Xie Qiang saw that scene with his own eyes, his angry mouth vomited blood, and his body became weaker and weaker.

Also in 3.1 at that time, those curly hairs remained in Xie Qiang's wife's throat.

Before Yan Pengtian was served Shutan, Xie Qiang's son rushed out when he was noisy, and the child beat Yan Pengtian with his fists while crying.

His body was so small that Yan Pengtian kicked him away.

Feeling unhappy, Yan Pengtian rushed forward and stomped Xie Qiang's old child to death.

Xie Qiang saw that his son was trampled and bleeding from the seven orifices. He lost his voice. He was so angry that he was seriously injured, and he died directly.

As Lin Chen speculated, Xie Qiang's wife was the one who suffered the most. She witnessed her son being trampled to death and her husband hacked to death, but she was helpless and pressed on the coffee table, unable to resist.

In the end, Xie Qiang's wife was also hacked to death by Yan Pengtian. .


1007 Go to be a policeman [2 more for subscription]

The three members of Xie Qiang's family were killed by Yan Pengtian's cruel methods.

Before being killed, Xie Qiang's family of three also called for help and begged for mercy, but because someone was watching the wind outside, and the residential building was about to be demolished, there were no more residents, and no one heard their cries.

After killing three people, the flame that Yan Pengtian was holding in his heart finally went out. He felt very happy. Xie Qiang, the bastard, just beat himself that night, just to let him die in pain and let him know offend yourself.

The person who was watching the wind at the entrance of the stairs saw Shen Mingdong walking towards this side, and the person who was watching the wind immediately ran into the room where the crime happened and talked to Yan Pengtian.

They have done this kind of framing before, and it is naturally handy to do it.

So, the two people under Yan Pengtian's hands quietly went downstairs together, and from the back of the house, went around behind Shen Mingdong, who was passing by.

They knocked Shen Mingdong unconscious with a stick, then carried him back to the scene of the crime.

After Yan Pengtian saw Shen Mingdong who was in a coma, he looked at his face and said, "It's 11 fucking unlucky for you."

Then, Yan Pengtian sat on the sofa smoking a cigarette, and the people under him began to clean up the crime scene, erased the clues they left at the crime scene, and left Shen Mingdong's fingerprints and shoe prints, disguised as Shen Mingdong It was the murder scene.

After doing this, Yan Pengtian and the others swaggered away.

Yan Pengtian also revealed that the neighbor who lived upstairs in Xie Qiang was very lucky. If he was at home that day, he would have been killed like Xie Qiang and the others, and Yan Pengtian would not stay. any witness.

On the way back by car, Yan Pengtian took out his mobile phone and called Zhuo Zishan's private number.

"Sister, I killed someone." Yan Pengtian sat in the Mercedes-Benz, looked out the window, and said in a flat tone.

When Zhuo Zishan heard this, she was not too surprised. This younger brother had never done such a thing before.

Zhuo Zishan asked, "How many did you kill?"

"Three." Yan Pengtian said: "The crime scene has been cleaned up, and a scapegoat has been found. The crime scene is full of his fingerprints and shoe prints. Let him take the blame."

"I see." Zhuo Zishan said.

After Zhuo Zishan knew that the 726 killings were done by his younger brother Yan Pengtian, he immediately thought of a strategy for Yan Pengtian.

Here we will mention the relationship between Zhuo Zishan and Yan Pengtian. Zhuo Zishan’s surname is Zhuo and Yan Pengtian’s surname is Yan. They have different surnames. The siblings are not matched because they are cousins, but Zhuo Zi The shirts follow their mother's surname, and they are half-siblings.

Yan Zong has a romantic nature, and he is still very lecherous now, not to mention him when he was young.

More than [-] years ago, Yan Zong and Zhuo Zishan's mother married and had a daughter, Zhuo Zishan, but at that time, the Yan family's business was not small, and for the family business to develop better, Yan Zong did not marry. Zhuo Zishan's mother married the daughter of a big boss.

The big boss's daughter, Yan Pengtian's mother, Yan Zong's current wife.

Yan Zong has a lot of juniors, and he has played with countless women. He is romantic, but there are not many illegitimate children outside. Apart from Yan Zong's upright son, Zhuo Zishan is the daughter.

Due to the obstruction of Yan Pengtian's mother, Yan Zong did not treat Zhuo Zishan and her mother very well.

Zhuo Zishan's mother is very industrious. Although Zhuo Zishan was not wealthy since she was a child, she lived without food and clothing.

However, the good times didn't last long. Zhuo Zishan's mother was killed in a car accident. Zhuo Zishan lost her mother, and there was no other person willing to help her. She had no choice but to go to Yan Zong's father.

After Yan Zong learned that Zhuo Zishan's mother died in a car accident, he carried Yan Pengtian's mother, the current wife, and took in Zhuo Zishan's homeless daughter.

After Zhuo Zishan completed a certain amount of studies, on this day, Yan Zong came to Zhuo Zishan and asked her, "Zishan, do you want to be a police officer?"

Zhuo Zishan was both in awe and fear for the richest father. She didn't say she wanted to, nor did she say she didn't want to, she just looked at Yan Zong quietly like that.

Yan Zong smiled at Zhuo Zishan and said, "Dad's business is so big that he needs people at all levels and a lot of help. I don't want you to do business. You can become a policeman. With my current ability, I can let you in You will be promoted quickly in your career, and when your official position gets bigger and bigger, you will be able to help Dad."

After Zhuo Zishan heard Yan Zong's words, she nodded without hesitation: "Dad, I am willing, I will be a policeman, I will be a high-ranking official, and I will help you in the future."

When Yan Zong saw Zhuo Zishan's firm eyes, a deep smile appeared on his face.

As a result, Zhuo Zishan was sent to the police academy. After graduation, Zhuo Zishan worked in the grass-roots police station for half a year, and was placed in the county public security bureau by Yan Zong.

Zhuo Zishan was also an unmanned little girl at the beginning, and she was relatively humble when it came to dealing with people.

However, Yan Zong taught her that she was the daughter of his Yan Zong, and that she should be as domineering as him when dealing with 590 things. With her father backing her, she didn't need to be afraid of certain people, and she didn't have to be polite to them.

What's more, the relationship between Yan Zong and the Director of the Public Security Bureau is inseparable. With the Director here, how could Zhuo Zishan's life in the Public Security Bureau be difficult.

Under the guidance of Yan Zong, Zhuo Zishan began to change slowly. In the Public Security Bureau, she became an existence that many people did not dare to provoke.

Yan Zong is the black boss of Xuanbei County. After Zhuo Zishan entered the county public security bureau, he often asked people to create some cases, and then let Zhuo Zishan solve it. In this way, Zhuo Zishan could be credited and the credit would accumulate. If you are promoted again, it will not make people too gossip.

That police officer, Xiao Wang, entered the Public Security Bureau with Zhuo Zishan. He belonged to Yan Zong and helped Zhuo Zishan become a good policeman and was promoted along the way.

After Zhuo Zishan became a police officer, as her power became more and more powerful, she also gave Yan Zong a lot of convenience. If there was anything, Yan Zong directly called him, and Zhuo Zishan would help him solve it, no need to go again. Contact the police chief.

At the very beginning, Yan Pengtian despised Zhuo Zishan, his half-sister, and felt that Zhuo Zishan was born by his father and a wild woman, and could not compare with himself.

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