However, whenever there is something to ask Zhuo Zishan for help, after Zhuo Zishan will get things done, the relationship between Yan Pengtian and Zhuo Zishan is getting better and better. .


1008 Step by step [3 more for subscription]

Zhuo Zishan didn't take Yan Pengtian's 726 annihilation case too seriously at first. After receiving a report and arriving at the scene of the crime, Zhuo Zishan asked the police officer Xiao Wang to go. Check the scene carefully, because she is afraid that Yan Pengtian and the others will be careless and leave any evidence.

When Police Officer Xiao Wang and the others were investigating the scene of the crime, Zhuo Zishan took people with him, searched for the surveillance cameras around the crime scene, and took the hard drives of those surveillance probes back to the Public Security Bureau.

After getting the surveillance video from 12 places, Zhuo Zishan asked Yan Pengtian and the others their walking route and the approximate time of their appearance. She found the video that Yan Pengtian and the others had appeared in and deleted it.

Among those videos, there were a total of three missing videos, at most dozens of seconds were deleted, and at least only ten seconds.

Zhuo Zishan is still very satisfied with her cutting skills. She also thinks that others will not be able to find out that these surveillance videos are missing dozens of seconds in some places, not to mention that these surveillance videos cannot be obtained by ordinary people and are kept in her hands.

After erasing the surveillance that Yan Pengtian had appeared, and erasing the traces of the scene, Zhuo Zishan was ready to let Shen Mingdong pay for the 726 annihilation case.

Zhuo Zishan was also on the phone, promising to Yan Pengtian that the 726 case would be eliminated under her control, and there would be no problem.

When everything was proceeding step by step, Lin Chen appeared.

Zheng Yong, the deputy director, admired and respected Lin Chen very much. After Lin Chen found out the doubts about the 726 murder case, Zheng Yong directly handed the case to Lin Chen for investigation.

Zhuo Zishan panicked at the time, she asked to investigate the case with Lin Chen, and pretended to help Lin Chen on the surface.

When he returned to the office and was about to go to the crime scene with Lin Chen, Zhuo Zishan was on the phone with Yan Pengtian.

There was nothing to worry about at first, but now it is handed over to Lin Chen. Yan Pengtian really wanted to kill Lin Chen, a meddler.

The conversation between the two at the time was as follows: "Sister, since this is the case, then I will find someone to take the blame for me, I will ask someone to retrieve the medical records of the hospital, find those terminally ill people, and give them money to take the blame. It's alright 々~"

Zhuo Zishan said: "Well...Pengtian, what you said, no, that guy Lin Chen is a detective, he is very clever, I am afraid that you will find a terminally ill person casually, and he will find out. "

Yan Pengtian asked, "Then what do you think?"

Zhuo Zishan thought for a while and said, "Well, let's get a series plan for Lin Chen, you can ask a trustworthy little brother to find a terminally ill person to take the blame, this terminally ill person will let Lin Chen and the others take the blame. Seeing the tricky and knowing that he is not the murderer, then let Lin Chen and the others follow the clues, find the trustworthy little brother you arranged, and ask him to admit that he is the murderer."

"There is that terminally ill person to confuse Lin Chen and the others. Will Lin Chen and the others no longer suspect that the younger brother is not the murderer."

Yan Pengtian understood what Zhuo Zishan said. In short, he was looking for two surrogate ghosts. The first one was deliberately visible, so that they could find the second surrogate ghost from the first surrogate ghost.

With the confusion of the first surrogate ghost, the credibility of the second surrogate ghost increases.

Yan Pengtian said at the time that the idea of ​​Zhuo Zishan was very good, and most people would not have thought that there would be such a hand, and there would be a surrogate ghost behind the ghost.

But the problem also arises. The first person to look for a dead ghost is a terminally ill person who is not afraid of death, but the second ghost is a healthy little brother. If he can live, who wants to die?

So Yan Pengtian said this question, saying that his younger brother was loyal to him, but he was not willing to die for him.

Zhuo Zishan said, "It's alright, you promised them that they won't be sentenced to death. This case is only temporarily taken over by Lin Chen. After he leaves, there will be no problem if he moves a bit more."

Yan Pengtian thought it was justified, so he called Ou Kuan, who participated in the 726 annihilation case that day, to him, gave Ou Kuan a favor, and guaranteed that he would not be sentenced to death.

Ou Kuan agreed. He deliberately went to the bank to withdraw a sum of money, and then went to find Chen Zhibin, gave the money to Chen Zhibin, and asked him to commit the crime. The even numbered banknotes in the money also allowed the police to find him.

Originally, all of this was under the control of Zhuo Zishan and Yan Pengtian, and Yan Zong didn't take it to heart.

However, what scared them was not that Lin Chen had found the evidence, but Lin Chen's terrifying background.

If Lin Chen was just a little detective, even if he found evidence, the Yan family could try to save Yan Pengtian from the death penalty, but now, the entire Yan family is so insignificant in front of Lin Chen, and in the face of absolute strength, all efforts All in vain.

After Yan Pengtian finished his narration, Zhuo Zishan also revealed his relationship with Yan Zong and how to cooperate with Yan Pengtian with a lost face.

After hearing what the half-sisters said, the interrogation room was quiet for a while.

"...I said how Zhuo Zishan was promoted so quickly, so Yan Zong is his father." A police officer whispered to his companions.

"Don't say I haven't found it yet, let's say it now, I really think this Captain Zhuo is somewhat similar to Yan Zong." Another police officer said.

"Indeed, Captain Zhuo looks a bit like Yan Zong. Captain Zhuo hides deeply enough. It's actually the daughter of the richest man in our county..." A female police officer muttered.

After listening to Zhuo Zishan and Yan Pengtian's remarks, these police officers began to discuss in a low voice.

When Zheng Yong heard these discussions, he turned his head and glanced at the police officers. The police officers immediately stopped talking and closed their mouths.

Yan Pengtian trembled and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, I've told the truth, please raise your hand, there are a lot of adults, let me go, let me go, let me go to the Yan family, and everyone in my Yan family in the future. , all for your own sake."

(Good money) When Lin Chen heard this, a smile appeared on his face. He looked at Yan Pengtian and said, "I despise the dogs of your Yan family."

When Yan Pengtian heard this, his body trembled violently, and then his mouth was still begging for mercy, hoping that Lin Chen could let him go.

Zhuo Zishan's face was ashen, sitting above the interrogation, his eyes were blank, he didn't know what he was thinking, as if he had lost his soul.

Shen Yue said to Zhuo Zishan, "You are such a hateful woman. If the boss hadn't come, my father would have been wrongly accused of being a murderer by you. You have done so many immoral things, and now the retribution will come."

Zheng Yong's eyes swept across Yan Pengtian and Zhuo Zishan, and he said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, now that Yan Pengtian has admitted the crime of the 726 murder case, then this case can be ended. "

When Lin Chen heard Zheng Yong say the word "End", the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile. .


1009 Another angle 【Subscription】

Lin Chen glanced at Zheng Yong, who said the case was over, and said lightly: "End? From one level, this case is over, but from another perspective, this case is not over yet."

Originally, after Zheng Yong said that to Lin Chen, he thought that Lin Chen would nod his head, saying yes, this case is now over, and these people can be tried properly.

But what Lin Chen said was very intriguing.

From another point of view, the case is not over yet?

People who heard Lin Chen's words were very curious, what is the other angle that Lin Chen said, and what is the reason why this case is not over.

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