1015 Handmade Works【Subscribe】

It was a sunny afternoon. That day, Zhuo Zishan and her mother were doing handicrafts in the small rental house. That was the homework that the kindergarten teacher asked Zhuo Zishan to do at home.

The kindergarten teacher said in class that the handicraft work should be done with parents and with the help of parents, and children should not use scissors.

But Zhuo Zishan didn't have a father, or every time her father came, it wasn't to see her, just to vent on her mother and leave, she was like an insignificant accessory.

Zhuo Zishan and her mother had been busy for a long time, and finally finished the handicraft work. Her mother showed her a sweet smile and praised Zhuo Zishan for her awesomeness and beautiful work.

Zhuo Zishan was very happy. She waved her handicrafts and said to her mother, "I made it well. I'll show it to my father when Dad "May [-]" comes next time."

Zhuo Zishan's mother felt sad when she heard what her daughter said.

At this time, the door of the rental house was knocked on, and Zhuo Zishan's mother walked over to open the door when she saw someone knocking on the door.

When the door opened, a group of people rushed into the house. Those people beat Zhuo Zishan's mother. She was bruised all over her body, bleeding from her nose and mouth, and was in a state of embarrassment on the ground.

Zhuo Zishan cried and yelled to tell those people not to hit her mother, but her shouting didn't have any effect at all.

After those people finished fighting, Yan Pengtian's mother walked up to Zhuo Zishan's mother, she raised her hand and slapped Zhuo Zishan's mother, scolded her as a bitch, seduced her husband, and even spent her husband's money. .

Zhuo Zishan's mother was honest by nature. She was beaten by Yan Pengtian's mother.

After Yan Pengtian's mother beat Zhuo Zishan's mother for a while, her attention fell on the little Zhuo Zishan reaching out.

She beckoned to Zhuo Zishan: "Come here."

Zhuo Zishan walked over, and Yan Pengtian's mother raised her hand and slapped her fiercely, causing Zhuo Zishan's face to be deformed.

Yan Pengtian's mother scolded: "A little bitch born to a bitch, a bitch has a bit of beauty. Sure enough, your little bitch looks good too."

Zhuo Zishan's mother cried and begged for mercy: "If you want to hit me, don't hit my daughter, I beg you."

Yan Pengtian's mother was indifferent, and after beating Zhuo Zishan for a while, she let Zhuo Zishan go.

The young Zhuo Zishan thought that the bad guys would leave after the fight, but then she saw Yan Pengtian's mother and asked those people to strip off her mother's pants, leaving them naked.

Then Yan Pengtian's mother kicked and stepped on her mother's crotch with her high heels.

Zhuo Zishan's mother's crotch was beaten so badly by her that Yan Pengtian's mother scolded: "Let you seduce my husband, bitch, bitch, see how you seduce men in the future. ."

In front of Zhuo Zishan, Yan Pengtian's mother humiliated and beat her mother like that, and in front of Zhuo Zishan, tore up the handicrafts that the mother and daughter had been busy doing for a long time.

After the fight, Yan Pengtian's mother left with a swagger.

Zhuo Zishan cried and crawled up to her mother and said, "Mom, you're bleeding a lot, I'm so scared, let's call Dad, shall we?"

Zhuo Zishan's mother was pale, and stretched out a trembling hand to touch her daughter's face: "Dad is busy, don't disturb him, mother is fine, mother is in good health, and will be well soon."

Zhuo Zishan didn't understand why her father was so busy, but how did she know at that time that Yan Zong was under the control of his wife at that time. Zhuo Zishan's mother and Zhuo Zishan were in his heart, and they were not worth mentioning at all. , the result is the same, at most Yan Zong will say: "Go to the hospital yourself."

After Zhuo Zishan's mother was injured, it took more than a month for her to recover.

During this period, Yan Zong didn't see her once. After learning that she was healed and could have sex, he came to be gentle.

Zhuo Zishan's mother thought about leaving this man, but this man was too powerful, and he would not allow her to leave. After she left him, life would be even more difficult.

Before the age of 7, Zhuo Zishan was incomprehensible and dissatisfied with Yan Zong's father. She felt that Yan Zong was not a good father.

When he was 7 years old, the nightmare in Zhuo Zishan's life came.

That night, Yan Zong drank a lot of wine, and with the help of his subordinates, he went to the small rental house.

Yan Zong threw Zhuo Zishan's mother on the bed and started doing that kind of thing, but he didn't seem to be enjoying himself. He fell asleep when he saw that he had just finished taking a shower, with the scent of shower gel all over his body. After Zhuo Zishan's death, he stretched out the devil's claws to Zhuo Zishan. . .

Zhuo Zishan's mother tried her best to protect the 7-year-old Zhuo Zishan, but Yan Zong was so tall, how could she be a little woman who could resist.

In the end, in her sleep, Zhuo Zishan was brutally attacked by Yan Zong's father. That night, her small body couldn't bear it, and she fell into a coma. The next morning, she was bleeding profusely, and was taken to the hospital by Zhuo Zishan's mother. .

Zhuo Zishan's mother cried very sadly in front of the hospital bed, Zhuo Zishan stretched out her little hand, wiped her mother's tears, and said, "Mom, don't cry, I don't feel pain."

Zhuo Zishan's mother has thoroughly seen Yan Zong as a beast. She can bear the grievances in the past by herself, but when Zhuo Zishan is involved, that is the bottom line of everything she has.

Since that incident, Zhuo Zishan's mother's spirit began to be in a trance, until one day long after the incident, Zhuo Zishan's mother suffered a car accident and died, leaving the little girl Zhuo Zishan.

On the night of being raped by Yan Zong, on the day that Zhuo Zishan's mother left in a car accident, a seed of revenge was buried in Zhuo Zishan's heart.

After Zhuo Zishan's mother died, Zhuo Zishan went to stay with his distant relatives. Yan Zong seemed to feel that his daughter was pitiful. To Zhuo Zishan, I care about her 4.1.

The night that Yan Zong raped Zhuo Zishan, Zhuo Zishan was asleep, and when she woke up, Yan Zong pressed her face with a pillow. Yan Zong thought that Zhuo Zishan did not know that the person that night was himself, Thinking that a little girl might have forgotten about this, he didn't care.

It's just that when he committed a crime against Zhuo Zishan, Zhuo Zishan saw through a gap in the pillow that the person who hurt him was his biological father.

Zhuo Zishan's hatred for Yan Zong, Yan Pengtian's mother, and Yan's family has not diminished for a day. Since childhood, she has some maturity that her peers do not have.

After she grew up, she felt that she could take revenge, and she found Yan Zong to help Yan Zong and stay by his side, but Yan Zong made the worst decision in his life, taking Zhuo Zishan Sent to be a police officer. .


1016 Everything that happened [2 more for subscription]

When Zhuo Zishan entered the Public Security Bureau and began to help Yan Zong to do those illegal things, she knew that her chance to push Yan Zong and the others into the abyss began.

For Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian's family, Zhuo Zishan will unconditionally fulfill the requirements and help they need.

Yan Zong and the others did illegal things, and Zhuo Zishan wanted them to leave evidence for everything, so that they would have the opportunity to break them in the future.

However, Yan Zong and the others are all veterans. After doing illegal things, their aftermath work and their ability to clean up evidence are all perfect, and they will hardly leave any criminal evidence.

So, Zhuo Zishan put his mind on the phone recording, because every time Yan Zong and the others asked Zhuo Zishan to do things, most of them called her to inform her.

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