Even Yan Pengtian and Zhuo Zishan who were sitting on the interrogation chair raised their heads slightly and looked at Lin Chen, not knowing the meaning of Lin Chen's words.

Shen Yue blinked her big smart eyes with curiosity in her tone, and asked, "Boss, from another point of view, this case is not over, what does this mean?"

Zheng Yong and Li Guo originally wanted to ask, but when Shen Yue asked, they didn't say anything, just stood aside, waiting for Lin Chen's answer.

Lin Chen looked at Shen Yue with a smile on his face, and said, "Some truths are not really clear yet."

If Lin Chen's words from another angle just now made everyone puzzled and full of curiosity, then Lin Chen's words 480 surprised everyone.

Some truth has not really been revealed?Isn't the truth already in front of us? Yan Pengtian and Zhuo Zishan have all admitted it. What other truth is there that hasn't really been revealed?

Zheng Yong asked quickly, "Mr. Lin, what did you say the truth is not clear?"

"Yes." Li Guo glanced at Zhuo Zishan and Yan Pengtian and said, "Could it be that Zhuo Zishan and Yan Pengtian lied and didn't tell the truth?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "The truth I said means a lot to some people, but to us, it's irrelevant."

"Mr. Lin, hurry up, I'm very curious." Zheng Yongtian said to Lin Chen with a smile on his face.

Lin Chen said: "Before speaking, you have to wait for someone to come. Without him, it would not be so interesting."

"Who is it?" Zheng Yong asked almost as soon as Lin Chen's voice fell.

Other police officers inside and outside the interrogation room also poked their heads to look at Lin Chen, wanting to hear what Lin Chen said.

"Yan Zong." Lin Chen said, "Notify the police officer in the hospital who is in charge of Yan Zong. After Yan Zong's injuries are treated a little, he will immediately bring him to the Public Security Bureau."

"Okay, I'll notify them right away." Li Guo agreed, and after speaking, he picked up the phone and went to notify the police officers at the hospital.

After Li Guo quickly finished the phone call, he returned to Lin Chen and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, I have already called, Yan Zong is receiving treatment in the emergency room of the hospital, and he will come right after the simple treatment. "

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Let's wait until Yan Zong arrives."

Everyone didn't go to question Lin Chen, anyway, Lin Chen has already made it very clear, he wants to say that, it has no meaning to the police side, but it is of great significance to some people, Yan Zong is about to be escorted over. , and so on when he comes.

Zheng Yong immediately invited Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, it will take a while for Yan Zong to come over. It's been a busy day, and I'm tired and hungry. Let's go out to eat together."

Lin Chen did not refuse, nodded, and agreed to Zheng Yong's invitation.

Immediately, Lin Chen, Shen Yue, Zheng Yong, and the others walked out of the interrogation room, and after leaving the Public Security Bureau, they went to a nearby small restaurant.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Zheng Yong put the menu in front of Lin Chen and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, you order."

Lin Chen glanced at the cover of the menu, and said casually, "Just order it."

Zheng Yong ordered a few dishes in a hurry, and after a while, the store owner brought the dishes and let Lin Chen and the others eat them.

Today, in order to investigate the case, Lin Chen and the others were also walking around. Lin Chen and the others were indeed hungry. After the dishes were served, they all picked up chopsticks and ate.

Li Guo was also present. (bbdf) During the meal, Li Guo urged in his heart, hoping that guy Yan Zong would be brought to the Public Security Bureau soon. He really wanted to hear what Lin Chen was going to say next.

While Lin Chen and the others were eating, in the emergency room of the County People's Hospital, a doctor led two nurses with their heads bowed, treating the wound on the crotch for Yan Zong.

When Yan Zong came to the County People's Hospital, the doctors and nurses were surprised at first, and what surprised them even more was that Yan Zong, the richest man in Xuanbei County, was injured by such Yan Zong and was controlled by the police.

Regardless of the rest, when the doctors and nurses took off Yan Zong's pants and saw the extent of the damage to his crotch, they all took a deep breath. How many hands did it take to injure this organ like this? , Even with the most advanced medical skills, Yan Zong would never want to be a man again.

From time to time in the emergency room, there was a scream of Yan Zong killing a pig. The reason for his screaming was that the police told the medical staff that anesthesia was not needed to treat the wound. Everything should be kept simple and not extravagant.

The root of life was kicked out by Lin Chen, and Yan Zong's half life was required. Now that there is no need for anesthesia to treat the wound, Yan Zong really wants to die.

He knew that everything should be kept simple, and don't be extravagant, this is what Lin Chen meant.

But I just want a shot of anesthesia, what kind of extravagance is this?To be frugal is not to be frugal in this kind of thing.

In the tragic cry of Yan Zong's death, the wound on his body was treated with stitches, and Yan Zong, soaked in cold sweat, was pushed out of the emergency room by the nurse.

Yan Zong gasped, thinking about letting himself rest for a while, and thinking about how to deal with it tonight.

But as soon as he left the emergency room, two police officers picked him up unceremoniously.

Yan Zong shouted loudly and asked what the two policemen were doing. He is now a wounded and needs a good rest. If something goes wrong, the police are responsible.

But the two policemen didn't listen to his words at all, and took him directly into the police car outside the hospital, and headed towards the County Public Security Bureau with their eyes on.

On the way out of the hospital, many people recognized Yan Zong as the richest man.

After Yan Zong arrived at the County Public Security Bureau, he saw his son Yan Pengtian and his daughter Zhuo Zishan in the interrogation room. Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian burst into tears, and Zhuo Zishan wiped away tears.

When Yan Zong asked why he brought himself to the Public Security Bureau so quickly, Yan Pengtian said to him: "I don't know, anyway, that Lin Chen said that some of the truth was not clear, and he said he would only tell it when you were there. interesting."

When Yan Zong heard this, he was puzzled, what was Lin Chen going to say, why should he wait for him to be interesting?

At this moment, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and Lin Chen and his party stepped in. .


1010 The acting is very good [2 more for subscription]

After Yan Zong saw Lin Chen walking into the interrogation room, his broken hand subconsciously covered his crotch.

Having been kicked so fiercely by Lin Chen before, Yan Zong's heart had already left a shadow. Seeing Lin Chen, he felt a chill in his crotch.

When Yan Pengtian and Zhuo Zishan saw Lin Chen come in, they also stopped talking, their eyes fixed on Lin Chen, and they were both frightened and hated for Lin Chen in their hearts.

Zheng Yong, Li Guo and Shen Yue, as well as leaders and police officers of all sizes in the Public Security Bureau, all followed behind _.

This case has almost been finalized by now. Most of the police officers who came along with them had no jobs at hand and came to watch the fun. They were also quite curious about what Lin Chen was referring to when he said that some truths had not been revealed.

"Mr. Lin..." Yan Zong faced Lin Chen with a flattering expression, and said, "I can't recuperate in the hospital. What are you trying to say if you want me to come here?"

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