Yan Zong: "Well, this matter is easy to deal with, just let my subordinates do it, I'm going to make that little girl blind, and then deaf and mute, so that she will never make accusations for the rest of her life. My business is coming..."

As Lin Chen randomly clicked on the recordings in the folder one by one, the truth of each distressing thing was revealed.

In the recording, the voices of Zhuo Zishan and Yan Zong Yan Pengtian were recorded very clearly. During the dialogue on 11, Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian also admitted their crimes.

Hearing the conversation between Zhuo Zishan and them in the recording of the call, many people gnashed their teeth at the father and son Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian. Yan Zong raped the 8-year-old girl and made her blind and Deaf and mute, Yan Pengtian raped a girl and made her family dare not go to the police station again.

Zheng Yong, Li Guo, Shen Yue, and the others understood how Lin Chen knew that Yan Zong had raped an 8-year-old girl before when they were in the Wanjun Hotel. It turned out to be from the recording on the phone.

Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian looked like they had seen a ghost, their eyes widened, they couldn't believe that their previous conversation with Zhuo Zishan was actually recorded.

Zhuo Zishan's face also showed a look of horror, she panicked: "Why... how come there are recordings of these calls in my mobile phone? Every time I make a call, I make a direct call, and I don't turn it on at all. recorded."

Lin Chen heard Zhuo Zishan's words and laughed: "In the beginning, when they got these recordings, Director Zheng and Officer Li thought you were careless and forgot that the automatic recording function of the mobile phone had been turned on, and they did not respond to this. Think about it."

"However, I don't think so. Although you are very strong in the Public Security Bureau, and Yan Pengtian used two ghosts to confuse us, I can see it, but I always feel that you are not a brainless woman. The phone has turned on the function of automatic call recording, it is impossible for you not to know."

"You are a criminal police officer. As a criminal police officer, you must know about investigation and counter-reconnaissance. I don't believe that you accidentally left these recordings."


When it came to the two words, Lin Chen swiped the screen of Zhuo Zishan's mobile phone, pointed to an audio file, and said, "Yan Zong raped that 8-year-old girl, that happened six years ago, and this mobile phone It was listed two or three years ago, let’s look at the file name of the recording of you and Yan Zong talking about the rape of an 8-year-old girl, the file name has the year, month, and date of the recording.”

"However, the string of letters after the time of the call recording file and the overall file name specification are different from other recording files."

"That is to say, these recordings about the rape of an 8-year-old girl were not recorded with this mobile phone."

"This phone does not have a memory card inserted, it uses the internal memory of the body, so these recordings from six years ago were stored in this phone using a data cable or other means."

"Zhuo Zishan, what I said, right?"

Facing Lin Chen's questioning and Lin Chen's posing that the recording belonged to a different mobile phone, which was the evidence she deliberately stored in this mobile phone, Zhuo Zishan was at a loss for words and did not speak to defend.

Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian stared blankly at Zhuo Zishan, with disbelief and horror in their eyes, and they couldn't say a word for a while.

Seeing that Zhuo Zishan didn't speak, Lin Chen was not in a hurry, he said, "Although you have set an unlock password for this phone, the password is too simple. I got this phone, and I think you may have kept it on purpose. After I put down the evidence, I ran into your office and wanted to find out."

"The computer in your office is also locked. The police officers of the technical department will not crack it for a while. I cracked it. I found several hidden folders in your computer. You have deleted the three clips of Yan Pengtian appearing in the surveillance, as well as some shameful activities with Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian."

"The three deleted clips aren't a big deal, but your shady dealings with Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian are hard evidence that you can be convicted."

After Zheng Yong, Li Guo, Shen Yue and others heard what Lin Chen said, they said that they were not shocked, that was impossible.

Before, they thought that Zhuo Zishan was used to being arrogant and a brainless woman who accidentally left those recording files, but, through what Lin Chen said, it became more and more that Zhuo Zishan deliberately left these evidences.

Zheng Yong grumbled: "It turns out that Mr. Lin, you went to Zhuo Zishan's office and found this. I said why you looked a little different after you came out of Zhuo Zishan's office."

Yan Zong's entire 567 people trembled with anger. He raised his broken hand and questioned Zhuo Zishan, "Daughter, you...you...you left these things on purpose?"

"Sister, why did you keep these things?" Yan Pengtian also asked angrily.

If Zhuo Zishan hadn't left behind these things, even if Yan Pengtian was about to end because of the 726 murder case, it wouldn't involve Yan Zong or the entire Yan family.

Although Zhuo Zishan's past records left in the computer can be evaded, it is impossible to name who did it, but the recording files in the mobile phone cannot be escaped.

Facing the questioning from her father and younger brother, Zhuo Zishan shook her head and said, "No, no, I don't know about the recording, I didn't know that the phone had automatic recording turned on, the things in the computer, I don't know. It's all hidden, I didn't expect to be found out."

Lin Chen looked at Zhuo Zishan and said, "It's all here, Zhuo Zishan, you have nothing to admit, the things you hide in the computer, when the police officers of the technical department are checking you, it's very easy will find out."

"The password you set on your phone is simple, and if it is cracked, the recording files inside will also be exposed."

"I can be sure that you want to put Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian to death, and, just now you...".


1012 Looking for opportunities【Subscribe】

Zhuo Zishan said, "What happened to me just now?"

Lin Chen glanced at Yan Pengtian and said, "The police officer took you to this interrogation room just now, and you told Yan Pengtian in the interrogation room that although Yan Pengtian killed the three members of Xie Qiang's family, my hand There is only surveillance that he appeared near the scene of the crime, and there is no other evidence at all, as long as he is killed and does not admit it."

"Yan Pengtian heard what you said and whispered to you that the interrogation room was monitored, but you told him that some interrogation rooms of the Public Security Bureau were not monitored, but the one you are in is not."

When Yan Pengtian heard Lin Chen's words, he stammered, "You... did you hear our conversation?"

Lin Chen ignored Yan Pengtian and said to Zhuo Zishan, "When you and Yan Pengtian said this, Director Zheng and I were in the monitoring room next door, observing you through hidden surveillance probes."

"I asked Director Zheng and the others if there were surveillance cameras in the interrogation room of the Public Security Bureau. Director Zheng and the others said yes, the interrogation room next to the interrogation room was not equipped with surveillance cameras. Director Zheng and the others thought that you were being held in custody. , lowered his head, so he didn't see the interrogation room clearly."

"I mistook this monitored interrogation room for one without monitoring, so I said those words to Yan Pengtian."

There was a smile on Lin Chen's face: "But because I had doubts about you before, I didn't think so, and Zhuo Zishan, you have worked in this public security bureau for seven or eight years. Now, you have been working in this building for seven or eight years. It can be said that your familiarity with this building is no less than your familiarity with your home."

"It's a bit exaggerated. You can find your office from the gate of the Public Security Bureau with your eyes closed. How could you mistake a monitored interrogation room for an unmonitored one?"

"Besides, if there is no surveillance, I am afraid that there will be ears separated by the wall. If you are really thinking of Yan Pengtian, you will not mention those words at all. Those words can prove that Yan Pengtian is the murderer of the 726 murder case. 々". "

Lin Chen's remarks made the expressions on the faces of Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian become more and more exciting.

Lin Chendao: "From those call recordings, I can also see that when you were talking about those things on the phone, Yan Pengtian and Yan Zong were both obscure, but you deliberately The topic is very obvious, open your mouth and shut up you killed someone, the girl you raped, etc."

"The original call that was vague and unexplainable was turned into evidence that could convict Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian."

"Now, let me reason about why you've been doing this."

Lin Chen paused for a moment, then began to reason, he said: "Zhuo Zishan, since I conclude that you left these evidences on purpose, then as Yan Zong's illegitimate daughter, Yan Zong treats you and your mother, He must be in debt, he is sorry for your mother and daughter, and maybe he has done some extreme things to your mother and daughter."

"In your heart, you deeply hate Yan Zong's father, and you want to kill him to vent your hatred, but Yan Zong and the Yan family are existences that you can't afford to offend. A small woman can't do anything to Yan Zong at all."

"So, you found Yan Zong and wanted to stay by his side to look for opportunities, but Yan Zong didn't keep you by his side. He felt that you were his daughter and someone he could trust, and he wanted you to be in his career. If you achieve something, in this way, you will be useful to him and the Yan family in the future."

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