"After you became a police officer, you thought you could take revenge on Yan Zong. Every time Yan Zong did something illegal, he asked you to discuss countermeasures, and you would save the recording of the call."

"The incident of Yan Zong's rape of his subordinate's 8-year-old daughter happened six years ago. You still kept the recording at that time and transferred it to the current mobile phone. It shows that your hatred for Yan Zong has never diminished."

"When Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian talked to you after committing a crime, they said something obscure, but in order to make the recording work, you deliberately made it obvious, such as the person you killed, the girl you raped These words made Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian admit during the call that they did it."

"They trust you, never thought that you were recording all the time to prepare them for doom, and never thought that you would save the records of your shady interactions with them. Once those records are exposed, they will be finished, and so will you. of."

Lin Chen looked at Zhuo Zishan's foggy eyes, and said, "You don't know about the recordings, you didn't expect me to find out the records of the interactions on the computer, and you didn't expect to let Yan Zong will never recover, this is completely nonsense."

"First of all, you are absolutely aware of the phone recordings. Second, you just keep the records of your interactions in a hidden folder. The trick of hiding a folder is not worth mentioning in front of people who understand computer technology."

"...Zhuo Zishan, you have been keeping these evidences that will make Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian irretrievable, but why haven't you made them public?"

Lin Chen smiled and said to himself: "The reason is very simple, Yan Zong is the richest man in Xuanbei County, he has a background in the county and the city, you just shake it out, it doesn't matter to Yan Zong at all. Use, he can completely use his means to suppress these things, and the only one who will be ruined is yourself."

"So, you've been waiting for an opportunity, looking for an opportunity, looking for an opportunity to make this evidence work."

Everyone present, including Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian, opened their mouths slightly in surprise.

Among them, Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian, the father and son, had the same expressions on their faces as seeing a ghost.

What Lin Chen said was completely beyond their imagination.

The interrogation room was very quiet, no one spoke, Zhuo Zishan sitting on the interrogation chair, when Lin Chen said this, the mist in her eyes became more and more, the mist turned into tears, and gathered in the eyes (Wang's goodness). ) among.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth.

Lin Chen looked at Zhuo Zishan, who was crying, and said, "This 726 murder case was originally going to end in an unjust case. In this case, you also left doubts and clues and evidence that can be reversed in the future."

"However, after I came, I changed your previous strategy. My arrival gave you the hope that Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian would be irreversible."

"You must know me well, and you also know that my energy is not simple. When we first met at the Public Security Bureau, maybe at that time you prepared your plan and began to deliberately have bad relations with me, ready to anger me."

"Director Zheng told you that he was so polite to me because he worshipped me. You pretended to believe it, and conveyed this to Yan Pengtian and the others, paralyzing Yan Pengtian and the others, and wanting them to offend me, in fact , you know my situation very well."


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Lin Chen looked at Zhuo Zishan and said, "Director Zheng worships me this kind of nonsense, you smart woman will definitely not believe it, in Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian, they really think I'm just a little detective. That's it, your plan has been successful for the most part."

"In the case of the 726 annihilation case, you were discussing countermeasures with Yan Pengtian on the surface, and you made a deliberate attempt to let me see that Chen Zhibin was a scapegoat, and then Ou Kuan looked like a murderer. In fact, your performance was too superficial. , and Ou Kuan's role as a scapegoat also has a lot of loopholes, you don't have to worry that I won't be able to see it."

"On the surface, you are acting with Yan Pengtian and the others. In fact, you are acting in your own play. While you are preparing to bring down Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian, you are also ready to put yourself in."

When Lin Chen said this, his tone began to become a bit deep, and he said, "Zhuo Zishan, you are now the deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Public Security Bureau in the county seat, and you have the richest man's father, so you can say, You want money, money, and power, and you have a very comfortable life."

"Being able to make up your mind to put yourself in and say goodbye to the comfortable days now shows how much you hate Yan Zong's father. You should hate him so much that you can't get rid of his skin and cramp him. ?"

In Zhuo Zishan's eyes, a teardrop rolled down, her eyes began to be bloodshot, her nose trembled 570 degrees, and her body trembled slightly.

Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian, at this moment they have forgotten the pain in their bodies, and their eyes are staring at Zhuo Zishan.

The muscles on Yan Zong's face were twitching, his eyes were fierce, and he said to Zhuo Zishan: "Zixan, don't tell me, what this Lin Chen said is true, is what he said true?"

At this moment, Yan Zong was extremely angry, because if it wasn't for the evidence that Zhuo Zishan deliberately left over the years, he would not be in this situation at all.

Rape an 8-year-old girl, beat others to death, cut off other people's legs, etc., all the evidence has long been erased by time, but his trusted biological daughter has been preparing to make him fall into danger all these years. situation.

When Yan Zong thought about it, he felt a chill and fear in his heart.

The angry Yan Zong called Lin Chen's name directly instead of calling him Mr. Lin.

"Zhuo Zishan, did you really do this on purpose?" Yan Pengtian was too lazy to call his sister, he raised his hand, pointed to Zhuo Zishan's nose, and asked loudly.

If he hadn't been locked (bbdj) in the interrogation chair, Yan Pengtian would have rushed up and grabbed Zhuo Zishan's collar, and he would have done something to her.

On the other side, Zheng Yong, Li Guo, Shen Yue and the police officers did not speak. They were all police officers. Judging from Zhuo Zishan's performance, it could be seen that what Lin Chen reasoned should be Eighty-nine are inseparable.

Zhuo Zishan's silently rolling tears and bloodshot eyes are not something that can fall and appear with good acting skills.

In the questioning voices of Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian, Zhuo Zishan slowly turned his head to face them, opened his lips, and said word by word: "Yes, everything Lin Chen said is correct. , you two beasts, I have been playing with applause."

"Usually, you bully others in a ruthless manner. How does it feel to be a prisoner now?"

"You, you..." After Yan Zong heard Zhuo Zishan's admission, his whole body was shaking with anger, and the broken palm was raised to point at Lin Chen, but he couldn't say a complete sentence.

"Zhuo Zishan, you son of a bitch, am I kidding you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" Although Yan Pengtian lost his teeth, his speech leaked, but at this moment, he had blue veins on his body. Violently, he wanted to stand up from the interrogation chair several times, and yelled angrily at Zhuo Zishan.

Compared to the anger of the father and son, Zhuo Zishan's face was full of mockery.

She looked at Yan Zong and said, "Yan Zong, it's been 21 years, 21 years, I've been waiting for today for 21 years!"

"You, you bastard, you bastard, if I knew you were like this, I shouldn't have sent you to the Public Security Bureau, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, he was beaten by Lin Chen. The wound had already been stitched up, but because of the excitement and anger at the moment, the wound collapsed again, and blood flowed from his crotch.

At this moment, Yan Zong realized what it was like to be mad at the moment. He had trusted his daughter for so many years, but 21 years ago, he was about to push him into the abyss.

He hated Zhuo Zishan, and he hated himself for not seeing people. He had seen Zhuo Zishan's wolf ambitions earlier, and he would not be like this now.

"21 years?" Lin Chen looked at Zhuo Zishan and said, "Your information shows that you are 28 years old this year, and you hated Yan Zong for 21 years, that is, when you were about 7 years old, you started planning this The day has come."

Zheng Yong, Li Guo and others were surprised that Zhuo Zishan actually hated Yan Pengtian for 21 years. What did Yan Pengtian do to Zhuo Zishan's mother and daughter back then could make the hatred buried for 21 years.

"Yes." Facing Lin Chen's words, Zhuo Zishan said, "Since I was 7 years old, I hated the death of Emperor Yan Zong, and I wished the entire Yan family died. Yan Zong's dirty blood, as long as Yan Zong and the entire Yan family can die, it doesn't matter if I die."

"Zhuo Zishan, my mother is right, you savage bitch is not a good thing, your mother is a bitch, and you are also an out-and-out bitch." Yan Pengtian scolded road.

"Beast, beast." Yan Zong raised his finger at Zhuo Zishan and roared, "You are a beast with no conscience. How many years have I raised you and how much effort I have spent on you, this is how you treat me and repay you in this way. mine?"

Zhuo Zishan did not respond to Yan Pengtian, but said to Yan Zong: "I have no conscience? How much effort did you spend on me? Yan Zong, I tell you, I will never forget that night, you left me in my body. The dirty thing, and the scene where my mother took me to the hospital the next day, who was still bleeding."

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