to our Xuanbei County, but you hinder the police from handling the case and openly threaten the police, this is you. is wrong."

Yan Zong really wants to scold his mother at this moment, why did I say that I would not let the police go?Didn't that young man beat my son like that?If that young man didn't hit my son, how could I say that?

Yan Zong opened his mouth to defend the county party secretary, but the county party secretary didn't want to listen to him at all. He said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, we have always maintained a zero-tolerance attitude towards vicious criminals. Yan Pengtian is involved in 726 extermination. If you have a case, you should investigate him, everything you do, our Xuanbei County leadership team is very supportive."

When the county party secretary arrived, everyone could tell from his words and expressions that the county party secretary was on Lin Chen's side.

Now when the county party secretary said these words, everyone could not help but take a deep breath.

Regardless of whether Yan Pengtian is really related to the 726 case, the young man Lin Chen beat Yan Pengtian first and kicked all his teeth to pieces. Based on this alone, Lin Chen No, Yan Zong can sue Lin Chen for abusing his power and intentionally hurting others.

However, when the secretary of the county party committee came, he said that everything that this young man Lin Chen did was supported by the leadership of the county government.

The secretary of the county party committee completely dismissed Lin Chen's beating of Yan Pengtian as if it had not seen it. There is only one reason for this. This young man surnamed Lin is very difficult. Not only is the deputy director Zheng Yong complimenting him, but even the county party committee The secretary was also obedient to him.

What kind of background does it take to make them like this?

Everyone was horrified, and with this posture in front of them, the more and more they felt that the Yan family was about to end.

No matter how big or rich a boss is, once someone at this level wants to fuck you, it's really as simple as crushing an ant.

Yan Zong has been in the society for so many years. How can he not see what is going on in front of him? The county party secretary is going to help Lin Chen and deal with himself.

A sneer appeared on Yan Zong's face, he clenched the mobile phone in his hand, and said to the county party secretary: "Secretary, I don't know if you are busy with official business recently, and you can even think that my son was beaten like that by him. See, hehe."

When he said the word "hehe", Yan Zong seemed to be gnashing his teeth quite a bit. He shook the mobile phone in his hand and said, "Since the county party secretary is busy with official business and your body is tired, then I can only ask others to stand up and host for me. Fair enough."

The secretary of the county party committee was about to answer, but Lin Chen stopped him as if to stop Zheng Yong from speaking. .

After telling the county party secretary not to speak, Lin Chen smiled at Yan Zong with a livid face: "Yan Laogou, what background do you have, what kind of backers do you have, even if you invite me, if it can make a difference, count me as a loser."


Lin Chen's words are still full of strength.

Take the initiative to let Yan Zong show his energy, and show that if your energy is useful in front of me, I will lose.

Everyone present, their eyes on Lin Chen have become more and more different at this moment.

Some of the young and beautiful women, looking at Lin Chen's eyes at this moment, already have little stars in their eyes. This young man is not only so handsome that he can't be picky, but also has such a manly style. I really want to have an in-depth exchange with him. .

Wang Xiaojun and his girlfriend, you look at me, I look at yours, they haven't spoken for a long time.


From Yan Zong's nostrils, there was a heavy snort, and his expression was full of disdain for Lin Chen's words.

"Everyone can say big things, just don't kneel in front of me and beg for mercy at the end." Yan Zong said coldly, so that everyone could hear it clearly.

After speaking, Yan Zong unlocked the phone and pressed the dial button on the county magistrate's private number.

The phone was quickly dialed. Although Yan Zong was also related in the city, the county magistrate was not as good as the current one, so it was better to ask the county magistrate to deal with it more quickly.


However, within two seconds after the call was made, an electronically synthesized voice came from the receiver: "Hello, the user you dialed has been turned off, please dial again later..."

When Yan Zong heard the sound, he was slightly taken aback, and he thought what was going on, why did the county magistrate's mobile phone turn off?Is it out of power?

Yan Zong found another number of the county magistrate, and it was still turned off.

Yan Zong's third call was to the landline of the county magistrate's office. This time, he got through, but no one answered the phone.

Yan Zong's face became more and more gloomy, covering his mouth on the ground, Yan Pengtian, whose mouth was full of blood, also saw that Yan Zong's face was abnormal, and a sense of fear enveloped Yan Pengtian's whole body.

Yan Zong gritted his teeth, found the number of the city leader, dialed it, and hoped that he would not turn off the phone again. .


1002 Sit down and talk [3 more subscriptions]

Yan Zong hoped that the leaders of the city would not turn off their mobile phones, but the indifferent electronic voice still came from the receiver: "Hello, the user you dialed has been turned off, please dial again later..."

After hearing this sound, Yan Zong's hand holding the phone trembled, and the phone in his hand almost didn't fall to the ground.

He called the leader of the city, but Yan Zong, the biggest supporter of the entire Yan family, could not be contacted at such a critical moment. How could this make Yan Zong not panic.

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